Dear AZ Peeps,






I’ll be on ABC 15 at 10:00 tonight talking about this petition, Poppy, and all things Ro!  Thanks Channel 15 for being so awesome and wanting to help us get the signatures we need!!!!

Tune in tonight if you can! For those not in AZ, I will provide a link when it is available. Thank you!




24 responses to “Dear AZ Peeps,”

  1. I’m sorry! I’m not in AZ, but I know that so many more people will sign the petition! I feel really bad; my mom won’t let me get FB or Twitter, but I’m trying. Good luck, and in September, I hope to see one beautiful, RoGold White House:)

  2. Elizabeth Sousa Avatar
    Elizabeth Sousa

    *yay*! Can’t wait to check is out once the link is available!!! xo

  3. I am in Georgia please let me know!

    Sent from my iPhone

  4. Sheree Szymanski Avatar
    Sheree Szymanski

    You can ABSOLUTELY do this, Maya!!! Then you’ll get to rub it in “Wooddawg”‘s face!! 🙂

  5. Fucancer!!!!
    Can’t wait to watch RoMama!!!

  6. Sooo, is there a bet between you two???? If not i think there should be!!!! Lol! I signed and I will be watching tonight!!!! Yay ABC15!!! More awareness!!!

  7. Sorry Wooddawg………….You are goin down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This petition is all but done!!!

  8. Did he forget who he is married to? He’s crazy to think you can’t do something…or maybe that was his way to make sure you got it done:)

  9. Go team Maya!!!!!

  10. Signed and shared!!! Can’t wait to see you on ABC15!

  11. Normally I agree with Woody lol, but I hope he is wrong this time! Maybe if we all post this on Facebook, twitter, or any blogs we have, we can get hundreds more signatures.

  12. Over 3,000 signatures today… and climbing. Being on the local channel can only help push it over the threshold. It pains me (not really), being a husband and father, knowing that Woody is going to be proven wrong! I know that he is going to be happy that you have shown your resourcefulness and that the legion of people not standing silently on the sidelines continues to grow daily.

    That is wonderful news, and I knew that you would find a way to get more people involved! And I am going to LOVE seeing the Gold House this September!

  13. Maya,
    Signed #14,927 A little hometown support !!!
    The Thompson Family is loved in Washington 🙂
    Your strength is such an inspiration

  14. I will be making signs and having my kids hold them up to See If we can get signatures like the kids who get millions of likes for a puppy. If all else fails I will shave my head for signatures. Ronan we will not let you down!

  15. That is awesome! Go Maya!

  16. I love going back to the sight and seeing the number of signatures needed going down. It was pretty high when I signed earlier today. You’ll get this done, don’t worry.

  17. NO in AZ but can’t wait to see… have family down there.. maybe they are watching it… I will ask them to tune in as well 🙂

  18. on like donkey Kong! I say that all the time! Wood dawg is going down! I signed and shared and will share again. Go TEAM Maya:)

  19. Signed and Shared! I check this daily!! There’s no way were not getting this done, I might not believe in all things religion but I know this was meant to be heard!

  20. Can’t wait to watch this!
    Just got my hubby and a bunch of his coroners to sign 🙂 trying to spread the word as much as I can. I know you can prove Woody wrong 😉

  21. Maya…I have never met you or any of your wonderful family or friends but I follow your story sometimes crying and sometimes laughing. Last night I had a dream about you and while I don’t remember it all I do remember that you write a book and they were making a movie about Ronan’s and your story. I believe your two names will always be names that goes with the war against child hood cancer.

  22. We are going to get this done!! We have got 16k+ in 17 days, so why couldn’t we get another 8k in 14 days?? We can and we will!! I really believe this is a huge opportunity, it will mean so much needed awareness!! I’m going to get really aggressive and personally ask all my friends and family if they’ve already signed it. I’m also going to start writing different celebrities and businesses. It can’t hurt to try and I’m going to try my ass off!!! F U cancer!!

  23. Just sent another email out to all my friends and told them they HAD to sign and HAD to send it to all their friends. You can do this Maya. I would love you to prove Woody wrong. I know I don’t know you or your family, but I feel like I do from following your story. You are destined to great things through Ronan. I know it.

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