No more plans…..just a new adventure

We started off the morning early as we got up and ready to take Ronan to St. Joe’s for his CT scan and RT. Dr. Maze met us at the Ryan House and then over at St. Joe’s just to make sure we were taken care of. He knew Ro did not need anesthesia, but came anyway to be supportive. After he got us settled, he left and we sat back in a room and waited for the CT scan to begin. Ronan did amazing, as always. He held perfectly still as they took pictures of his little body to decide where they would do the radiation today. After looking at the CT scan, Dr. McBride decided that Ronan’s pain is coming from his pelvic and hip area as the bones there have been eaten away at due to the Neuroblastoma. It is with radiation, that the neuroblastoma cells will be killed in hopes that the bone can heal back and Ronan’s pain will get better.

Thoughout this blog, I’ve always had a plan as far as what we would do with Ronan and his treatment. We chose what we thought was right, and I don’t have any regrets in the choices we’ve made; but it sucks when the plan you think you have in place goes arye. I’m done making plans for Ronan. We are going off for another adventure instead. This time, as long as Ronan remains stable, we will be leaving for San Diego on Sunday. Dr. Sholler has agreed to try something else for Ronan and we as parents, have decided to give it a shot. What do we have to lose? At this point, nothing. We are fully aware of the risks involved, but this is not the time to sit back and do nothing because we are afraid. I am more afraid of sitting back and watching Ronan get worse and worse as the days progress. Woody has been on the phone all day with different doctors all over the states and most seem to think this is worth a shot. We will be admitted to The Children’s Hospital of San Diego on Monday and we are praying that all goes well and Ronan can start treatment on Monday or Tuesday.

Here is a little info about Dr. Sholler and what therapy we will be trying for Ronan:

Dr. Sholler’s research focuses on new therapies for neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma. These neuronal tumors continue to be therapeutic challenges in pediatrics. Dr. Sholler has shown that Nifurtimox increases oxidative stress in neuroblastoma and induces cell death and decreases tumor size in xenograft models of neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma. Nifurtimox also decreases AKT phosphorylation increasing the cells sensitivity to chemotherapy. She is presently studying the mechanism of this drug, drugs effecting metabolic regulation and oxidative stress, and determining the best drugs to use in combination.

Dr. Sholler has completed a Phase I trial of nifurtimox. She has opened and is currently enrolling in a Phase II trial of nifurtimox in combination with cytoxan and topotecan for relapsed neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma patients. She will be opening this trial at other sites in collaboration with Dr. Roberts at Children’s San Diego, Dr. Ferguson at St. Louis University, Dr. Zage at MD Anderson Houston, and Dr. Eslin at MD Anderson Orlando. Within this consortium she hopes to bring new therapies through research to children with relapsed neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma.

Dr. Sholler’s lab is working in collaboration with Dr. Jeffrey Bond at the University of Vermont to understand the genomic differences within patients neuroblastoma cells. Understanding the specific biological profiles of patients neuroblastoma will lead to better understanding of the most effective treatment.

I am trying not to get my hopes up, but this just has to work. Our hearts were so broken when we left Chop as we were so sure MIBG therapy was the answer for Ronan. There are a couple of doctors who are advising against doing this, but there are also a few who are saying, “Why not.” Exactly. I’m not going down without a mother fucking fight for my son. I am not going to let him down as he deserves to be fought for like I’ve never fought before. Woody and I are both in total agreement on this; Woody is fighting just as hard, if not harder for our son. We will do anything we can at this point. There is nothing worse than sitting here, watching Ronan die. Because that is what he is doing. At least if we get him to San Diego, and try this clinical trial; the worse thing that can happen is ultimately, what is happening anyway. I don’t want him to die peacefully at The Ryan House while I sit here and just watch and wait. That’s not how this is going to go down. It’s not in our nature and it’s not in his.

As I have said before, we will not be cruel to Ronan and his needs. If for some reason, his pain gets worse within the next few days, we will of course re exam our decision. As of now, he is stable, his pain seems to be controlled, so we are going to take a huge leap of faith and do this. But it is not a plan at all. Plans always fly out the window. We are just following his lead on this journey of his and will do whatever we feel in our hearts that Ronan wants us to do. We want to take the twins with us, as we feel this is no time to be apart as a family. We need to be together for this part of Ronan’s journey. I’ve had enough of leaving them behind and so has Ronan. As long as we are together, Ronan will be happy and that is all that matters right now.

I got out of The Ryan House today and went to the twins’ baseball game. It was hard for me to be out in the real world, as always, but I did it for the sake of my twins. It’s hard for me to hear the conversations of others around me now as I hear bits and pieces of people complaining about the petty things in life. If they only knew how good they all have it. I kept thinking to myself about the baby boy whom I left back at The Ryan House, who is so sick with cancer and how we as parents, have been told that there is no chance for him to be cured. How am I supposed to go out into the real world anymore without it hurting so badly? All I wanted to do was run back to Ronan, to kiss him for the millionth time, tell him how lucky I was to be his mama, how sorry I was that he was hurting so badly, and promise him that we would get him better. I have been making this promise to him since day one. I did today for the sake of my twins’ but the sadness I felt while I was there was unbearable. Ronan should have been there with me, running around, getting dirty and watching his big brothers, play ball. I would give anything in the world to have those carefree days back with him.

I cannot sit here and wish for the past back though. The past is gone as we know it and we have to focus on the here and now and what we need during this time as a family. What we need is to be together and to continue to fight for Ronan. Each day that we don’t, we get closer and closer to losing him. He is just too special of a little boy to let go so easily. This next part of our journey is going to be hard, due to Ronan not feeling well anymore; but I know as a family, we can get though it. I’ve always loved the saying, ” Adventure is the spice of life.” It’s time to take on this new adventure and tackle it together with all the love in the world that surrounds us. I’m not giving up on hope, love, faith or Ronan. He is my baby and I know him best. I am going to listen to my heart and soul on this and we are going to turn this thing into the most positive adventure yet. If my son is going to die, it is not here and it is not now. I’m not accepting that this is the way he is supposed to go.

We have to be at the clinic early tomorrow for blood work and I’m assuming platelets for Ronan. I am also going to try my hardest to go to the twins’ school for the Mother’s Day Tea. Their little hearts will be broken if I do not show up. I have to be there for them and as hard as it is for me right now due to never wanting to leave Ronan’s side; I cannot let them down.

Ronan is sleeping peacefully so I am going to snuggle up to my little bug. Thank you all for sharing our story and loving us so much. I’ve tried my best to keep up on your comments as they mean so much to me. I am in awe of the love that surrounds us and will be forever grateful and inspired to be a better person because of all of you. So many of you love us without even knowing us. You’ve taken a leap of faith on our family and I feel you fighting right along with us. Thank you so very much. Sweet dreams my darling friends.


91 responses to “No more plans…..just a new adventure”

  1. We will fight right along with you!!!! Keep pulling strength from all of us.
    Ronan is loved by so many-you keep fighting and we will keep giving you the strength you need.

  2. patricia scalise Avatar
    patricia scalise

    each day i feel it more and more… are incredible parents…………….every child deserves parents like you……

    ronan………..i’m sending you love and only positive energy

  3. Good for you! Keep fighting.
    I hope you are also able to enjoy San Diego while you are there. The ocean seems to be able to heal many troubles,
    Blssings dear ones,

  4. New adventures are good! As always you & your family are in my thoughts. I’ve become seriously addicted to your blog & everytime I turn around I swear I’m telling your story or referring people to read your site . Can never ever spread the word & awareness enough! Sending prayers, love & hope to you & your beautiful family!

  5. Kick cancers ass little RO! I just feel it in my gut you are going to beat this. Maya and family stay strong, you are always in our thoughts and prayers. Much love, the berry family.

  6. I know you will never tire of hearing our messages of love and support. Even though you have never met most of us, we feel we know you and your family and love you all as our own. Just as you will not stop fighting for Ronan, neither will we. No matter what happens, we will get Ronan’s story out there and we WILL find a cure for this disease and change everything! Because we all love your beautiful family and are honored to be a part of the story of Rockstar Ronan.

  7. Marie Brigman Avatar
    Marie Brigman

    I AM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT THERE IS A TINY BIT OF HOPE!! It sounds like a plan and I love it! I really don’t like to comment when you and your family are faced with a decision because you are his family and who am I to add in my two cents. You are there with him and you know what the best choices are for your little “rockstar”. With that said, I am so happy that you made this choice. It’s worth a shot and you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.I always love the little sayings and quotes that you put on your blog so here’s one for you ( I don’t remember exactly how it goes but this is how I see it in my head when faced with obstacles and hard times…) “There are times in life that you sometimes will, feel the road that your traveling is all up-hill. When the funds are low and the debts are high and you want to smile but you have to cry. When care is weighing you down a bit. Rest if you must but just DON’T QUIT”. I will be praying for you, Ronan and your family that a miracle happens. Stay strong and confident in every choice you make because ONLY YOU AND WOODY know whats best for your unbelievbly strong baby boy.

  8. Is it Rady?

    You are an inspiration. It is a beautiful thing to watch you guys love your boy. Honesty & hope are hard things to hold hand in hand…hope should win out though. 🙂 We are praying for you, of course. Safe travels and once again…if you ever need anything during your visit, please get in touch.

  9. This is exactly why there needs to be awareness! So doctors, like the ones trying to help you, can make miracles happen. I’m hoping that this new adventure is what we’ve all been praying for!! You are doing what is best for your child .. for you and for him. You guys deserve to try everything .. why else are there options, right? No one should question your motives/plans/adventures because this is your life…your son…your decisions. Enjoy this Sunday because you are a wonderful mother!
    xoxox and prayers

  10. I am in constant prayer for Ronan and your family. As I do each task throughout my work day and go about each thing I have to do, your little boy is constantly on my mind, and I know I’m not alone. If it was through prayer and will alone, I know Ronan would be healed a thousand times over; he is so loved. I am always so in awe of your perserverance and strength. Keep fighting; YOU and Ronan have taught me so much these last few months.

  11. Sheryl Mobley Avatar
    Sheryl Mobley

    Way to keep fighting Maya!!! That’s great news. You have nothing to lose by moving forward. I can’t wait to hear about his recovery!

  12. Annie Johnson Avatar
    Annie Johnson

    I genuinly feel in my heart of hearts that this trial is what he needs!!!!!!!!! So happy his pain is under control. Please let us (as in the people who don’t know you personally) know what we can do to help. PRAYERS are being answered today girl!!!!!!!!!!!!! I admire everything that you’re doing for your son and at the end of the day NOBODY or NOTHING not even cancer can take that away!!!! Still praying 🙂

  13. YeeHaw…and AWAAAAAY we go! Next Stop, next adventure. You keep on fighting that fight as long as needed…your little man is worth it!

  14. It sounds like you have a good plan in place. Keep on fighting for Ronan…take those loaded pistols and the star wars men and kick some cancers ass!! My prayers will follow you on your journey, I will continue to pray for your beautiful blue eyed baby. Xoxo.

  15. Since I live in San Diego and have always loved my town, I’m glad you’ll be coming here for Ronan’s treatment. I’m praying this will be the miracle we’re all praying for. Childrens Hospital here will welcome you with open hearts for Ronan’s care. I hope he will be able to even get to the ocean with its whispers of calm and peace. It’s so horrible that any family has to go through cancer and childhood cancer is especially terrible. These brave little guys like Ronan show us big guys how to face such tragedies. Give him an extra kiss for grandmas like me who weep for him and you.

  16. Dearest Mama Maya,
    You are a hero to me. I cannot sleep at night until I see what you have written, to know how you and Ronan and your family are doing. Reading your story has caused me to reevaluate all beliefs and thoughts that I previously had about life. I see my children in a different light. And all of the silly things that used to seem like challenges to me in the daily grind of being a mother, now I see all of those things as the biggest blessings I will ever know. Your words, your strength, and the bond you share with your son are so awe-inspiring! Thank you for sharing that gift with me. I cry for you, I pray for you, and I know that there are so many others out here doing the very same thing right now. You and your family have touched many many lives. Love to you, beautiful Thompson family!

    1. Annie Johnson Avatar
      Annie Johnson

      well said, that’s exactly how I feel!!

  17. Marquita Ward Avatar
    Marquita Ward

    You are true blue parents for sure! God bless you all on your adventure!

  18. Lindsay Bennett Avatar
    Lindsay Bennett

    I was made aware of your fight from a friend on Facebook whose nephew suffers from the same horrible disease. I was instantly drawn to your tragically beautiful story. Your son is so incredibly endearing inside and out which is apparent through both your pictures and your descriptions of him. I would like to say thank you for the amazing example of strength you are; while others may lose hope in a situation like this you have stood strong and unwavering. You express all the time how lucky you are to have Ronan, and I cannot help but think how lucky he is to have you as well. Courageous Maya, please continue to find strength in your twins, your husband, your family and the people who have never met, yet still love and pray for your lovely family. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your precious son’s story. I am sending my prayers for you tonight, and I will send them to San Diego and for as long as you need them!

    Cancer would you please go fuck off, you are not welcome here, so you can kick rocks!!!

  19. I’m so happy that there’s new adventures in San Diego. I’m praying SD will give Ro the therapy he needs to be pain free. I’m praying SD can heal the lil boy with the most beautiful blue eyes that I’ve fallen in love with. Ro has captured my heart. Fight on Rockstar Ro! Positive thoughts. Strength and peace to your beautiful family. Kisses to Ro xo

  20. You and Woody are working as a team to fight for Ronan.! I feel very privleged to have been able to give you a hug of support and Ronan a little kiss a few days ago. I witnessed Woody making calls gathering information calmly. I was struck by his youthful looks and calm demeanor. I sat in awe of the responsibility you both have and the grace with which you both make your decisions. I know you have no other choice and would give anything for this to go away? The love of others offers you tremendous support. There is no question how much love surrounds your family! Your twins are beautiful boys. They were so cute at baseball. Another privilege I had the honor of witnessing. They are well cared for in your absence by Mimi and papa and this week, your mom and Jim. Prayers for you all as you continue this battle! Love, sister mary

  21. So glad to feel you’re better Maya. And as a Mom you are (in a way) better because there’s a way and there’s hope. Great to feel your old self ‘streaming’ through the lines I read in your last few posts.
    No shut doors, EVER! We can (and we must!) not just pray, but also hope and BELIEVE that our love and prayers can make a difference. That together we can create a new reality. I hope and BELIEVE we will. So many people a touched and involved (in many different levels).
    I am amazed by you as a person, as a Mom, and by the almost a-researcher-level-knowledge you acquired on this journey. Because you mention here you are willing to consider other treatment options, I couldn’t help but let you have a look at this (couldn’t help but think of Ronan while reading it): Wonder if there’s any strong research evidence backing it up. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not implying anything at all. I am strictly against the recreational use, but not against the use for medical purpose. When, and if needed. However, pain relief (in addition to symptom relief has been reported in many occasions).

    Love and light,

    Tanya oxox

    1. So glad you posted this Tanya! I immediately thought of Ronan when reading this too.

  22. Ronan, we are praying and thinking of you! I am soooo hopeful, sending you my best vibes, my prayers, my love, from the bottom of my heart. You can do this buddy!!!

    P.S. You have the best mommy in the world ❤

  23. Keep fighting. Stay strong. These doctors are coming up with amazing things. I let myself be sad every couple of days, but then get back up fighting. Praying for Ronan and your family to beat this.

  24. It’s the way you pour your heart and soul into this blog that has made us ‘all’ feel as though we know your family and for that I am thankful. Ronan has made me want to be a better person, Maya. I used to feel myself often getting stressed about the ‘little things’ my 4-year old would do…not anymore. Now, I just try to go with flow and enjoy the Thank You for that 🙂 I will be praying for good news in San Diego and for Ronan’s pain to lessen. And you are right…you know your baby best…it’s not his time yet. I truly believe that. Having faith, love and hope sent your way 🙂

  25. Maya, you sound very positive. I’m happy you and Woody have found a plan and together you fight for your Ronan. I’m sure it’s difficult getting out in the real world, but I bet your boys loved it! I hope you can make it to their tea tomorrow, but Maya you are only one person and your plate is full. If you do you do, if you don’t you don’t, no time to add guilt to this full plate of yours. You are doing a wonderful job balancing everything. At times each child needs you more, right now it’s Ronan. Your doing great, don’t doubt yourself, ever!

    Best of luck on your next course of treatment with Ronan.

  26. Hun, you do what you have to do for that little baby. You are his healthcare advocate. I would do whatever it takes to get that baby well. I will fly anywhere in the world for my son to be taken care of…..Be safe in your journeys…Kim

  27. Wow. What an adventure. If love and determination were all it took to win the best parent award, then you and Woody would be crowned king and queen of all parents. I’m so inspired by you both. I pray for Ronan nonstop and can’t get the picture of him with the flower and incredible eyes out of my mind.

    I always open my email right before bed hoping for a post from you or first thing in the morning. I can only thank you for allowing the world into your lives. After knowing your family for 8 months now I can’t imagine not reading your posts. You mention it often how loved you are but I don’t think you will ever know the depths of the hearts that Ronan has stolen all over the world. Keep up the good work and know you are loved.

  28. Trust in your instincts – you are AMAZING parents, heros to so many of us. Stay strong Ronan – you are a rockstar…

  29. Facing the Future
    Every journey begins
    With but a small step
    And every day is a chance
    For a new small step
    In the right direction
    Just follow your Heartsong

    by Mattie J.T. Stepanek

  30. Jennifer Tayman Avatar
    Jennifer Tayman

    Good luck on this new adventure! Ronan’s story and life thus far is MAGIC and I have all the hope in the world that magic is going to happen in San Diego! I continue to pray and hope for a miracle for your gorgeous little boy. Have a safe trip Maya and keep fighting, your determination is remarkable! Love & hugs from CT!!

  31. I pray this is the miracle everyone has been praying for! My uncle is fighting a cancer that has no cure; he signed up for a clinical trial and…IT’S WORKING! 🙂 so have faith and know you’re doing the right thing.

    1. Wishing your uncle to continue to heal!

  32. Sending love and prayers (and a little angry kick ass momma spirit too)

    So many of us would like to help you. Please post a wish list. What do you need for San Diego?

  33. Lauren Pearce Avatar
    Lauren Pearce

    Good morning Maya:

    I don’t know you personally, but I’ve been reading your story since about January and I just wanted to say how sorry I am that you’re going through all this: you, Woody, your twins, and especially Ronan. You sound like such a wonderful mom and my heart is breaking for you because I know you’ve been so strong through all of this and you’re so scared. I’m praying for you and Ronan every day for the cancer to be cured. Don’t give up!!

  34. You guys inspire me everyday! I am fighting with you! I believe in miracles and I truly believe one is coming your way. Fight on!!!

  35. Thank you for putting a smile back on my face!
    The 5 of you are an awesome power together…
    California here you come! Watch out Big C,
    you ain’t won yet!

  36. You are an amazing woman and a hero to me and many others! You are dong the right thing. Ro…you are truly a rockstar.

  37. Maya & Woody – Continuing to pray for Ronan, you & your family and now the doctor in San Diego. Praying that God will give her wisdom to come up with the right treatment for Ronan and that Ronan’s body will accept the treatment and that it will work. Stay strong!

  38. Our thoughts and prayers are with your entire family on your next adventure to San Diego. I’m proud of you two for not giving up and to continue to look for that wonderful miracle. Let us know whatever you need over there. All our love and prayers go with you all.

  39. Therese in Ireland Avatar
    Therese in Ireland

    Maya, a very popular prayer here during Mass is “Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things in this life that I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”. You have serenity, courage and wisdom in equal measure. You and Woody are fantastic parents and your little boy simply couldn’t be in better hands than yours. Heartfelt best wishes and an abundance of hope are being sent your way for a positive outcome from a family a world away who care about all of you.

  40. gina dondero-haynie Avatar
    gina dondero-haynie

    kiss ronan for me……………..

  41. I have been keeping up with your blogs for awhile now. We have friends in common that posted your blog on Facebook. I am praying for you. You are a strong mama and your kids are so blessed to have you and your husband as parents. I will pray that this new treatment is the answer for your beautiful boy.

  42. Alyssa Crews Avatar
    Alyssa Crews

    You are exactly right. Still fighting for Ronan. I pray that he will find relief with the radiation and some healing in San Diego. Always believing. Sending lots of love…
    COLE Prayer Team

  43. Maya your AMAZING!

  44. Hi there from the UK. I have only just started reading your “story ” and am so moved by all that you are going through. There is absolutely nothing I can say that will make it go away but feel sure that I am praying for you all . Sending the biggest warmest hugs xxxxx

  45. Reading your blog over the last several days….like so many others getting to know you. Your family, your Ronan have pierced right through my heart….and now has a permanent spot there. I hope and wish and pray with all my might for you, for him. Sending true love from a stranger, and praying for some smiles and giggles to come from this next adventure! xoxo

  46. Its me again. I shared the before you speak … that my sister wrote. I was at a friends yesterday and she shared this with me and when I heard it I instantly thought of you and your family. I hope it blesses you. I am continuing to pray and fight the fight for you and you family through prayer. When my son had cancer i thought the same thing I would do anything to help him, I thought if his treatment doesnt work I will take him and move out of the country to find alternative treatment for a chance. I agree to fight until you can fight no more. Love and God Bless. It is titled…
    A man was sleeping one night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light, and God appeared. The Lord told the man he had work for him to do, and showed him a large rock in front of his cabin. The Lord explained that the man was to push against the rock with all his might…
    So, this man did, day after day. For many years he toiled from sunup to sundown, his shoulders set squarely against the cold, massive surface of the unmoving rock, pushing with all his might!
    Each night the man returned to his cabin sore and worn out, feeling that his whole day had been spent in vain. Since the man was showing discouragement, the Adversary (Satan) decided to enter the picture by placing thoughts into the weary mind: (He will do it everytime!)
    “You have been pushing against that rock for a long time and it hasn’t moved.” Thus, he gave the man the impression that the task was impossible and that he was a failure. These thoughts discouraged and disheartened the man.
    Satan again said, “Why kill yourself over this?” Just put in your time, giving just the minimum effort and that will be good enough.”
    That’s what the weary man planned to do, but decided to make it a matter of prayer and to take his troubled thoughts to the Lord.
    “Lord, he said, I have labored long and hard in Your service, putting all my strength to do that which you have asked. Yet, after all this time, I have not even budged that rock by half a millimeter. What is wrong? Why am I failing?
    The Lord responded compassionately, ” My friend, when I asked you to serve Me and you accepted, I told you that your task was to push against the rock with all of your strength, which you have done. Never once did I mention to you that I expected you to move it. Your task was to push. And now you come to Me with your strength spent, thinking you have failed.
    But, is that really so? Look at yourself. Your arms are strong and muscled, your back shiny and brown: your hands are callused from constant pressure, your legs have become massive and hard.
    At times, when we hear a word from God, we tend to use our own intellect to decipher what He wants, when actually what God wants is just simple obedience and faith in Him.
    By all means, exercise the faith that moves mountains, but know that it is still God who moves the mountains.
    When everything seems to go wrong…………..just P.U.S.H
    When the job has you down………………………just P.U.S.H
    When people dont do as you think they should…P.U.S.H
    When your money is gone & bills are due…… just P.U.S.H
    When People dont understand you…………….just P.U.S.H
    When your little Ro is sick ………………….P.U.S.H
    P=Pray U=until S=something H=happens
    “though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending”
    I hope this blesses your heart, keep P.U.S.H ing
    God Bless, Colleen LaBiche-Longview, WA

    1. OH my gosh!!! so beautifully said….Keep pushing along your journey…Huge hugs and standing right by your side encouraging you and holding your hand…You can do this, as a family who does not give up 🙂

      1. P.U.S.H. As a family, as a community, as friends, as strangers, as “One”. Maya, S.D. Will be a blessing to Ro and to your family. Prayers, faith and action!

  47. YES! I am so glad you are doing exactly what you think is necessary. As I parent, I have to agree with you, I would exhaust of every possibility and would not go down without a serious fight. I hope the ocean renews your soul and lifts your spirits…it always does for me because of how we grew up. Love you always!! ~Liv

  48. Julie Blouin Avatar
    Julie Blouin

    I’ve been following your blog for a couple of weeks now….feeling the pain and sorrow…as a mother of two and a cancer survivor. I remember the pain of treatment, the exhaustion, the begging of my husband not to take me to another treatment…him begging me back to push thru it for our family..making promises to GOD out of desperation that I could never keep. My heart aches for you all. I CAN’T IMAGINE A CHILD GOING THRU THIS….I CAN’T IMAGINE WHAT YOU’RE GOING THRU…I know I would take the pain over and over not to have my babies go thru it, like any parent would. After looking at pictures of your son with most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen, another chill came over me…this is Kay & Charlie Thompson’s grandson!! We’ve known them for years thru Fiesta Bowl and it quickly hit me…I have met Woody many times. I saw Charlie at the Hopi Variety Show, my husband had lunch with Charlie and he told him all about his grandson…never piecing it together until now. Knowing this…inherently Ronan is A ROCKSTAR!!! Praying for you all…praying for a miracle…praying for Ronan…

  49. Ronan- u are the true meaning of a rockstar. I think about you every second of every day. Keep up the fight buddy! We love u to the moon and back!

  50. Yeah for the Dr. Scholler’s of the world…!!! They do amazing work & research & their heroes are their patients…beautiful people like Ronan…
    Yeah for San Diego & for living in a time where these options are available!
    We love you Ronan!

  51. Ronan and Maya…you are amazing, inspiring, courageous, and true fighters!! The strength you have together cannot be broken as you have the deepest mother and son bond that is so truly special! It is not in your DNA to give-up and I LOVE that about BOTH of you! Here is to the next adventure being a successful one!

    Maya on Sunday take a few extra moments to celebrate yourself and pat yourself on the back. It is Moms like you that so deserved to be celebrated not just on Mother’s Day, but everyday of the year!! Hats off to you my friend.


  52. Maya,
    I am happy to hear you will be under Giselle’s care. You will all love her. She is brilliant. Never question your path … You are doing the very best for your beautiful son.
    Best regards and lots of hope,

  53. “Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time.”

    ~ Leo F. Buscagli

    I work in the medical device industry, and have seen so many miracles through trials like these. Each day we get closer to cures for so many things, and I pray that the doctors in San Diego can heal Ronan.

    You are doing the right thing!

  54. San Diego has always been such a special and happy place for you guys…. I have a feeling it’s now about to become a very magical place for the Thompson family!!!:) love you!

    Kel & Grace

  55. So thrilled you decided to travel to San Diego for the trial, I have a good feeling about it, and think you made the right decision. Stay strong and take care of your little boy with the most incredible blue eyes I have ever seen…

  56. Sarah Baumgartner Avatar
    Sarah Baumgartner

    There are no words that can fully express the deep sadness I feel for your family. As I sit reading your journals while my hubs Eric is being administered his chemotherapy I cannot stop crying. Screw everyone who thinks I should be composed. Cancer is awful, I hate it. Your baby Ronan shouldn’t be dealing with this, no one should. I am praying for Ronan, our family
    prays everynight for him when we say our
    prayers. I think if our sons knew Ronan they
    would be great friends. I hope you make it to
    San Diego on Sunday and that this treatment
    helps Ronan. Your family is always in our thoughts and prayers.

  57. Maya,
    I have never met you, but have been following your family on this heart wrenching, courageous journey. Your blogs have moved me beyond words and of course, to tears. Being a Mother myself, I believe that you and your beautiful Ronan deserve EVERY prayer this world has to offer and if I can do anything to get more people in your corner, I will do it. What I have to say to you is simply this…..YOU ARE DOING THE RIGHT THING!!! YOU are Ro’s mother and YOU know best. He is a beautiful boy who deserves to grow up with his brothers and his Mother and Father. As mothers, our job is to fight for our children. I will be praying for you and your precious family. I wanted to send this little poem along to you as well because I think you’re an AWESOME Mom!!!

    Awesome Mom

    Before I was a Mom,
    I never tripped over toys
    or forgot words to a lullaby.
    I didn’t worry whether or not
    my plants were poisonous.
    I never thought about immunizations.

    Before I was a Mom,
    I had never been puked on.
    Pooped on.
    Chewed on.
    Peed on.
    I had complete control of my mind
    and my thoughts.
    I slept all night.

    Before I was a Mom,
    I never held down a screaming child
    so doctors could do tests.
    Or give shots.
    I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
    I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
    I never sat up late hours at night
    watching a baby sleep.

    Before I was a Mom,
    I never held a sleeping baby just because
    I didn’t want to put her down.
    I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
    when I couldn’t stop the hurt.
    I never knew that something so small
    could affect my life so much.
    I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom.

    Before I was a Mom,
    I didn’t know the feeling of
    having my heart outside my body..
    I didn’t know how special it could feel
    to feed a hungry baby.
    I didn’t know that bond
    between a mother and her child.
    I didn’t know that something so small
    could make me feel so important and happy.

    Before I was a Mom,
    I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
    every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
    I had never known the warmth,
    the joy,
    the love,
    the heartache,
    the wonderment
    or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
    I didn’t know I was capable of feeling so much,
    before I was a Mom

    Send this to someone who you think is an awesome Mom.
    May you always be overwhelmed by the Grace of God rather than by the cares of life

  58. I am so happy to hear there is another option at this point, and the attitude you have toward it is amazing. You make everyone reading this appreciate life in such a bigger way now and I cant tell you enough how absolutely strong you are. I will be praying for a safe trip for your family and praying for the beat news while your there. You have inspired us all Ronan and although very few have ever gotten the pleasure of meeting you, you are loved in a such a huge way.

  59. Don’t be afraid to hope. I don’t believe that having hope can make the pain of loss worse because nothing can make that pain worse. Hope with all your might! We are all hoping and fighting for you too.
    Much love,
    Corielle and Family

  60. Everyday I think about how amazing you and your family are. How I wish I could help. I don’t know the rest of your family Maya, but I know you and it doesn’t surprise me at all that your more amazing now then you were when I first met you. Fingers crossed, down on my knees, praying you and your family. I know you’ll make it happen. If ever there is anything I can do, don’t hesitate. Just let me know. Lots of love, millions of prayers, hopes and dreams.

  61. Sending light and love your way as you embark on this new chapter….I will not stop praying for the miracle your beautiful little Ronan so deserves!!!

  62. Hi Maya-
    I’m a close friend of Lauren Blumber’s and got to meet your beautiful Ro one day when Laur brought him to our home with W. The two “big” boys were teaching my son how to “potty” standing up! It is a memory I will not forget..very funny! Anyway, that following week, Ronan never left my mind. God continually kept telling me to pray for Ronan during my prayer time each day. I couldn’t figure out why…about a week later Lauren told me the news. It was like God was trying to say, “pray for Ronan, he is getting ready to face a battle.” I listened each day and prayed. We moved to the Dallas area a year ago now but Ronan has never left my thoughts. There is something about that sweet boy that I can’t let go of! Now as I read your blog posts and weep each day, please know that you have support in Dallas. I shared Ro’s story with the Women’s Group I lead on tues and they have all added your family to their daily prayer lists. Even still, the past 4 nights I have woken up at 3am on the dot knowing that I was to be up and praying for Ronan, sometimes and hour or two at a time. I hope I am continually woken up each night until that sweet boy is healed, a few missed hours of sleep is the least I can do. We are fighting with you here in TX.
    In Love,
    Kara Ward

  63. “God did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power, love, and good judgment” 2 Timothy 1:7

    FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! You are living this verse out to the max. God does not expect us to sit around and wait for a divine miracle – a miracle can happen with love and a proactive mama! Praying for you Maya, your family and for Ronan’s RECOVERY!

  64. may this be the best adventure yet. ALL my love to you. the thoughts and prayers are flowing from this seaside FL town. you are always on my mind.

  65. Once again, you are amazing!! Good for you and your husband and your family for finding another possibility and sticking together!!

    Your fight is a reminder to us all to not take this life for granted and to not get caught up in the trivial/petty parts of life. Again, sending love and prayers your way!

  66. Sending love, prayers and positive thoughts for your next adventure.

  67. Your perspective inspires and humbles me. All the prayers we can muster are lifting Ronan up for his treatment in San Diego!

  68. Jaime Harris Avatar
    Jaime Harris

    Your story has touched me so much. You don’t know me but I graduated high school with Woody and became aware of Ronan’s story through facebook. As a mom of 3 boys myself, my youngest is Ro’s age, I empathize with you so much! I cannot imagine all that you are going through. I pray for you all as often as I think of it which is all the time lately. You seem to have amazing strength! I will continue to pray for a miracle to happen for little Ronan. In my thoughts and prayer’s always, Jaime.

  69. I am praying for you all and thinking about you daily. My boys are praying for you daily. Keep hoping… keep fighting… Can’t wait to hear about SD – keep hope alive! love and hugs to you, jen searle

  70. San Diego is truly a magical, energetic city – just what your sweet Ronan needs. Praying you will find your answer here. I lived in SD for awhile and I have many friends still there who will help out in any way possible. I’m in LA now and would drive to you if you need anything….just say the word. Here is my email:

    Even though I’m sure you probably already know of every children’s hospital in the country I thought I’d mention that in LA we have two amazing children’s hospitals -UCLA’s Mattel Children’s and Children’s Hosp LA. My son sees specialists at both hospitals and they are top notch.

    Love, energy and light to your Rockstar and your family.
    I never stop thinking of him.

    Stay strong & stay positive & keep kicking ass!!

  71. Hi Maya~ Covering you, Ronan, Woody, Liam and Quinn in prayer as you prepare for your trip to San Diego. It makes perfect sense to me, as a mother, that you would sign up for this next adventure…anything to help your sweet Ronan. Thinking of you always…xo michelle

  72. Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ°♥♥A mother thinks about her children day & night, even if they’re not with her. A mom loves her children in a way that they will never understand. A mom will be there for her children when no one else will. A mom will take a bullet, stand in front of a train & ask God to take her instead of her child.

    You dont know me but my husband (Kyle Patton) went to high school with Woody. I saw this posted on FB and I thought of you Maya….I have been following your blog daily and am sending prayers to you and Ronan daily….He is such a strong and beautiful boy and I know that he will find a way to beat this horrible thing…

  73. Michelle Bunger Avatar
    Michelle Bunger

    Endless thoughts, prayers and tons of love to you and your beautiful family from all of us out west here at The Bunger Compound.

  74. […] No more plans…..just a new adventure We started off the morning early as we got up and ready to take Ronan to St. Joe’s for his CT scan and RT. Dr. Maze met […] […]

  75. I just read your blog for the first time. I will be keeping you all in my prayers, especially your sweet Ronan. Hugs.

  76. Hi Maya and Woody, I was doing some Mother’s Day shopping and came across a Hallmark book that is recordable. It’s a book that Mothers can record with their child. Stuff like What’s your favorite color, who is your best friend etc. When i saw this, I immediately thought of you and Ronan. If he is up for it, this would be a really nice book for you! You flip the page, ask him the question on the page and it records it all in the book. Really a great keepsake. I got one for my wife and our 3 year old daughter. They sell them at Walgreen’s, Hallmark etc. Maybe one of your local friends can run out and get this? Cost about $25. I think you would treasure it forever. As always, we are thinking, praying and rooting for Ronan! I hope SD brings your family nothing bet the best!!

  77. I am so glad to hear you are coming to SD to try out Rady’s Children’s Hospital!! I work at Sharp Memorial, right next door to Rady’s and I know they have a great reputation for researching diseases and treatments for children. You will get wonderful care there and I hope that the experimental treatment will get Ronan back outside and into mischief again!

    My Mom was treated with experimental drugs back in the 70’s for Hodgkin’s and has been in remission for over 30 years now. It was hell for her but she doesn’t regret it now. I sincerely hope that you and your family have the same outcome with this treatment. Ronan deserves to get out of bed and be a kid again!!

    Much love!!

  78. Read your post today and my heart soared. Take your gorgeous gaggle of boys and get yourselves to San Diego! Although we’ve never met, I’m sending pure love, hope and determination to all of you. Thank you for sharing your lives with us – you’ve certainly changed mine in doing so. Kick some ass, little guy – we’re all holding you up on our shoulders and watching in awe as you use your superhero strength to fight this cancer! Go, Ronan, go!

  79. I’ve been reading for months, but have yet to comment. First, you are a wonderful writer Maya. It is also very clear you are a wonderful mother. Being a mother myself, I cannot imagine what you are going through. Know you are doing everything in your power to help your baby, and you’ve gone above and beyond what many parents would do. You know your son best, and I hope this new treatment is the answer you’ve been searching for.

    Your sweet, handsome boy is in my thoughts every day. His story makes me hold my son closer and have more patience with him. I cannot wait for a 100% cure for this horrible disease, no family should have to go through what you have had to this past year.

    Sending prayers and strength for your family from Michigan.

  80. Oh Maya I feel so bad for getting upset with the little things after reading your blogs. My problems are so very petty compared to what you guys are going through. You are so right when you say that people don’t realize how good they have it. I am guilty of that. You put me back in my place tonight. I read your blog everyday (lately & catching up on one’s I’ve missed) but this is the first time I have commented on this website. I really hope that Ronan will feel up to the trip to San Diego and that this treatment WILL WORK! I pray for you guys every night and think of you often. I have 5 healthy children and I could not even come close to imagining what you are coping with as a mother. I hope I’m not writing too much but I don’t get the chance too often to sit down and write. (sorry ass excuse, huh? you do it everyday) I also find that I have a lose of words. Its not a subject I’m familiar with and I don’t want to say the wrong thing. But I figure I am a mother and I love my kids just as you do so I decided that IF you were right here I wouldn’t sit and say nothing. Although my words will not have a cure, my words don’t pay for a treatment, my words can hopefully give some sort of “letting-you-know-there-is-someone-else-praying” comfort. I don’t know if that makes sense but I hope it does. I’m not good with words but I am another voice to add to the choir. Bless you and Ronan and your family, the doctors and all the angels in your life. OXOX Faith

  81. patricia scalise Avatar
    patricia scalise

    so i prepare to sleep and i so hope you all are resting comfortably…….that ronan’s pain is diminished…..and you will have a good night………

    it reassuring to know that the ‘fabulous five’ will embark on this new journey together……it’s so beautifully reciprocal…the 3 boys have such wonderful parents and you have such special boys……’big love’……..

  82. I’m so sorry you and Ronan are going through this. Keep up the fight — whatever it may be. We are sending the best of good mo-jo from Amsterdam. You all should be so proud of the fight, grace and dignity you are showing throughout this. It is truly an inspiration.

  83. Larry on behalf on the Wednesday old guys gathering at 'Lynn's' Avatar
    Larry on behalf on the Wednesday old guys gathering at ‘Lynn’s’

    Our thoughts and prayers go with you to San Diego for Ro’s continuing journey. He has been not only a Rockstar, but a Mighty Warrior in his fight against the evil intruder. The journey shall continue…

  84. Jenni Levine Avatar
    Jenni Levine

    Every day…I pray, pray, pray – Ronan deserves a miracle!
    Keep on fighting little man – and whatever you or your family needs…we are here!

  85. Miracles happen every minute. I am praying for yours to happen now. Keep up your incredible fight.

  86. I love you, Rockstar Mama.

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