59 responses to “This just keeps getting more and more amazing. Thank you, Taylor for fighting the good fight with us.”

  1. Taylor is romazing!!! So are you RoMama!!!
    Always Rockstar Ronan!!!

  2. Wow,Maya! Just wow! Your boy IS love!

  3. This is amazing!!! Get ready for the mass # of website hits you will be getting!!! :). Can’t wait, 2.5 more hours!

  4. Amazing!!!!!

    Sent from my iPhone

  5. FREAKING AMAZING! I get the chills reading that. I can’t wait to hear it! I’ll have tissues in hand!

  6. Right now in NYC Im standing up 2 cancer
    For my Dad and RONAN!!
    Can’t wait to hear Taylor Swift and her Romazing Ronan Song!!!

  7. I heard about 30 seconds (accidently on itunes) and I’m bawling at a my sons baseball practice. Love it!!! Can’t find it to watch now and it’s driving me crazy!!!

  8. That song was positively beautiful. I can’t stop crying. What an incredible tribute to you both.

  9. Oh Maya, I just watched and sobbed thru the whole thing. I can’t believe the mountains you are moving. Thank you, Ronan. Thank you, Maya. Thank you, Taylor. Thank you for your pure and true love. The song was just beautiful. Love you all.

  10. what a beautiful song for a beautiful little boy!

  11. OMG… just watched the song….tears… it is perfect and beautiful just like Ro. She did an amazing job. Youve changed my life maya. I will donate. Im so sorry…

  12. I watched Ro’s song…it was so beautiful. I’m still crying…I hate that cancer stole your baby. Her song was so beautiful and so heart wrenching hearing her speak your words that you spoke to your sweet boy. I’m so sorry Maya…so sorry. FU CANCER! Beautiful song…so proud of you for screaming so loud that you are getting noticed! Loved seeing sweet Ronan in the background when Taylor was finished, it was beautiful. You could see Taylor was about to start crying as well. Maya, you have no idea how many people you touch and are still touching with your incredible journey you were forced to take…you are amazing.

    Lots of love as always. Ronan was beautiful on stage.

  13. Maya,
    I know I just posted but WOW!!!!!! I’m speechless I just saw Taylor Swift sing RONAN!!! It was Romazing to the moon!!!
    You and Ronan are changing the world of childhood cancer!!! Thank you for opening your heart and allowing all of us to accompany you on this journey!!
    You truly are amazing!

  14. Wow watched Taylor through gobs of tears and so thankful you shared the most hurtful time of your life that it will now help so many in this ongoing cancer battle. Ronan continues to change lives I wish he was here to see just how many. Thank you. Sincerely a mom of 4 barefoot lovin boys and someone touched by cancer too many times to count. Kris menning

    Kris Sent from my iPhone

  15. Congratulations Maya and the entire Thompson family and board – Taylor’s song was ROMAZING!!!

  16. Amazing song sung by Taylor- Ronan’ and I know you will be the reason a cure is found! To the Thompson Family – Ronan should still be and for his loss I am deeply sorry. He has changed so many lives and will be the reason a cure is found!!!

  17. I cried the hole time she sang. She looked emotional as well.It was amazing and beautiful

  18. I’ve been following your story since the Love Letter to Taylor and I just want to say that Ronan’s song is absolutely beautiful. Taylor Swift is an absolute angel on Earth for all she is doing to help spread your story and to help make people aware. Seeing his little face up on that screen made me lose it. My heart is with you.

  19. I\’ve been following your story since the Love Letter to Taylor and I just want to say that Ronan\’s song is absolutely beautiful. Taylor Swift is an absolute angel on Earth for all she is doing to help spread your story and to help make people aware. Seeing his little face up on that screen made me lose it. My heart is with you.

  20. I just heard Taylor Swift perform :Ronan”. Then I read your blog. I can’t stop crying. What a beautiful special boy! I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what you have been through. Such a sad, tragic loss of a beautiful life.

  21. I sobbed through the entire performance. It was so beautiful. God bless you guys. God bless Taylor.

  22. The song is absolutely incredible. Left me crying and with goosebumps, knowing it was written straight from the words of your blog. What a beautiful tribute to you and Ronan. You WILL change the face of this disease– you certainly changed my life.

  23. I kept thinking, this is Ronan’s song, and it really was for him!! WOOHOO!!!!

  24. Beautiful song, I just bought it. I am so sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine what you have been through. Thank you for sharing Ronan’s story it has truly touched my heart.

  25. Taylor’s song was so amazing! I cried and cried. I am so sorry that Ronan died. I cannot imagine the pain you all have been going through. I hope that one day we will live in a world without cancer. Thank you for all you are doing to raise money and awareness.

  26. Beautiful song, I was drawn to find out who it was written about. Can’t wait to read all about him, what a beautiful boy!

  27. Wow…Romazing…still crying, perfect, perfect, perfect.

  28. I looked up your story after hearing Ronan by Taylor swift on stand up to cancer. I read the first few posts, the post the week before and after Ronan died and the recent ones. As a mom of a 4 year old and an 8 year old, I’ve always said that the worst thing in life would be to lose my child. I don’t know how you have survived the last 16 months. Day by day and for your other kids. What a powerful thing that Taylor found Ronan and you and wrote that song and so much money will be raised so hopefully others can be spared. Taylor may have written it but YOU did that. Ronan did that. He may be gone but you are still fighting for him. Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you so much.

  29. I heard Ronan’s song tonight. I am one of the many hits you will be getting. I cannot say I know the pain of losing a loved one to cancer, but I know the pain that cancer brings. My mom had cancer 15 years ago, when I was 4, and my grandma has cancer right now. I pray that you find comfort in the love and support that will be pouring in tonight and forevermore. I wish I could give more that my prayers and empathy but I can’t. Just know you will always have those things from me.
    – Ella

  30. I just saw Taylor sing Ro’s song. She is officially my favorite ROstar. The song is so beautiful and the fact that Taylor cried after singing made me not only cry like crazy but also made me see how impactful Ro’s life is. None of this would be possible without you mama Maya. Your voice is the reason we all feel his live. Thank you!

  31. I just heard the song on youtube and am absolutely speechless. Mountains are moving…

  32. I have never been to this blog before. I was brought here by Taylor Swift’s beautiful song. I cry for you and your loss. My thoughts go out to you, your family, and all other families with terrible tragedies such as this. I am in my third year of pharmacy studies and it is my dream to be a member of the field that will cure this terrible disease. It might be too late for your beautiful boy, but know that everyday we are getting closer. Tonight, I will pray for your boy.

  33. Wonderful song. Already bought on iTunes. Had me intrigued about Ronan that I had to see this blog, absolutely beautiful. My heart goes put to your family.
    I stand up for my mom (my angel), Ronan and all my St Jude angels and heroes!

  34. You and Taylor wrote the most beautiful song. I’m a mother of three, and my heart broke for you. God Bless You.

  35. This is too perfect.

  36. Ronan’s song is amazing!!! Brought my whole family to tears because all of the lyrics are straight from your heart and words spoken to Ronan. I also now think of Ronan when rain heads our way…like it did today. Your words remind me how lucky I am to be a mom and wife. Thank you for sharing your journey and mission with all of us.

  37. Just heard of Ronan tonight and am in love. He is the most beautiful little boy I have ever seen! I can’t imagine going through what you have in a million years and am inspired by him and your family so much. You are an inspiration and I hope to spread the word of the Ronan Thompson Foundation. Ronan is a lucky boy to have so many people who care about him! Amazing story and his song is beautiful! Stay strong!

  38. Lots of tears…SO amazing. To listen to the lyrics and then see Ronan’s picture was just surreal. Maya if this isn’t evidence of your sweet Ronan making a difference I don’t know what is!!! You and Woody should be so very proud of your son…and your entire family so very proud of you, for sticking to your gut and sharing what you needed to share, no holds barred. I couldn’t feel any more love for your family as I do right now! xoxo

  39. Mrs. Thompson, I can’t imagine all you have gone through in the past couple of years. I am 15 and don’t know what it is like to be a mother, but I know as a mother you would do anything for your children. I think it is absoultely amazing that you will be building the wellness center and I look forward to hearing more about it. I am a huge Taylor Swift fan and I think you well deserve the recognition. Before tonight, I did not know what Neuroblastoma was, but tonight I am so excited to see the day it is defeated forever. Thank you for exemplifying the great amount of courage and love that you have. I will be praying for the other children along with your family. God Bless!

  40. Wow, what an absolutely beautiful song for your sweet boy. You are moving mountains, Mama Maya. Keep shining.

  41. That song Taylor swift sang tonight on stand up for cancer was absolutely beautiful 😉 Ronan is so loved by so many and touches so man of our lives.

  42. What a beautiful boy. Thank you Taylor for bringing those soul piercing Ronan eyes to the masses. I have purchased the song and I predict I am but one of hundreds of thousands. Ronan, we know you in this life through this song.

  43. What an incredible story- and amazing vision that has been given to you as a gift— so that out of your love for Ronan —- you can touch other children’s lives and give thence a safe place to heal! Beautifully written song Taylor and Maya- 🙂

  44. Amazing! Maya, I have to be honest and tell you that I haven’t looked at your blog in several months. I think about you daily but really struggled reading it and hearing your pain, knowing that only time would mend your broken heart. I randomly tuned in to Stand Up Against Cancer tonight and immediately thought of Ronan, my hero. I cried with joy the moment Taylor started singing your beautiful words, simply magical. I’m SO happy to see you’ve found your purpose, for Ronan and the world! I look forward to seeing your vision come to fruition and will support this cause along the way. You are so inspiring and your words alone will provide other grieving parents with a sense of hope and purpose. Please make sure you offer a poetry class at your facility, taught by you 🙂 You and Ronan have forever changed me. Thank you for opening your heart and taking us on this journey with you.

  45. It has been 24 years since I lost my daughter to leukemia, and I just wanted you to know each year is a little easier but you will never forget the smile on their face or the sound of their voice. This is a wonderful thing you are doing.

  46. I not only bought the song, I have listened to it 20 times already! You are an amazing inspiration and no, I can never imagine what you and your family have been through. I am a breast cancer survivor and have alwyas held on to the thought that I have been through nothing… NOTHING…. compared with what a family… a mother… goes through when a child is so sick and they lose him/her. I have actually thanked God … I can deal with what happened. I don’t know if I would have your strength. “RONAN” was a beautiful tribute to Ronan, to you Maya, Woody and your boys and Taylor Swift did an absolutely beautiful job paying you that tribute. May God bless you and keep you in his strength and may you have that strength to continue fighting for the Childhood Cancer cause.

    Taylor is romazing!:)
    Im sorry for your lost:(
    It was so sad:(

  48. I was profoundly affected when hearing Taylor sing this song about your beautiful boy. I cried all night feeling the pain of your loss. I can’t imagine how all the people in the world that have experienced the loss of a child to cancer (or any reason) are able to recover. I gain strength from reading about your courage and perserverance and am very grateful to have 2 healthy boys of my own. After reading your blog and hearing “Ronan” last night I am forever changed. I will hold my children a little longer and tighter every chance I get. I hope your foundation gets the much needed exposure and donations it deserves. God bless you and your family.

  49. Kylie Pinsonneault Avatar
    Kylie Pinsonneault

    I spent all yesterday and most of the night reading your entire blog. With tears in my eyes, a salt-water stained shirt, and a box of tissues I managed to do it after I heard Taylor wrote a song about Ronan. I am love with Taylor’s song “Ronan”, and it aches me that the touching words and lyrics within her song are words that you have spoke. You are quite simply an amazing person and I wish more people in this world have the bravery, compassion, and LOVE that you undoubtedly have for Ronan and your family.

    Your blog has forever changed me as a person. God bless you and your family.

  50. Ronan’s song is absolutely beautiful, as I’m sure he was. You are such a strong woman and an inspiration to us all, as is Ronan. Hugs xox

  51. Carla Underwood Morant Avatar
    Carla Underwood Morant

    I’m a 42-year-old cancer patient. A single mom of two beautiful and amazing young kids. But last night, I gave up … then I happened across the telethon, heard Taylor’s beautiful song which led me to Ronan’s story. I’m back in this endless fight now because of his inspiration. If your llttle Ro can take it down to the wire then so can I. Thank you for him. **Hugz from Nashville**

  52. The song is utterly heartwrenching and sadly beautiful. What a tribute to your son…….

  53. How true that is. My family has never met yours Maya but your Ronan has inspired my 15 year old to make a very big decision! She has wanted to become a Dr. for some time now but after hearing Ronan’s story and hearing Taylor sing his song while she was in tears, she told me she wants to be the one to find a cure for childhood cancers! Your beautiful, blue-eyed baby boy has touched more people than youse ever know. Thank you for sharing his story with the world!

  54. maya your son was a beautiful little boy i first heard the song taylor wrote yday and i can’t stop listening to it i cry so much when i do though its so sad but a beautiful tribute too your son. god bless<333333333

  55. I dont even know Ronan, but then Taylor’s Song told me! 🙂 Be strong mommy maya! And to you Ronan, be happy wherever you are.. ❤

  56. What a wonderful tribute to your beautiful Son. My heart and prayers go out to you! My daughter was killed nine months ago by a drunk driver she was killed the day before her 17th birthday! The pain of losing a child is comparable to nothing. I have started a blog as well in search of support and help for the on-going open wound this leaves with us as parents. Thank you for sharing your story and Thank you Taylor swift for helping in what may be the start of a healing process for Ronan’s mom!

  57. Hi Maya! I can not express how touched I am by your story, I feel so much admiration for you, God has guided the best way to deal with their designs, you were blessed with Ronan and now full of blessings to us all with the beautiful seed that has left in his farewell. I think his mission on this earth and he was being fulfilled and will always be an angel who came to give blessings to this earth and you had the great blessing to have him with you these wonderful four years. My admiration for Taylor is huge right now and recently I know your story and I admire you very much!! Thanks for inspiring so many people’s lives and take farewell of Ronan in the best way possible! Blessings to you! I’ll pray to God every day for Ronan for the blessings he left!
    Blessings from Venezuela!

  58. […] This just keeps getting more and more amazing. Thank you, Taylor for fighting the good fight with us… (rockstarronan.com) […]

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