When all else fails, go to a concert. Even when all you want to do, is hide under the covers.

Happy 4th of July, Ro baby. This is our second one, without you. Today was o.k. We didn’t put much pressure on making sure we were doing the traditional celebrating of the 4th of July. Traditional seems funny now, so we just kind of make up our own ways to get through the day. We all slept in. Macy is here and I always sleep better when she is around. She’s sleeping in your room which brings me comfort as well. We all slept in. We woke up and decided to go for Mexican food. It was a rainy day here which you know I loved. It made me smile. I had a little break down 10 second cry fest when I found myself in your closet, with Macy, grabbing sweatshirts as I keep most of my winter things, in with yours. We were smushed together, in your closet, with your little clothes, hats, and shoes surrounding us. “I can’t be in here,” Macy said as tears started to form. I just told her I knew and we grabbed our things and got out of your closet as fast as we could. Your brothers and daddy were waiting for us so there wasn’t much time to let the tears pour that were wanting to so badly. I had to pull it together for everyone despite the fact that all I really wanted to do was curl up in a ball in your closet and not come out for the entire day. I didn’t. We went for Mexican food like we had planned. After that we came home and Macy and I ran out the the grocery store. I know you know how much I used to love to cook. It was one of my favorite things to do. I don’t do it very much anymore. It’s hard for me to concentrate on things and cooking for everyone, while you are dead, makes me sick to my stomach. It’s one of the mental blocks in my head that I just can’t seem to get past. I was determined today to make your daddy and brothers a good meal. I grabbed my Julia Child cookbook and jotted down a recipe. I spent the rest of the afternoon/evening cooking away in our kitchen while I listened to the sounds of Macy’s giggles, Quinn begging to help, while your daddy and Liam played some video game. Your daddy kept saying how good the house smelled but I can honestly tell you, I couldn’t smell a thing. I felt like I was on autopilot mode as all I wanted to do was make it through cooking dinner, without burning a thing due to my brain that forgets to pay attention a lot. Mission complete and all I heard was how good everything turned out. It was bittersweet to spend the day cooking away without you sitting on the counter, to help me the way you used to love to do. I miss that so much.

I started that post a few days ago, little man. Much has happened since then. I had a board meeting. I spent much of the day, cooking away for it as we had it at our house where much of our meetings, take place. Macy is still here. She helped me in the kitchen all day. The meeting was great and really productive. A lot of decisions were made in regards to the event we are having for your on September 29th here at The W Hotel in Scottsdale. I think it is going to be really, really great. Our lovie, Charisma, offered to fly in and host the event for us as we wanted to have a celebrity host. I was so relieved when she offered to do this for me. It means so much to me having her be a part of this just for so many reasons but the biggest one of all being that she really knew you, loved you and continues to be such a strong support system in my life. I am excited about the plans we are putting in place. More on that as we figure them out. I promise to keep you all in the loop:)

Yesterday was a hard day for some reason. I dropped your brothers off at basketball camp and ran some errands with Macy. We stopped at Rita’s for a bit to talk about some things with her and see that little Dragon of hers as well. I played Star Wars with him on the floor and he made me be Master Yoda. You would have liked it. It was too much for Macy to watch so she had to leave the room. Little Dragon went down for a nap and I joined Macy and Rita in the livingroom. I guess I was being quiet. Rita looked at me and said, “Are you going to cry?” I put on my tough face and said, “No. I’m just thinking.” Lies. I had been on the verge of a massive tear fest all day long. We left Rita’s as we had some things to do before our Foster the People concert. I was driving in the car with Macy and it was pretty quiet. We were listening to some C.D. that I had playing. One of my favorite songs came on, “Silver Coin,” by Angus and Julia Stone. Macy said how she had never heard the song before. I told her how it was one of my favorites. We listened and soon my face was covered in the wet, salty tears that I am so familiar with as they sometimes never seems to stop. She looked over at me, didn’t say a word, and just started rubbing my shoulders and held my hand. I knew she was crying too. We pulled over in the Biltmore parking lot and just sat for a good 45 minutes, not talking much at first, but just crying for a long time. We stayed that way until Rita got to our car as we were supposed to meet her for a little girly time, before the concert. Rita looked at me in the car and said, “Why do you always say you are o.k., when you are not?” I just told her, “Because I am never o.k.” The tears continued to fall and the plans that we had, were changed. A new plan of some girly time on a couch at a restaurant happened instead where we sat and talked, laughed, and cried. I was not feeling like going to the concert at all. Rita told me that I didn’t have to go. I told her yes I did. Because if I didn’t go, I would die. She said she knew. She got my metaphor.

We parted ways and all met up at our house. A group of us went to the concert. Me, your Daddy, Macy, Rita, Danielle, Dave, Stacy, Kenny, Carolyn, and Cory. My sadness was still heavy but I was able to let go of it during the night for a bit to get lost in the world that I love and adore so much. Music. My escape. My heart. My happiness. It destroys me that you never got to hear Foster the People as their C.D. came out after you passed away. I know you would have been just as obsessed with them, as I am. I spent the rest of the evening singing and dancing my heart out with the friends that I am so lucky to have. It was just what I needed lift the heaviness that I carry around with me 24 hours a day. It’s morning now. I am hoping today will be a little less sad. I am thinking I see some inferno hiking happening. Macy has been begging to be introduced to it. Today will be a good day as you know that exercise is one of the things that makes me feel better.

I love you, little man. I hope you are safe. I miss you so very much. I’m so very sorry.


4 responses to “When all else fails, go to a concert. Even when all you want to do, is hide under the covers.”

  1. I hope today is a good one for you Maya! I’m glad you have such wonderful friends! I’m sorry about your Ro. Love to you today! Thinking of you, xoxo

  2. Glad you got to the concert, glad you have such amazing friends, glad to be a part of the FU Cancer community. Love you

  3. Thinking of you and Ro. Always Rockstar Ro!!! RoLove!!! So glad you have NYMacy by your side. Can’t wait to hear all about the event happening in Sept.

  4. Lots of love sent your way, as always. Keep fighting, can’t wait to hear your news coming up in September. I know it will be huge…just like the love you had for Ronan. It’s going to be amazing, I just know it.

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