That Poppy girl has saved my life






Ronan. I forget to write about 23 months without you. I was in the hospital with your Poppy sister. It was the day after I had her. I told your Mr. Sparkly Eyes how I thought that you and your sister had planned that I went into labor on the 8th, so that when the 9th came around, I wouldn’t be so sad because I would be holding your baby sister safe and sound in my arms. I do think this is true. It was the first time that the 9th wasn’t completely gut wrenching for me. How could it be with your sweet sister snuggled up to me? She helped me get through the day. You know what comes next though. Next month. 2 years without you and I’m sitting here scratching my head saying how can that be? How can it already be 2 years since you left this earth? It doesn’t seem possible. And guess what else this year is. Your birthday is the same day as Mother’s Day. How am I supposed to get through that one? Mother’s Day is hard enough now, but the fact that it falls on what should have been your 6th birthday is just beyond anything I am capable of handling. I am trying not to panic about it all, but I said to your daddy tonight, “We need to come up with a last minute May plan, because I can’t be here.” He promised me he would, so I am trying to relax a bit about it but it has still been keeping me awake at night. I hate the month of May.


Your death day

Your birthday which also happens to be the day you were cremated

Mother’s Day without you

Your funeral Day

I won’t ever love the month of May again.

I will get through it the best I can, just like I did last year. It’s all I can do just to survive it.
Everything around here is really calm and peaceful. I feel calmer and more peaceful than I have in a very long time. It’s because of Poppy. She makes me be still and quiet in a way that is not forced. In a way that I haven’t been able to do since you died. She has given me such a gift already and she is only a week old. It’s amazing the way she seems to be working her little magic on all of us. I have been doing nothing but spending my days with her, being quiet and still. Having your Poppy sister has saved me. I know to make a statement like that is a bold thing to say, but I can say without a doubt, she has saved my life. We talk about you a lot. All day long when I am rocking her in your bedroom and she is looking all around. I tell her stories about you, I tell her how much you love her and are watching over her, I tell her how lucky she is to have you as a big brother and Liam and Quinn as well. Having her in your room was a good decision on our part. Your room no longer seems so sad, empty and cold. I was rocking her yesterday and your daddy came in to check on us. He asked if it was hard for me to be in there with her. I nodded my head that it was, because it is; but there is also something comforting about it too. We still haven’t seen too many people as we are still just trying to take our time and get used to this new little life. Quinn made a comment about how weird it felt to have another person living in our house again with us. To me that just screamed how much your little life is missed by us all. How much your absence is always felt. I still get mad a lot but I find that I am not as reactive with my anger. I find myself sitting and trying to process all of this on a deeper level but I mostly just sit in disbelief that this world has to be without you. How dull and empty I know this world is without you presence. This makes me mad and sad and I want to scream from the rooftops how unfair this all is because I know you would have grown up to do such amazing things in this world. I wonder how come the whole wide world doesn’t feel this way, too. About you and all of these other kids who are dying left and right from childhood cancer.I am so thankful for the people who are now paying attention and fighting the good fight, but I just don’t understand why the whole world isn’t in an uproar over this. I guess if it doesn’t touch your life personally, it is easier just to look the other way and go about your business. That makes me sad. Nobody deserves to get cancer, but especially not children. And if they do get cancer, there should really be better treatments and options. You deserved better, Ronan and I will forever be so sorry that after everything that we tried and did for you that it death was still the final outcome. I will never stop apologizing for this.

I’ve been spending most of my days in your room. Your daddy hung a big beautiful picture of you over your bed last night. I swear I stare at it all day long. Sometimes it makes me cry, sometimes it makes me smile, it always makes me miss you with everything that I am. That will never change.

Alright little man. This is all for now. Not a lot has been going on so I don’t have a ton to write about. Please keep your Poppy sister safe. I worry about her so much already. I miss you. I love you. I hope you are safe.


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77 responses to “That Poppy girl has saved my life”

  1. Poppy is absolutely beautiful. She looks so much like Ronan; it is amazing. Love, love, love her dark hair. Congratulations!

  2. Jodie Culverhouse Avatar
    Jodie Culverhouse

    Little Poppy is beautiful. You and your precious family are always in my thoughts.

  3. Absolutely Beautiful Poppy!!! Love to you Maya! I love Ronan and I never had the chance to meet him…and yet I think of him everyday…I tell his story and your fight whenever I can…and I live my life in a way that would honor him and all those gone because of this murderous cancer…xoxoxo all the way from Cali ❤

  4. Maya, Poppy is beautiful and has Ronan’s lips. I am so glad she has helped you feel better. God Bless you all. Xoxo

  5. Oh my gosh is she ever sweet Maya. I know you miss your baby boy. That’s a lot of stuff for one month! Take care of that sweet baby girl! Love to you honey!

  6. Again, as always after reading your posts, I am filled with so many emotions that I cannot express. You put it all out there so eloquently and with such honesty. I cannot even express how so incredibly happy I am for all of you. Poppy will bring a new happiness that you all deserve so very much. Ronan will always be there and will never be forgotten or replaced. He is a love like no other. It will never be fair that he got sick and had to be put through so much, yet still had to leave all of you. It is unfathomable to me and makes me angry and scared. But for now I just want to take this time to celebrate the birth of that oh so beautiful Poppy! Enjoy your alone time. There will be plenty of time to share her. ; ) The pics are absolutely lovely!

    1. Very well said!

  7. Maya she is so beautiful she looks a lot like Ronan. She is your little savior, but you both are lucky….she has an amazing mama who is sooo very strong, and who is fighting like a rockstar to help cure pediatric cancer.
    So that Poppy and all our babies will grow up in a world without cancer!!! All because of you and Ronan.

  8. Look at that beautiful baby!! She looks so sweet and at peace. She knows she has nothing to worry about, because she has a great family and a big brother watching over her always!! I am overjoyed that poppy is bringing you and your family a little bit of sunshine in y’all’s storm!! Love always, summer in Louisiana xoxoxo

  9. Poppy is beautiful! My heart aches for you. She’s got Ro’s lippy’s 🙂
    Always rolove xo
    Ropoplove xo

  10. I am so happy that little Popstar has brought some lift back into all of your lives. I adore that yawning picture of her, she truly is heaven sent 🙂

  11. After many, many months of reading your posts, for the first time I am compelled to comment. I have loved your posts, have cried with your posts, been angry about the injustice of losing Ronan – my heart breaks for you! Although we have never met, I feel like I know you. I comment this time because I am so very happy for you – to hear the joy that Poppy has brought to you makes my heart swell. Thank you so very much for sharing your life, your pain, you new precious Poppy!

  12. Poppy is soo cute! So happy she is making you feel better:)

  13. Thanks for sharing Maya. I am so happy you have the gift of Poppy to get you through the month of May. (Just realized “May” is in your name, I wish it could be for better reasons). I am astonished by your strength, and so incredibly sorry and maddened by the loss you have had to suffer. Lots of love ❤

  14. Maya and family, God Bless you all. Poppy sister is oh so pretty!!! You are especially blessed to have this sweet lil one to ease you mind and comfort you in times of total despair. I have never seen such a head full of hair and so pretty too. I appreciate you sharing your most intimate feeling both good and bad, You open my heart to the awareness of thing ugly disease F _Cancer!!!!! Enjoy your babies each and every one of them…

  15. Hi Maya – I’m going to a talk being given by your Dr. Sholler next week… I’m going there to support you and Ro. I’ll wear my purple Ro bracelet for you. I have not been touched personally by childhood cancer in my “real life”, but I found your blog 2 years ago (right before Ro died) and I can say that I’ve been paying attention and “fighting the good fight” to spread the word about you and Ro ever since. I’m SO, so sorry that Ro is not here right now to kiss on his new little baby sister with their matching lips. I truly hope Dr. Sholler and the other people working on this can find better treatments and options for parents in the future. You’re an amazing Mommy, and your 4 children are so blessed to have you as their mom. My hurt just bursts with love for you!!! ****Ro-kisses****

  16. I am a NICU nurse and baby lips are my favorite!!!! She has beautiful Ronan kissing lips! congratulations on her birth! Ronan has touched my heart. I really am in awe of your strength and courage. Continue your fight to a CURE! No one deserves it more than these innocents. Love your blog, really makes me wish I knew you….for real!

  17. I am so happy that your gorgeous precious perfect Poppy has you and your family feeling hopeful and happy in the midst of the constant pain, sadness, and grief. I bet Inferno Fuckwad Bob doesn’t even know what to do with all the new life and love in the Thompson home. Thinking about you all always and sending so much love your way….and sorrow. I will always be sad and sorry that Ro did not get to live the long life he should have lived.

  18. She is beautiful!!! So happy you ae both doing well…Sending love from california, know that you have a team of supporters out here who wish you all the best!! xxoo

  19. Oh my, Poppy is so beautiful and perfect. a gift from Ronan. It is still amazing to me how much she looks like Ro

  20. Poppy is so adorable! I am so glad that she was born on the 8th – her dates will help you through the rough ones. It will never be ok or easy that Ronan is not physically with you but with Poppy in your arms, Liam and Quinn you will make it through the 9ths and May. I wish none of us had to live in a world without our child/children. FU Cancer!!

  21. Most perfect little lips ever! What can I say except she’s beautiful…I only wish for your whole family that Ronan was there to meet her.

    Sweet dreams little one…

  22. Maya, I love that you said Poppy saved your life. We all need saving. My saving came through different avenues. They weren’t as cute as your beautiful baby. I know women go through all the tough parts of bringing a baby into this world, but I just want to give your husband a standing ovation. Way to go Woody ( even if you were sleeping while Maya was in pain:).
    Congrats and enjoy your quiet time

  23. Her lips look so much like her brother Ronan’s….she is totally beautiful. Thinking of you all, every day. Much love!!

  24. My Symone saved me from the pain of my miscarriage. I wish I could also have known that little one. I think about it very often and wonder if that baby was the sister my daughter wishes for… Or the brother that my Colt wishes could play ball with or would that baby have been DeafBlind and have CHARGE Syndrome like Kodiak… It’s not the same pain as yours by any means… But it’s their just the same. Newborns are so precious and bring such life and love to us in amazing ways. Ours hearts grow!!! She’s absolutely adorable beautiful and precious! 🙂

  25. Maya, I followed your blog only since I saw you on the Katie show. I have never had to deal with anything like this before, but my heart is always filled with so much emotions for you when I read your posts. I literally cry at night when I read your blog. Your kids, your family, your friends, and everyone around you is so beautiful. It’s because of you though! Thanks for always sharing your story and your photos. God bless, and may you continue to find happiness and comfort everyday.

  26. Maya…. Your daughter is absolutely adorable. Hold her tight and enjoy this time. Your Ronan is right there with you loving her too. Wish it weren’t just in spirit. …And I’m sorry that’s the case. Wishing you peace at this time. ..And nothing but sweet bonding time with your sweet lovey…

  27. Beautiful Poppy, beautiful words. Never feel guilty about enjoying your life with your new little one and your family. Unfortunately, I understand what you are living with, and I’ve learned that nothing will take away the pain, but that it’s ok to feel happiness again. Ronan is a part of Poppy. I believe.

  28. She is perfect. She has Ronans lips. She will bring so much light into your family. I hate that you lost Ronan. And I know he knows how much he was loved. Cancer killed him but he knew the beauty of your love and that will never die. I’m glad Poppys doing well.

  29. Congratulations! You and Woody only make babies one way…beautiful! I lost my sister when we were kids and now having kids of my own, there are things they do each day that are a piece of her. Sometimes it stops me dead in my tracks…like she is speaking to me or looking at me through them. Nothing ever fills a hole, as you know better than I, but life does give back precious whispers to your heart. I’m glad that yours is open to hear them.

  30. Those sure look like Ronan’s sweet little lips! ♥

  31. maya. all I have to say is FUCKING CONGRATULATIONS. May all good things come to you, and your family. ro is so proud of that popstar.

  32. There are no words. Just love. She is perfect. so is ronan, I will never forget everything you have shared of him. I will forever feel connected to you and your family. I will help to raise awareness of childhood cancer so his death will not be in vain.
    So much love and light to you, poppy, the boys and your husband. Xoxo.

  33. She is beautiful! I think she looks exactly like Ronan! Such a bitter sweet thing that has happened to you. I’m so sorry that you had to lose such an amazing child, I didn’t know him or you but I believe he would of done amazing things just by looking at him and reading your story. People are ignorant about a lot of what goes on in this world. Children our so innocent this should NEVER happen it breaks my heart and scares me to death! I know I have been blind at times to things that happen but I share your stores every chance I get and once I can plan to help donating more money. Anyways congrats, Poppy is beautiful!

  34. Nothing in the world is more peaceful than a sleeping baby. May God hold her in the palm of his hand and keep her safe forever.

  35. The picture of Poppy yawning made me smile so big! She’s absolutely beautiful, Maya!

  36. Hi Maya,
    Your lil Poppy Ro is simply gorgeous. So precious and so beautiful. She looks just like Ronan…and those lips!! Just to read that you are feeling more calm and peace in your heart makes me happy because you so deserve that after everything that you’ve gone through. I know it still hurts so much and it will never stop hurting – but I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. May each day bring you more joy and peaceful moments even as you nurse your broken heart. Ronan is still the most beautiful boy I’ve ever seen – thank you for sharing your journey with us. Take care of yourself too, Momma Maya!

    Sending you lots of love, light and prayers in May.

    Big hug,

  37. rebecca monahan Avatar
    rebecca monahan

    SOOOO much love to you and your family Maya… Poppy is beautiful.You are all in my thoughts daily and I am soo glad Poppy has saved your life! I am soo sure Ronan has something to do with that and is smiling down on all of you.Your story has truelly opened my eyes and you and Ronan are truelly making a difference in this world.stay and hugs to you always…

  38. Am I a faker for commenting here even though I’ve never lost a child? This is the reason I’ve always been just a lurker. But your latest post has got me smiling and crying all at the same time and I feel compelled to write.

    I have not lost a child of my own to cancer (knock on wood!!) but I am not new to childhood cancer. In 2009 a friend of mine lost her beautiful pricess butterfly Kyah to neuroblastoma just before her 3rd birthday. She had the same beautiful big blue eyes just like Ronan.

    This made childhood cancer real for me. It changed my life in so many different ways. And I am ashamed to admit that, prior to that, I was comfortable looking the other way and pretending it didn’t exist. But it does. And it shouldn’t. Cancer I get, but it’s the suffering that it causes that I don’t understand.

    I have made it my mission to do everything that I can to fight this beast. And I appreciate every second of every day with my boys – I don’t take things for granted that’s for sure.

    Poppy is precious. And she is very lucky to be part of your family. It is wonderful that she has allowed your heart to expand and experience a little bit more peace and contentment than usual. Sharing Ronan’s room will make her feel even closer to her angel brother.

  39. Those lips!! They are “Ronan lips” for sure, no doubt he’s a part of her!! She is beautiful, just like the rest of your family. I hope that the peace you’re feeling stays with you forever.

  40. How precious is she. And not only can you write but the photographs are always the best!! You guys sure make some beautiful babies – thanks again for sharing!

  41. A fan from South Korea Avatar
    A fan from South Korea

    Congratulations on finally being able to hold your girl safe and sound! She is the cutest little thing:) I’m in love with her already (in a not creepy way) I wish you and your family all the best and send my regards.

  42. Mya- your not alone!!! Your story hits home for me yet let’s me know it is possible to keep moving forward ! I too lost a baby to what then was a rare chromosome disorder they knew nothing about…which left me with no answers to the million questions I had,although my daughter only lived 6 days it has always left a hole in my heart that cannot be filled. I appreciate you taking the time out to express your love for Ronan and how much poppy is helping you get through such a tough thing! Please keep writing to Ronan and letting us share in your journey!!

  43. Nicole Ciongoli Avatar
    Nicole Ciongoli


    Reading your blog truly makes my heart skip a beat. I always look forward to reading it. I admire your strength tremendously. God Bless you and your entire family. Poppy is so
    beautiful and precious as is Ronan. You all are always in my thought and prayers. I wear my rockstar Ronan purple bracelet everyday. RoLove always!!

  44. Everytime I read one of your posts I miss Ronan . I don’t know how you do it and my heart breaks for you and your family everytime I think of you.
    I do know that Ronan is present in the hearts of so many and I have forever been changed because of him ❤

  45. She is so beautiful. You are so beautiful. Ronan is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. AS you continue to share Ronan’s story it touches so many lives. It has changed mine. Thank you.

  46. It’s too bad traveling to the other side of the country with a newborn probably wouldn’t work for your last minute “May” plan… we would love to have you here in Ohio for Ro’s Day of Love! I know it won’t change the fact that he died and how wrong that is…but I do hope you realize how many people way over in Ohio are in love with your Ronan. He should have just “lived”…but since asshole cancer took him I hope you can find just a sliver of comfort knowing that he lives on through so many people because of your love story. xoxo

  47. Your words brought tears to my eyes again Maya. A mixture of happy ones for the beauty girl in your arms and sad ones for the beauty boy who should be in your arms too. In Poppy you can see so much of Ronan but he should still be here to share her with you in person. That’s all there is to it. He should be here. Cancer is a fucker.

  48. Poppy can not be more beautiful, and she has the Ro lips!
    I have read your blog for well over a year now. Your story has touched me, and I have retold it to pretty much everyone around me. My heart breaks for what you had, and are still, going through. You are one strong lady, taking something as horrific as losing that little boy, and trying to make a difference in the world so others wont have to endure what you and your family had to. I’m just so sorry.
    I absolutely adore your family, and I hope you all are enjoying the little Poppy. My nephew, who is pretty much my world, just turned one in March. He often makes me think of Ronan because he has these big bright blue eyes, and one killer smile.
    Much love from Ontario, Canada ❤

  49. Oh dear Maya, my heart is full for you all and your beautiful family. Thank you for your eloquent words here. We may never meet but I feel a connection to you because we have the same family….first three precious boys, then a beautiful baby girl. Our third born son attacked by the evil cancer too. Poppy is gorgeous in every way and I’m so thankful Ronan sent her to you. I know you are soaking up every breath of her…. so, so full of joy for you

  50. i LOVE her!

  51. Poppy is PERFECT in every way and those lips look so kissable:) Thank you for sharing your heart and also the photos.

  52. Welcome to the world Poppy! You a good date to be born on! I would know cause that’s my birthday too! On may 1st my son will turn 6. I will have a purple balloon at the party for Ronan. Best wishes to you all from a cancer researcher inspired by your blog.

  53. She is soooo gorgeous! And I am so thrilled that she is bringing you some joy and peace. It gives all of us readers hope to hear that you can experience some joy again. I know your husband will plan something wonderful in May for you, so try not to think about it yet. Day by day, hour by hour is how we Moms live with a little newborn. Don’t look too far ahead. Congratulations again! Enjoy the peace, quiet, and cozyness of this time!

  54. I used to love the month of May. I used to love it for so many reasons: the sun coming back, the trees blossoming and the birds lullabying in the early morning light. May always seemed to me like life was moving outside after a long, grey, sad winter in Switzerland. I used to love the month of May also because I was born in May and to be honest who doesn’t like to celebrate his own birthday? Well… Ever since I discovered your blog over a year ago things changed. I found myself on the last 12 of May – my date of birth – crying in my bed instead of waking up excited for all the festivities. I was so very sad my little birthday buddy wouldn’t be able to celebrate like me with all of his loved ones. Life is so unfair. All I want for my birthday this year is to bring some awareness to people around me about childhood cancer. I don’t want presents but instead I want people to donate to help find a cure. I am sure baby Ro would approve my birthday wishes. He deserved so much better, he deserved so many more birthdays.

    Thank you Maya for changing my life. Thank you Ro. Poppy is luck to have you both watching over her.

  55. oh my goodness…..she looks just like her big brother Ronan, especially in the picture where she’s snuggled up against you, in the pink and blue striped outfit. Just like him. Congratulations. I’m wishing you happiness in every moment….for all of you. I truly believe Ronan wants that for you, and is smiling right there with you all.

  56. Your amazing little Ronan will live on in your hearts until the end of time.
    It is brutally unfair that he is not physically among you to celebrate the new little light in your world but Ronan’s Love shines through.
    Poppy has Ronan’s kissing lips and sweet little nose… what lies behind those gorgeous sleeping eyes.

  57. Michelle from MI Avatar
    Michelle from MI

    Wow….I love the pictures you posted of Poppy (best name – thank you for going with your gut and naming her Poppy vs. Ireland)..the thermal striped outfit is the best!! She is adorable…I can see Ronan in her eyes. I admire your strength\honesty very much….. It is crazy since I have never met you (I would like to). You posted a song a while back by Band of Horses called ‘No one’s gonna love you’….I heard it tonight and I thought of you, Ronan and Poppy all together. Please take those bittersweet feelings you have of Ronans’\Poppys’ bedroom day by day. I hope you post the picture Woody put up of Ronan above his bed…..

  58. I hope your home can become a place of peace, love and laughter again for you. Love you and Poppy girl xo

  59. That picture of her yawning is the BEST!
    I’m so happy she has brought you some peace.
    Babies are amazing!
    She is beautiful.

  60. She’s the cutest little girl 🙂 Hope the best for your little life savior. She’s so lucky to have the 3 best older brothers ever!

  61. That hair! Those lips! She is a marvel.

  62. L From Ireland Avatar
    L From Ireland

    That gorgeous wee popstar is rocking her poppy headband! Love to you all. L xxxxxxx

  63. Maya,

    I am so happy and relieved that Poppy has brought some light back into your hearts and home! She is beautiful!

  64. Your little girl is so beautiful! And I know you said it makes you sad that the world isn’t gonna get to know Ronan. I obviously never met him but he has definately touched my life! I first heard about Ronan’s story from Taylor’s song and I feel like I need to honor him in some way! Both my grandparents died of cancer and I know that it seems harsh but I feel like Ronan’s death affected me more in a way. No child should have to suffer through what your brave little man did! So I live each day trying to honor is memory and his fight! I also found out that we share a birthday and this year will be my 20th birthday. I have decided that instead of asking for gifts this year I’m only asking for money or donations and all money I get will be going to children’s cancer research! I am also going to release 20 purple balloons in his memory. So although Ronan is not here in a way he is and he is still fighting this fight with you! He has inspired me to join the fight! I pray everyday that there will be a cure someday! Stay strong!

  65. Abby Humphreys Avatar
    Abby Humphreys

    OuHi, my name is Abby, I am 14 and I live in Texas. I have always been a big Taylor swift fan so of course I heard the song dedicated to your son “Ronan” it makes me sad to listen toit, but none the less, it is a beautiful s,ong,yesterday I came across your blog and started to read it, the things I read about you losing Ronan, and his battle with cancer just broke my heart. The only thing I could hear was a voice in my head screaming “it’s just not fair.” all day today I had your little boy on my mind, every time I let my mind wander, I thought of him. I just find it so hard to believe he was only there years old, and gone in a blink of an eye. you must be a really strong person to have to go through all of that, and I hope your beautiful daughters doing well. Thankyou for your story, it showed me how much I really have to be thankful for. You and your family will be in my prayers.

  66. Such joy. So very happy for you and wishing you peace.

  67. Maya! Poppy is beyond beautiful. She is such a Mini-Ronan. Wondering if you believe in reincarnation? I read a book years ago called: Children’s Past Lives by Carol Bowman. Perhaps Ronan’s soul has returned as he needed another lifetime with you as well. It’s a fascinating thought; I am a believer for personal reasons. Congrats on your tiny miracle. Much love, T

  68. Aaaahh – those lips.

  69. Congrats on your beautiful and so sweet Poppygirl!! I follow your blog from Germany since I have seen you and your family on TV – your story touches my heart so deep! Fighting against cancer will never be fair and I’m so happy that there are wonderful persons like you Maya who are fighting now for others and a better world without childhood cancer! You are fantastic and your little Poppygirl is for sure so very happy of you being her Mum!
    My boyfriend is as well suffering from cancer and I can only imagine how incredible hard and sad it is to loose a loved one because of that. I understand your thoughts more than I ever thought and feel so close in my mind.
    You change my life and make me strong fighting against fucking cancer and for my boyfriend.
    I wish there would be more persons like you in this world. But it makes me so happy that at least you are making the world better – you are so strong and I’m sure Ro is looking so proud at his wonderful Mum.
    God bless you all Maya, you are a wonderful family with so much love in your hearts! Amazing!

  70. Maya,
    Poppy is so beautiful and looks so much like Ronan. The picture that you took of her lips, gosh its just amazing how identical they are to Ro’s. I have never commented before, but I have read every single blog. I have cried many times reading them and just want to thank you so much for continuing to write and for all that you do for childhood cancer.
    Congratulations to you and the ENTIRE Thompson family!

  71. I was at Taylor’s RED tour concert in Atlanta this past friday night, and 3 teenage girls had a huge poster that said “RONAN WAS RED” . the letters lit up and everything. it was amazing.

  72. Hanna from Sweden Avatar
    Hanna from Sweden

    Dear Maya,
    Congratulations with your beautiful little girl. I have been following your story for years and really feel for you.

    All the best,

  73. Wow, Poppy is adorable! Her beautiful “Ronan” lips and all. She is perfect! I am so happy for you all. I cannot believe it is almost two years already but I believe Poppy is the perfect blessing to help you live again (I know how hard that is to do) and Ronan will be there to help as well I’m sure. Wishing you all perfect health and love

  74. I was driving down the road today and it hit me…I am slow…how wonderful that you have new life to measure in your sweet Poppy. I know you will never stop counting the days that your Ronan has been gone….but I had happy tears when I thought of this. Bless Ronan for sending you such a perfect gift. Love to Thompson Land!

  75. Dear Maya. I’ve followed Ronan’s story for almost 2 years now. Like everyone else who has ever laid eyes on his beautiful face, I have carried thoughts of Ronan and of you, Woody, Liam and Quinn with me everyday. We share the same taste in baby names. I have 2 sons- (Luke and Quinn) and 4 year old twin girls. Had my girls been boys,one of them would have been named Ronan. Right now I am a patient at Sloan Kettering. I walk the halls here and talk to your little boy. I thank Ronan everyday that it is me who is going through cancer treatment and not one of my babies. I just wanted to send a big cead mile failte to your sweet Poppy. By saving you, I know that Poppy will in turn save all those little kids for whom you fight so hard. Your passion inspires so many Maya. Congratulations to you and your family on the arrival of your beautiful baby girl. Now the Thompsons are a half dozen strong and will really pack a punch against pediatric cancer!! Best wishes from NY.

  76. The only thing in May that really matters is the day your beautiful son was born. Ronan has touched so many lives, not just yours. So if you don’t mind I would like to celebrate this month and thank God for the time you DID have with Ronan and the fact that you have shared this remarkable child with us. You HAVE to know that this world is a better place because he was in it…and though the time was short, the impression he has left will be ever lasting. May should always be a celebration of his life…a life that means so very much….to so many people.
    PS…..Poppy Ronan is so beautiful and her name is perfect for her.

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