I signed. Will you??

This needs 5,000 signatures. So far, there are 50. That’s sad. Seems like such a simple thing to do. Take a second to sign, please. I often wonder how many of these things are legit…. but it’s worth a shot. Sign, share, and help do something. Thank you, lovelies.





Because he should still be here. Cancer should not have won. Things have to change.

22 responses to “I signed. Will you??”

  1. I signed and passed the link to friends!

  2. Signed and tweeted…

  3. http://www.chicagonow.com/mary-tyler-mom/donnas-cancer-story-2/

    Thought this was someone you should know. She is also doing some amazing things for awareness.

  4. I signed… and it’s up to 177 : ) You are making a difference!

  5. Signed and shared! 🙂 This is too important not too!

  6. I signed and will put on my FB page!

  7. Signed and posted you post on facebook. I hope to make a change.

  8. Thanks Amber for sharing and I am happy to sign!

  9. Signed and proud to be #271!
    I will tell the world!!

  10. Signed!=) # 276

  11. I signed and it’s up to 277! Slow but steady wins the race!

  12. Done! I was #283 and I’m spreading the word. Go Maya!

  13. #305 bitches! (BTW, I mean that in the friendliest way possible).

  14. *signed*

  15. I signed! I am passing this to EVERYONE in my contacts!

  16. Signed #612…passed it on as well

  17. I signed, and shared on my Facebook for others to sign!

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