Ro baby takes San Francisco

We are leaving this evening for San Francisco. Praying for a safe flight of course but most of all praying for a little bit of clarity. I hope by looking into Dr. Matthay’s eyes, that I will have a better feeling about everything. I am hoping she can give us some answers and guidance. I am hoping that Woody and I will walk away from this trip feeling a little more prepared for what we are up against. As of now, all we can do is gather all of the data possible and let our intuition guide us. I hope to get a feeling of what San Francisco can offer us.

Today, I met with my friend, Mr. Sparkly eyes. I put on my bravest face but he knew just by looking at me that I was a wreck. We sat for about 20 minutes and had it out. He asked me why I was second guessing myself… told me to knock it off and just to continue to do what we are doing. He is right, I have never been one to second guess my choices in life and I cannot start now. I listened as he pounded into my head once again, how strong I am, how strong Ronan is and how when the decision is made, it will be the right one. It was just the little pep talk I needed. I felt stronger after having left him and I know he is right in everything he is saying. I met Fernanda for a bite to eat at Chelsea’s but it was really just another little pow wow session that I needed to have. I am so lucky to be surround with such bright and beautiful people. I wish I could put Fernanda in my back pocket and take her with us. We sat and talked about everything from Ro’s path, which is uncertain as of now, to how we are going to get Oprah to listen to us and do a show on Childhood Cancer. Fernanda has been emailing Oprah every single day and has made it her personal mission to make Oprah listen. Could you imagine the good things that would come of this if she did?? The awareness that would be raised?? I don’t think it’s asking too much of her to change an episode of her show for something so important. I just pray that she hears all of the people asking this of her and chooses to do the right thing. She has the power to make this happen, if she would only listen. Her voice could change childhood cancer forever. Does she realize this?? I am not giving up on this Oprah thing, and if anyone can make it happen, it’s Fernanda. Thank you, F…. for lunch today and for the spirit of the person you embody. I swear to god you have wings. I have meaning to throw this quote in for a while. My friend, Melissa DiFilippo, who’s little girl is in Liam and Quinn’s first grade class sent me a message the other day on FB. It said, “When I grow up I want to be Fernanda.” It makes me laugh out loud and brings a smile to my face every time I think about it. I couldn’t agree more.

Alright world…. here we go. Off to San Fran and it’s time to take care of business. See you sooooooon New York Miss Macy!!!


5 responses to “Ro baby takes San Francisco”

  1. God speed.

  2. Wooooooowhooo! I cannot wait to see you, Ronan and Woody. I just might tackle you to the ground I’m so excited! Safe travels, love! xoxo

  3. God speed! You have millions praying for you. You wil find the right answers. Sorta like the wizard of oz….the answers are inside you and you’ll make the right one, and get a clear vision. Proud that you two are out there seeking out the best for you son. You all are moving heaven and earth to find the very best for Ro.

  4. I make this promise to You and Ronan, I will use everything and every friend at my disposal to help flood Oprah with all the calls and Emails it takes to get this show to happen!
    So many need this story to be told and more research HAS to be done!! Please let me know of anything I can do to help get these calls and emails through to Oprah and her staff.
    A post with links that include Email address’s and Phone numbers and even the place where people can write in too Oprah would help many be able to contact with only a click of the mouse. Willing to help in anyway you may need. Keep on keeping on, we are all praying and pulling for Ronan and his Mommy and Daddy too.

      Dragon tales and the water is wide
    Pirate’s sail and lost boys fly
    Fish bite moonbeams every night
    And I love you

    Godspeed, little man
    Sweet dreams, little man
    Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
    Sweet dreams

    The rocket racer’s all tuckered out
    Superman’s in pajamas on the couch
    Goodnight moon, we’ll find the mouse
    And I love you

    Godspeed, little man
    Sweet dreams, little man
    Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
    Sweet dreams

    God bless mommy and match box cars
    God bless dad and thanks for the stars
    God heard amen, wherever you are
    And I love you

    Godspeed, little man
    Sweet dreams, little man
    Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
    Sweet dreams 

    This song makes me think of sweet Ronan.
    Love to all of you this week.
    Hugs 🙂

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