My dreams are my reality

Hoping for a quiet weekend, at home with a whole lot of nothing going on. As of now, our plan is that Woody and I will be flying out to Philidelphia on Tuesday with Ronan. We will meet with Dr. Mosse at Chop and we are talking about making the drive to New York to meet with Dr. Kusher once again. We are going into Chop with an open mind and are hoping they can give us some answers as to why we should choose them with the life of our son. I have no doubt they are qualified, but as I have said in the past, there is something about Dr. Kushner that I trust wholeheartedly. I feel the same way about him that I feel about Dr. Adams. Complete trust and as if they are the best at what they do. Maybe I will get this feeling from Dr. Mosse as well. It is worth a shot and it is an option we have to explore. Ronan seems to still be feeling well and his ANC counts were 1600 today which is great news. Hopefully they will continue to stay this high so flying next week won’t be a problem. We will go to the clinic on Monday to have his levels checked again and I am pretty sure they will end up giving him a transfusion of blood for the trip. Praying that he stays well so we can get him out to Philly and New York and find the answers we are looking for.

I am so tired tonight. Ronan is asleep next to me and I am not going to have any trouble curling up beside him and falling asleep. I have been sleeping better lately, but still having my very real dreams. It is so funny how my dreams and reality are pretty much the same now. My dreams at night are all about what we are going through and the choices we are going to have to make. I’ve said before, I never get a break from what we are going through…. not even in my sleep. Maybe that is why I’m so exhausted during the day. No matter how hard I try, I cannot escape even for a second what we are up against. I’m o.k. with this…. it just means I know my entire body, spirit and mind are fighting 24 hours a day for Ronan. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am his mama bear, I will fight for the rest of my life for him.

That is all for tonight. Hope you all have a beautiful weekend. G’night to all of my loves out there; you know who you are. I love you all so much.


4 responses to “My dreams are my reality”

  1. I pray for the faith of Jesus to come your way. In His name amen.

  2. Thinking about you this weekend and praying for a quiet, peaceful, fun-filled weekend for you and your boys. Hoping counts stay up for flying Tuesday and you find something good in Philly. Sending lots of love.
    COLE Prayer Team

  3. I read you blog from the first entry to the most current over the last two days. I found it through my cousin’s facebook, her two and half year old son Caden is fighting leukemia. Ronan will beat this, he is a fighter who comes from a family of fighters. You guys will win. I hope his counts stay high for the flight and that you find the right path for Ronan and your family.

  4. You do NOT know who I am but I have followed your precious boy’s blog and I am so praying for him and your family. I wrote to you once before as I am very close friends with Emily Snell and although I don’t know you…..I continue to pray for this battle you are fighting. You are amazing and your stories touch my heart……and your son……so adorable…..need I say more???

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