Life is suffering




Ronan. San Diego summer is over. Our first summer without you. We are heading back to Phoenix. Time to get back to reality. Time to try to start a new life, a different life. Time to try to figure out what this is going to look like. As much as I don’t want to, I have to. This summer was a complete and total blur. I feel like I’ve done a lot of crying. A lot of thinking. A lot of nothing but just allowing myself to feel the sadness that I feel from losing you. It was a place that I needed to be in, a place that I had to allow myself to drown in for a couple of months. I am trying my best to get my mind set in a different mode. I am trying to do my best to pick up these pieces that are shattered all over the floor. As of now, I have to do this for your brothers if no one else. I hope there will come a time in my life when I will start living for myself again, but I’m still not there. I’m still jaded, guarded, numb, mad, sad, angry and scared. But I have also found that with all of this I am able to feel glimmers of love, passion, laugher, peacefulness, and happiness. If anything, being able to feel myself feeling these things again, is saving me. Saving me from drifting off into a place that I do not want to go. Ever. My fighting spirit, and your fighting spirit will keep me going. I’m not giving up on you and I am determined to make a difference in this world. I am determined to make the most of this life without you. You wouldn’t have it any other way.

I met about a dozen beautiful people this summer who have been so touched by you and who are willing to help me with whatever I need to help make a difference. They all inspire me and I truly believe they will be behind me on this journey. I cannot wait to see the beauty that comes out of all of this love. I’ve taken the time to really soak up some things that have been said to me, but by one person particular. One person who knows truly knows the pain of losing a child. This one person who took the time to let me in, no questions asked. Who took the time to let me cuss, cry, to question and second guess everything; but somehow managed to shine a positive outcome on every fucked up thing that came out of my mouth. Normally, I would have thought this all to be bullshit, but this person doesn’t work this way. This person has shown me that I really do have two choices. To crawl up and die or to continue to fight and relearn how to live my life in a way that makes me happy. Full of passion, strength, happiness, light and love. I’m not going to fight the days that I do want to crawl up and die, because I know that I will have them. I am going to continue to be true to myself and I know how quickly everything can change, but I know that i do want to go on. I do want a life. I truly do have so many people to go on for. So many people who I want to make proud, so many people who I want to help, so many people who I want to make realize what really is important in life.
I don’t know what the future holds and I so used to think I had it all figured out. I remember the way your daddy and I would talk about our perfect life and the perfect picture we had mapped out. It’s been really hard to watch everything we thought was true, be completely ripped to shreds. Out of all the cliché sayings in life, the one that now holds the most meaning  to me is to live everyday to the fullest because as I have now learned, life can be over in the blink of an eye. It shouldn’t be this way, but it is. As much as I hate to say this, life is suffering. As much as I am angry at what has happened to us, the fact of the matter is, it has happened and no amount of anger, sadness, and bitterness is going to bring you back. Our outcome, our life of losing you, will never change. I have no control of that but I do have a little control over the way I choose to live my life now. I don’t want to be “the mom,” who lost you and who let it destroy everything. I don’t want to be looked at as “the mom,” who can’t survive this. I want to be looked at as the mirror image of you, someone who possessed such strength and love. Who took on the world with such fire and passion and who never gave up. I’m not done with this world as I have too much to fight for.
I once had Mr. Sparkly Eyes tell me that one of the things about me, that left him the most curious, is the way I seem to live the life of half child and half adult. I thought about this for a minute, and I didn’t argue or take offense to it. I simply looked at him and told him, I had always been that way. I feel like you were me in every part of this way. And now I am you. We are one. I like the innocence and wisdom the we both possess and I truly do feel like we have lived this life before, together, in the way that I feel like you were mine for a hundred years even though your time on this earth was so short. I don’t want my innocence to be lost in all of this but I now know that it is going to take on a different meaning in my life. I feel like I was put here on this earth to be more than what I am. I feel like you will help me to achieve this as there is now a fire that burns inside of me even as I sleep. I know nothing is going to get done in this world by hiding under the covers. I’m not completely ready to face the world, but I feel a little more ready than I felt a couple of weeks ago.
Ronan. I wrote all of that in the car while we were driving home. I blasted the music that would make me the happiest (Britney, of course) on my headphones. I tried to keep the tears to a minimum as I clutched your blanket so hard that my fingers turned blue as we drove past PCH. I swear I saw the two of us, in the old hospital building, on the 6th Floor staring out the windows like we used to do to watch all of the busy people going by. I started to bawl. I would give anything to be back in that hospital with you. I felt like pounding on my window and jumping out of the car to run up to the 6th floor just to see if you were really there. I didn’t. I stuffed my tears into your blanket instead and sniffed it to see how it smelled. Fresh and clean, just how you loved it after I would wash and dry it. You would sniff it in and take you fingers and rub them back and forth on your blanket while holding it up to your face. I cried for all of the other babies in there too. I no longer get to drive past and only think about how pretty the colors and lights are. What a fool I was. What a selfish, unaware person I was. I’ll never be that way again.
We made it home. I’m more of a wreck than I thought I would be. Crying everywhere. In my room. Holding your ashes. In your room, on your bed. Looking at your little easel that you had taken pen on and colored all over the chalkboard part of it, instead of using chalk. That will be your last drawing on that easel. I’m going to save it forever. My head is spinning at looking at all of your stuffed animals you slept with in your bed. I just want to lay there with them forever. I had to take my Ambien. I have to pass out because all of this is too much right now. I thought I was going to be able to do this, but was I fooling myself? I feel back I’m right back to where I started and the pain may feel even worse. I need to go to sleep, Ro. Before I start writing crazy shit on here. Before I start to go off on the whole God and Devil thing. Before I start to go off on the person who told me I won’t see you if I don’t believe in God. Fuck that shit. I’ll save this rant of mine for later. I had a pretty positive day, until now. Now, it’s time to go into my dreamless sleep. Maybe in your bed, with your things surrounding me.
We are home. But it will never be home sweet home, again. I love you Ronan. My heart hurts. My head hurts. My fingers hurt. My eyes hurt. Everything hurts knowing that you are not here. I love you, little man. I love you to the moon and back and I hope you are safe. G’nite baby.

20 responses to “Life is suffering”

  1. I feel your pain, and I wish you did not have to go back to reality. Hang in there, keep your chin up, you are doing quite well. Your blog is a reminder to me to be very grateful for my own family. Thank you for that. I have lost people very dear to me, and even though Im not sure about god, I feel like I will meet them again one day. People can be so rude and ignorant sometimes. I wish you and your family the very best. Xxx

  2. a gramma fighting for another little one Avatar
    a gramma fighting for another little one

    The army is still walking with you, Maya. General Ro is rallying the forces for his mama. sending you love

  3. Our thoughts, love and prayers go out to your entire family. Sorry that it is so hard right now, I do feel your pain. I hope the hummingbirds will visit you. All our love to your entire family.

  4. Rockstar Minion Avatar
    Rockstar Minion

    major maya & general ro! love it, now tell us troops what we need to do! you DO have an army behind you!

  5. Oh Maya…thinking of you all everyday! You are stronger & braver than you know. Hang in there girl!

  6. Maya, xoxoxo my heart is hurting for you! If I could turn back time I would. But I know you will continue to heal and I am here for you every step of the way! xoxoxo

  7. Maya, I am sorry, I think of you and Ronan everyday. I just have to believe that one day, happiness will start to creep back in. Since Ronan’s little soul was born out of yours, I think some essence of it must be there still, with you forever. I won’t ever forget him, or all the lessons I learned from you both.

  8. Maya… We are all right here trying to hold you up when you need us!
    Rockstar Ronan is beside you. Guiding you. Walking hand in hand.
    Peace and strength. Thinking of you, Ronan, Woody, Liam and Quinn.
    How are Liam and Quinn holding up being back to Phx…back to your home?

  9. Maya~ I have no doubt in my mind that you will see Ronan again, regardless of what you believe or don’t believe….I believe that you two are connected now and will forever be. I have learned through your experience that no one who has lost a child should have to be judged or given advice on such personal things. Consider this a free pass (not that you needed one ;)) to continue to be who you are and believe what you believe. Praying for you always…xoxo

  10. Thinking of you of during your transition back to Phoenix and starting a new life without your sweet Ro. We’ve all got your back and are ready to help in any way we can… even from afar!

    One super duper big hug from Michigan,

  11. God picked a rose to nurture in his room. He saw a mother’s tears and knew the bud had been her bloom…

  12. Maya, you and Ronan and your beautiful family are in my thoughts every day. I can’t imagine how shattered your big mama heart must be. As I’ve said before, sometimes I just have no words. My son Elijah makes these silly faces and it reminds me of the faces that Ronan makes in some of your pictures, it makes me smile so big. Looking forward to going to Sauce on Tuesday… anything I can do to support your family and the Ronan Thompson Foundation.

  13. You are in Ronan, Ronan is in you. All the great memories that make you smile. Quinn and Liam will keep those memories alive by talking about him and just being the boys that they are. What a blessing that Ronan was in your lives. No one wants to give up the person or things we love. With or with out a god, Ronan is with you and your family, he will be forever.
    I came to believe that when a person dies a new star is born in the sky. When my Grandma died in Nebraska, and I had just found out, crying I walked out in to the backyard. I wanted to see the same sky that she had over Nebraska. I looked up thru tears and such sadness, for she was my anchor and was my confidant, my strength in life. A gentle soul. There was the brightest star in the sky overhead. I knew it was her, telling me she was at peace and safe. She still loved me the most and would forever be in the night sky when I needed her. Every time I see that bright star I see her sweet face and feel a calm come over me. I miss her every day. I was lucky to have her far in to my adulthood. It has now been 13 yrs since her death and I cry as I write this but I feel her and it makes me smile. I want to be somebody’s Granny and give them the love and support and fabulous memories that every child deserves.
    I saw the documentary Buck at the theater yesterday and the final song in the film was “Just Breathe” Eddie Vedder. I thought of you.
    As always luv and hugs.

  14. Thinking of you today and always. Hoping that wave the of peace and strength you keep getting a glimmer of shines as bright as Ronan does in my skies. I still wish I was magic and I could fix all of this with a wave of a wand. I pray for peace.

  15. Hello again Maya,

    I don’t know if this is an appropriate movie to suggest to a grieving mother, but I watched Charlie St. Cloud last night, and it’s a sweet, interesting take on “the afterlife.” Plus, Zac Efron isn’t too hard on the eyes:)


  16. Liking the new format. =)

    Ummm… trying to stay upbeat and positive… I know! Here are some jokes from my favorite comedian Mitch Hedberg:

    I wanted to buy a candle holder, but the store didn’t have one. So I got a cake.
    Mitch Hedberg

    I think foosball is a combination of soccer and shish kabobs.
    Mitch Hedberg

    When someone hands you a flyer, it’s like they’re saying “Here you throw this away.”
    Mitch Hedberg


  17. I just wanted to say that I am still praying for you so, so much and thinking of you Maya.

  18. Maya,

    Tomorrow it will have been one year since I lost a beautiful friend. I was standing tonight in my backyard watching the beautiful monsoon roll into Phoenix thinking about how much I miss him and wished he was around. All of the sudden, two hummingbirds flew right in front of my face, and I swear to you it looked like they were playing tag, definitely looked like two rambunctious boys :). I couldn’t help but laugh despite my tears. I know that losing a friend must be very different than losing a child but I thought I would share this with you because sometimes it is the its itty bitty ways they show us they are still here that makes the hurt just a smudge less. Thinking of you and Ronan. ❤

  19. Thinking of you every day…. my heart and stomach ache for you during this transition back to Phoenix…

  20. Maya, I have recently started reading this blog and have been unable to stop, My heart breaks for you and your family. Continue to write what you believe because that is what we need to here, keep it up!

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