Tell Me Why (Maya’s Song)




Ronan. I know I tell you all the time, that we have the most amazing love and support which I am so grateful for. This girl, Brooke, sent me a message on Twitter the other day, telling me that she had written a song for me. You know how I love music. I sat at your Nana and Papa’s house, in my old bedroom and clicked on the link that she sent.

Ummm. OMG. I was not prepared for the tears that followed. I bawled. Like a baby. I thought is was so thoughtful and her words, were so beautiful.

Thanks, Brooke. You are truly a talented soul. I hope all your wishes and dreams come true in life.

10 responses to “Tell Me Why (Maya’s Song)”

  1. Gosh, now I’m sad 😦 That was so nice!! Wow!

  2. Oh no, the link won’t work! I’d love to hear this…

  3. Ok nevermind, it worked. Wow, I am so moved. Yes, the love of strangers is truly amazing. Beautiful song, Brooke. Thank you for sharing, Maya.

  4. Beautiful. Perfect.

  5. That truly is so beautiful and thoughtful. She is a very talented person. I was leaning over my laptop so I could hear the song better with the commotion going on in my house. Apparently tears are not good for computers as I can no longer seem to move the arrow using the tracking pad thing (I don’t know what the proper name for it is! haha). Oops!

  6. I love this. A lot.

  7. Beautiful.

  8. Beautiful!!
    RoLove for RoMama!!!
    Always Ro!!!

  9. Perfect. xo

  10. Wow. That is perfect and beautiful.

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