Leaving on a Jet Plane… without you.

Ronan. I’m leaving on a jet plane. Don’t know when I’ll be back again… Kidding, kidding. I am leaving on a jet plane, and I do know when I’ll be back again. I’m going to your favorite place in the world, besides our house. I’m taking your brothers to Nana and Papa’s, for the trip we’ve been taking since they were 6 months old. I don’t know how I feel about it. I never know how I am going to do going to places anymore. All that matters is THEY are so excited. All that matters is how THEY feel. I can put myself on hold. I feel nothing except numb. Your daddy asked me this week if I was excited to go. I just looked at him with my, “Really?” look. He then said, “O.k. excited is not the right word.” I told him all that mattered is that Liam and Quinn were excited. I think I will be good once I get there. The Pacific Northwest is good for my soul. And I do miss my parents. It will be nice to spend some time with them. It’s good for all of our souls as it warms my heart to watch your brothers playing the way I used to play when I was little. Lots of simple things. Everything outdoors. Mud. Rain. Picking berries. Splashing in rivers. Forest nature walks. Clean air. It’s calm, peaceful and quiet. All things I miss so very much. I like sleeping in my old bedroom where I grew up and not much has changed. I will miss you my little snuggle bug so very much though. You loved to cuddle up with me and we would always sleep with the windows open and fall asleep listening to the frogs, grasshoppers while the cool, crisp air lulled us to sleep. It’s fucking bullshit that you are now sleeping forever. Please hold on while I go and throw up. There has been a lot of that going on again, lately.

What has gone on this week? A blur of things. I remember a lot of conversations. Your daddy told me something while I was sleeping last night about someone’s son dying of an overdose of pills. Some celeb’s son. I don’t remember who. But I do remember asking your daddy what kind of pills they took. I remember him being mad/annoyed at my question, but I fell back into a deep sleep. Without my Ambien. Good girl, me. It’s been a week of tears. Bits of insanity in a totally sane world as sometimes I feel as if I am so alone that I am truly insane while everyone else gets to live in a sane world with all of their kids, safe and sound. I miss that safe/sane/happy/no REAL problems exist because everything can be fixed when you don’t live in a dead kid or my kid has cancer, world.

The conversations float through my mind that happened the past couple of days. Words that are always filled with pain. I got told that I looked peaceful. I tried not to cry. I smiled instead. “Well, I don’t feel peaceful, except for in this moment because I am around you and you make me feel that way.” I soaked up the peacefulness like someone who has not seen sunshine in months. I got asked why I was wearing my glasses. “Because they hide my tears better. Because after crying all day long, my contacts can only take so much. I like the world better when I can hide my eyes.” I got told you were missed. I said I knew and it hurt my heart. It breaks my heart over and over again. Not just for me, but for the others around you who loved you so much. I’ve decided that there is no totally fixing my broken heart. The second pieces of it start to get put back together, it just falls to the floor again to be shattered over and over again. I have come to find out that I think it will always just be this way. I often wonder if one day, my heart will just stop beating from all of this pain.


This is all for tonight, little one. I have to get up super early for a 6:45 a.m. flight where your brothers and I will leave your Daddy behind. I hate this so much. I’m so sorry you cannot come with us. I love you. I miss you. I hope you are safe. Sweet dreams, baby doll. xoxo

One of my favorite Washington pictures of you, you spicy little monkey. You were so mad at me for putting your brothers 4 wheeler in 1st gear, to go slower rather than 2nd gear, to go faster. You knew the difference at only 2 years old. Your little foot could hardly reach the gas as this was meant to be driven by 5 year olds, not a Baby Danger 2 year old. You drove this thing, all summer long. I miss you so much.

12 responses to “Leaving on a Jet Plane… without you.”

  1. He looks so mad in that photo!!! I hope you enjoy your time with your parents as much as you can possibly enjoy anything in this fucked up world xo

  2. Safe travels. Enjoy your time with your parents RoMama!!! (wish I had my parents I can go home to)

    Love that picture of Rockstar Ro!!!
    RoLove!!! Always Ro!! XO

  3. I love you mama! Go cause some mischief. Sing the song “I wear my sunglasses” when you are wearing your sunglasses. Enjoy the boys. Find some peace in the place you love.

    That quote. Is me. Sadness. For a different reason. Unhappily married with a perfect life. I have two healthy, happy boys. That’s all that matters. To me.

    I hope to visit the Pacific Northeast one day. It’s on my bucket list. 🙂

    1. Northwest…duh! 🙂

  4. Awwww…. His spicy personality just jumps right out of the picture at you. He is so very beautiful. I’m sure you’ve heard it many more times that you ever really care to, but I just do not know how you do it. I simply don’t. I cannot even imagine. It just is not fair, not right and not ok. My son passed way right before birth and it is so incredibly hard and hurts to the core. I never even got to see him alive, hear a peep out of him or get to know his personality. I was able to love him, but no to truly fall in love with him. I cannot imagine being able to do all of those things and THEN lose him. Especially after having to watch him suffer and go through more than any little child should have to go through. To me that is unbearable. And you are living that. I’m so sorry. That helps not at all, but still I am so incredibly sorry….

  5. Great photo of Ro!! 🙂 Hope you guys have a wonderful, safe trip! Much love to you! xoxo

  6. Oh, Ro…..bless his spicy little soul. That picture is just–I don’t know that I can find the right words–so I won’t eve try. Love him. Love you. May Washington bring you just what you need to get through this trip without your perfect baby boy. I am so sorry, Maya.

  7. Have a great trip and try to remember, in the midst of all the darkness thete is still light. So mamy great things and people in the world! Try to enjoy what you can when you can.

  8. It has been stormy up here in the Northwest (I’m up in Seattle). It must be preparing for your arrival and you bringing lots of fresh air to breathe. I hope the trip brings you some calm and love.

  9. Thinking of you everyday. It’s crazy to think that when I’m out and about, I see things that remind me of you and Ro and it breaks my heart. Enjoy being with your family. Love that pic of Ro! Lots of love sent your way and to your family.

  10. I’m so sorry Maya…. always and forever sorry. I hope the trip is good, even in the midst of the pain… I’m so so sorry…

    PS. I will be in town (Kelso/Longview) Wed thru Sunday this week too… I’m hoping I will run into you, even if it’s a small chance, still hoping. If I do, you’ll know it’s me when a crazy girl you’ve never met, bowls you over and hugs you bigger than life…. that will be me. 🙂
    And if not, I’m still sending you extra support, love, hugs just knowing we’re in the same town!! Enjoy your visit, as much as you can, through Liam and Quinn. xoxoxo

  11. Denna Fuentes Avatar
    Denna Fuentes

    My heart physically aches for you. love u, Maya

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