12 responses to “Meet Your Host For The Gold Party. I am Honored to Call Her, My Dear Friend. She is a GEM!”

  1. Charisma Carpenter is such a sweet soul. I kinda wish The Gold Party was not in AZ because I would love to come & support you & Ronan<3 xOxO All my best. Dana<3

  2. Love her! And that photo choice on this one…

  3. The interview gave me chills. Charisma and
    Taylor you both are angels. Thank you for all
    that you do!!!!!!

    Mama, love you!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo

  4. Found this, thought of you….
    The Broken Chain
    “We little knew that day that God was going to call your name
    In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same
    It broke our hearts to lose, you did not go alone
    For parts of us went with you, the day God called you home.
    You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide
    And though we cannot see you, you are always at our side.
    Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same
    But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.”
    With warmest thoughts and big hugs….

  5. Have loved her since BUFFY! lol

  6. LOVED her since BUFFY!! lol ;o)

  7. Maya: You and Ronan make me want to be a better mom! I am trying to remember that every moment I have with my two awesome kids is a miracle. You have also taught me to quit fucking bitching and appreciate the things I have, my kids, my life and our life’s together. Thank you for always putting things into perspective for me. I think about you and Ronan a lot.

  8. I didn’t know any way to contact you but on here. You don’t know me. I’m a young mama from across the country. I was introduced to your blog a few weeks ago, and I have to just say thank you times infinity for all that you do. I can’t tell you how many hours I have spent at work with tears rolling down my face reading your words. I physically and emotionally hurt for you when I read about your beautiful boy. It fuels me with more ambition that even I knew I had. I told my boyfriend about the blog, and about how I spend work time in tears. He asked me why I do that to myself, and the only response I had was that it spoke to me.

    I have spent years in this limbo of what I want to do with my life, and after last night, I feel like I’ve found my calling. I went to sleep with your story and your letters and your sweet boys face just engrained in my brain. I swear it has taken over my mind lately. I look at my own children and cry…for you, for Ronan, for the fact that life is so damn precious and we go so damn fast sometime. I fell asleep, and I saw your sweet boy. He was giggling, and laughing, and playing soccer with a little girl that I don’t know. And I felt like I had to tell you that. I woke up in a state of what the hell? And I just want to say that you’ve fueled me. You’ve made me want to help. It is not fair what you and your family have dealt with and will forever be dealing with. It’s not fair for any of these children in the world. And it pisses me off, because I know it could be my own.

    I’m so jumbled and all over the place, and I don’t know what the hell I’m exactly saying, but I just want to thank you. Your words spark a fire in me like nothing else has. You’re a beautiful person, and Ronan’s life will never be forgotten. I swear, I see that sparkle everywhere, and I wasn’t even blessed enough to know him.

    Take care, Maya.

    Sincerely, L

  9. Hi Maya,
    I am a Mom from North Carolina. I just started reading your Blog and my heart is broken into pieces for you and your famiy. Today I did a 4 mile run in honor of your son. When my legs started to burn and thought I couldn’t go on ,I told Ronan “i need your help, push me” , and he did. I just wanted to let you know the impact you and Ronan are having on people all over the country. I am spreading the word about childhood cancer and your foundation. Keep It Going!!

  10. I wish I could go!!! I live across the country 😦 Love you Maya!

  11. Poppy Rees-Mawson Avatar
    Poppy Rees-Mawson

    Maya, I have recently heard your story and have flicked through your blog. Your strength and bravery inspire me. I am so sorry for your loss, I fired reading your blogs and although I am not a parent and cannot imagine the pain you went through I have recently lost someone very close to me to cancer and it is heartbreaking. I just want to say that your story has put my life into perspective and I will now live every day to the full. I have just started University and I am going to be joining the cheerleading society. I have wanted to cheer for a long time but have never had the courage, so I want to say thank you for encouraging me. sending all my love to you and your family. Poppy x

  12. Thinking about you and your amazing board…hope and pray that everything is as perfect as possible tonight–though I know perfect is a concept that will never again exist in this world for you. Love to you all.

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