29 responses to “Remember how I asked you all to watch Stand Up 2 Cancer tonight??? This might be why….”

  1. I literally have goosebumps! That is amazing! You are making a difference, and Taylor Swift recognizes that, as do the rest of us. I have followed your story for a very long time, and feel blessed to know you, your family, and Ronan through your blog. Take care.

  2. You and Taylor Swift are a wonderful light in this world. Congratulations on your pregnancy and as ever – very sorry Ronan is not here to experience this with you.

  3. OMG. I swear I knew this was gonna happen! I always thought she’d write a song for you and Ronan. This is amazing. Can’t wait to hear it!

  4. O my, this is so amazing. Taylor really is an angel. Sadly I can’t watch it in The Netherlands, but I will look for it on YouTube!!

  5. Omfg…how awesome of her!! Xoxo will def. Watch!

  6. I will be watching! Taylor is so awesome and I know she will turn me into a puddle of tears tonight as I watch and think of sweet Ro. Love you, Maya ❤

  7. INCREDIBLE!!!!!!

  8. Amazing …..

  9. HOLY CRAP, MAYA!! This rocks so hard!!!! The power of Ro is astounding.

  10. What a shining moment for you, Taylor Swift, and the fight against childhood cancer. Just amazing and we will be tuned in tonight!!!

  11. Oh…crying already and I haven’t even heard it. I have no words for this, my daughter wants to be Taylor when she grows up and I think that is a wonderful goal. Dang, I have been crying over this blog for years…the last few tears have been happy/sad tears, todays tears are just amazed. Love…

    PS: I hope when you danced the other day you danced to Milkshake, cuz dang girl, that picture 🙂 will def. bring all the boys to the yard.

    PPS: A BABY!!! Woohoo!!!

    PPSS: I had a dream you opened up a place for kids and their families who are fighting neuroblastoma 🙂 So exciting!

  12. BEYOND AMAZING!!!!!!! This is huge and will bring you and Ronan’s story into the homes of thousands. Taylor ROCKS!!! Can’t wait to watch!!!

  13. omg! that’s amazing! I knew I loved Taylor Swift for a reason.

  14. Love, love, love….awesome!!!

  15. Holy balls!!! OMG!! This is amazing!! Love, love, love her – she has a heart of gold – doing this is just… amazing!!

  16. I literally just said “holy crap” out loud when I read this. Wow. Wow. Wow!!!!!!

  17. Chills!!! So beyond amazing, I don’t have a word for it!! The world will know about your sweet Ronan & wonderful momma Maya who are kicking cancers ass. Can’t wait for them all to join you in your crusade. Love!

  18. Romazing. Can NOT wait to hear it! What a pure and good heart she has. Love to Taylor and of course you, Woody, the boys, and Poppy–and always to Ronan!

  19. And…wow…the stars have aligned haven’t they! Ro and your blog/cause will get the NATIONAL spotlight tonight. There is no way that the Care Center isn’t gonna happen…no frickin way!

  20. Oh my gosh that is freakin awesome!!!!! I am so excited and so proud of you Maya. You have already made such a deep impact in such a short amount of time. You could have chose to crawl in that deep dark hole but you didn’t. I know Ronan is so proud of his mama and everything you are doing. go maya!!!

  21. Rocredible!!! Romazing!!! RoLove!!! Always Rockstar Ronan!!! Fucancer!!!

  22. So great!!! Can’t wait to hear the song. You, Ro and Taylor are changing the world. FU Cancer!!

  23. Unbelievable!!! I have a feeling the hits on this site are going to go through the roof and your dream of a Neuroblastoma centre is that much closer now. Oh and also, Ellen loves Taylor…I think she’s going to love Ronan after this.

    1. Ali- this is a HOMERUN with that comment.. Ellen and Taylor are LETHAL doses of “Happiness, Awareness and LOVE”.. This will land Maya on the show with Taylor, and both will get to share the impact this had had on their very different, but NOW, intertwined paths.. Nice commeht Ali.. 🙂 I can’t wait for Ellen to get a hold of this! 🙂

  24. You have touched my heart!!!

  25. […] Remember how I asked you all to watch Stand Up 2 Cancer tonight??? This might be why…. (rockstarronan.com) […]

  26. Hi my name is Victoria and I have lost my son in April of this yr with a very rare childhood cancer only 1 in 6 billion get this type. So pretty much only he had it. There was no cure we even went to NY for 6 months in hope that we could cure him. :*( That did not happen unfortunatly. He came home and remained here till he passed , It was the worse thing in the world , yes he was a month from being 22 but it was 24/7 care and watcing for seizures and being sick. My son was in the military and scored so high on the test he was able to get into Aviation in the Army where he was wanting to fly the Blackhawk. It was 5 months yesterday and it still hurts as bad as it did when he passed.. I JUST WANTED TO SHARE MY STORY BECAUSE YOU OF ALL PEOPLE WOULD UNDERSTAND MY PAIN! :*( GOD BLESS YOU I WILL KEEP YOU IN MY THOUHTS AND PRAYERS. I FEEL YOUR SON HAS AN AMAZING SOLDIER WATCHING OVER HIM.. :**)

  27. this song made me cry:( so sorry for your loss. my baby brother died from a pulmonary embolism in 09 when he was 8 so this song made me think of him!! Your new baby will be able to say that she/he has an angel for a big brother!! god bless

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