My first sign from Ronan. Thank you, babydoll.

5 responses to “My first sign from Ronan. Thank you, babydoll.”

  1. Saw her in Vegas. Loved it! Landslide one of my fav songs! So glad Ro gave you a sign. He’s with you right beside you… wherever you go he goes!!!

  2. And here I am reading your blog on my couch this morning and who’s on? Stevie Nicks singing Landslide on GMA!!

  3. Hello Maya, just a quick Friday note to let you know that I am thinking of you. With Ronan sending you signs I hope your weekend will be full of brighter days and nights of calm reassurance that he is with you – heart and soul. Forever walking with you and never leaving your side. Your footprints are his and together you will make giant steps to help kick cancer into kingdom come. Kick ass Inka. Hugs and love from one of your many friends in the UK xx

  4. The words give me goosebumps especially when I hear you crying them out Maya. It’s awesome the signs. I had very blatant signs after my mom died. I’d like to tell you about them sometime. Call them odd or peculiar but they’re real and jog your thoughts because you know you’re being spoken too. Since Ronan has passed, there has been a few surreal events for me that stopped me in my tracks. One was the night of his funeral- I released 7 balloons for Ronan on Camelback mountain with my girlfriend. We released them one at a time. The wind took them up and they formed a complete circle around the beautiful full moon that night. Our jaws dropped and I hate that I didn’t have a camera. Last note on that message was that the purple star balloon fell back to the ground. It landed at the base of the mountain. Was that a message that Ronan is still here. I thought so.
    My other surreal moment was in California. I took an early morning walk on the beach that day. I immediately saw two dolphins and walked along the shore as they swam. I smiled watching them jump out of the water and swim for about a few miles. They were not to far from shore. The weird and surreal thing for me though was when I said good-bye to them because it was time to go home, I turned around and starting walking back and then saw that the dolphins also turned around and were following me back down the beach towards home. Coincidence? Not likely. A message? I’ll say. Gave me goosebumps and made me cry.

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