A bedtime song for you and your Poppy sister, too



This is the song your daddy has mastered for your Poppy sister. It sounds beautiful. You would have loved it. I’m tired tonight. I had a hard day. An o.k. night due to being with good, old friends and watching your brothers rip it up on the basketball court on this rainy night. Wish I would have had you on my lap to cheer them on. You would be so proud of them.

I miss you. I love you. I hope you are safe. G’nite baby boy.



4 responses to “A bedtime song for you and your Poppy sister, too”

  1. Beautiful song, amazing. I’m glad you had a good night. I’m sure it was rainy because Ro was making his presence known!

  2. I’m glad you had a good night watching Q&L playing basketball. Love that Woody perfected this song for popstar 😉


  3. Praying beautiful Poppy fills your lives with love and joy! xo

  4. “If you love something set it free, if it comes back to you then it was yours. I not, it never was.” Ronan is coming back to you, very soon in his Poppy sister. I can’t wait until she comes, it will be a hard day, remembering Ro(not that I could ever forget him) and thinking that it is so unfair that he won’t get to to hold her and kiss her. It will also be a happy day of welcoming this new little fighter into your life. I just keep praying that she will never have to fight the way that Ronan did.

    Maya, you are my hero, you and Ronan. You guys together make the strongest bond ever. I cry whenever I have to realize that your spicy, badass sidekick is gone. This is so unfair. I will NEVER stop fighting for a cure. Cancer messed with the wrong mama, it took the worng baby and that mama’s fire is big enough to light the world.
    I will never stop wearing gold, and fighting for the kiddos. This is more unfair that anything this world has ever seen.

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