9 responses to “Johnny gets it.”

  1. Maya, this song plays in my head so often after I read your blog. Only the NIN version 🙂 Johnny is not the only one who understands.
    Much love to you and Ro.
    I hope (as I do every night) that you have sweet dreams of your little Rockstar. ❤

    1. I like the NIN original too. But I LOVE me some Johnny:)

      1. Oh me too! I had forgotten about this version until now, it is so good and sooo beautiful. And for what it’s worth, I absolutely believe that Ronan has been reaching out to you through music- and he has amazing taste in music, just like his mama.

  2. I love this song. It is real, like you. The photo below I almost missed and love the symbolism. It is beautiful. I hate that last date and wish I could erase it.

  3. Maya, I have missed your blogs for a few days so I have spent some time catching up today. You break my heart and seeing those blue eyes staring out a me from the screen never fail to bring tears to my eyes. But you know what the one thing that never fails to hit me is your strength – and however vulnerable you feel you still fight on. Your strength, your love and your determination will make childhood cancer a thing of the past. Ronan’s legacy is one of love and power and like many others I will walk with you along this long and bumpy road and hope that in some small way you can feel our hands holding you and our hearts sending love and warmth to you as you fight this battle. Oh and when my little boy and I sing twinkle twinkle we send a special twinkle to Ronan. I am sure there are thousands of others out there that do the same, so I am sure he hears us and knows he is in our thoughts. A sweet day to you with mountainous hugs. xx

  4. Love this song. “I hurt myself today, to see if I could feel..” True. True. True.

  5. I showed this photograph to my 4 year old, Jacob, and told him that this little boy’s name is Ronan and he said “That’s my superhero friend…”

  6. miss you ro!! xoxo

  7. I will continue to pray for peace. You are thought of often.
    I can’t wait to hear how a Floridian can get a bracelet!

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