Hellllooo June! Nice to see you!

It’s not the critic who counts

It’s not the critic who counts,
not the man who points out
how the strong man stumbles
or where the doer of deeds
could have done them better.

The credit belongs to the man
who is actually in the arena,
whose face is marred
by dust and sweat and blood,
who strives valiantly,
who errs and comes short
again and again because
there is no effort without
error and shortcomings,
who knows the great devotion,
who spends himself in a worthy cause,
who at best knows in the end the high achievement of triumph
and who at worst, if he fails while daring greatly,
knows his place shall never be with those timid and cold souls
who know neither victory nor defeat.

– Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US President

My marathon is Sunday. As in, this Sunday. I stuck by my words and did not train at all. I did a few runs, here and there. But in no way shape or form, did I train for this marathon. I saw an opportunity, and I ran with it. I wanted to raise enough money, to help fund Dr. Mosse’s trial at CHOP. I did not want to have to throw a normal fundraiser, to do this. I took this on as a personal challenge to myself, to see if I could actually get this done. I did it. We raised enough money, in just a few short weeks, to do this. It was a lot of money. I am over the moon about succeeding. None of this would not have happened, without all of you. All of you who believe in me, so much, that you donated what you could donate. Whether it was 1 dollar, or 5k…. the bottom line is, I have a world of support surrounding me that will continue to help me move these mountains. The impossible will be done because I have the most amazing group of people, supporting me at all times. This would not exist without this blog. This is what makes every backlash, every “you are doing the wrong things,” the “stop putting all of this out there,” SO WORTH IT. It is so beyond worth it. I always said Ronan’s Foundation is not here to be conventional and like every other foundation out there. There are some amazing ones out there, do not get me wrong…. but I know Ronan’s will be different. Ronan’s is his and mine and nobody is going to take this story away from us. May the bridges I burn, light the way to something else so extraordinary, that the normal human in the box thinker, cannot even see yet. I can see it. I’ve always been able to see it. My eyes are Ronan’s eyes. I see everything through my child’s eyes, and today, they are not blurry. Today, my soul is on fire. Today, I am so proud of who I am, who I am becoming, and who I hope to achieve to be. I am proud of all of my mistakes as they are my mistakes to make and I try my best to learn from them. To grow from them and they help me cut to the chase with a lot of bullshit in life that I am just not dealing with anymore. I am thankful to my parents for giving me the gift of an open mind and an open heart. I learned all of those things, from them. Now, all I have to do is run this marathon and finish this marathon. I am going to try my hardest and try my best. I will finish. It is going to be ugly, but I will finish. No matter how bad my time, sucks. All I care about is crossing that finish line and making you all proud. This is a also a personal test to myself. If I can do this, I can do anything I set my mind to. I am going to run the entire marathon thinking about Ronan. About our love and our loss. About how this is all for him and always will be. I have no doubt this marathon will be filled with so much pain, determination, courage, strength and fire… that it can and will be achieved. I do not doubt my heart at all. I will not only carry Ronan with me, but all of the other babes I now know and love. Ava will be heavy on my mind as well as a sweet little girl named Charlotte Rose Kelly, who passed away from Neuroblastoma as well. Her mom reached out to me and sent a very generous donation to help us fund Dr. Mosse’s trial. She says I give her strength with my words. Once again, this would not happen without this blog. I am so thankful for you, Patrice. That you are able to see my light in the darkness of all of this. I will run extra hard on Sunday, thinking of you and your sweet baby girl. I am so sorry that you know what this pain and my tears feel like. I wish it was not this way, for any of us.

I knew that the first thing that I was going to fund was going to go to Dr. Mosse. Your daddy asked if I was sure about this because there are a lot of people that need support and money for research. I looked your daddy in the eyes and said to him, “Without a doubt, 110% this is who this money is going to.” It is the least I can do for her. This is not about just the research for me. This goes much deeper than that. This is about a person, who had a very hard job to do, in telling 2 parents that there was nothing that could be done for you, Ronan. This is about a person, that had the courage, grace, compassion, and dignity to look us in the eyes and tell us how truly sorry she was. This to me, Ronan, is PRICELESS. I am doing this for her, because of what she did for us. Although, she never had the privilege of taking care of you, she took care of me in the only way she could have, instead. By giving me the gift of looking me in the eye. I will always be so thankful for that. So, Sunday is going to be here before I know it. I am not running in a new pair of shoes. I will wear the purple one’s that I always wore, with you. I will wear my NYC Yankees hat, because it is always what I wore, with you. Those 2 things have been with me though out your treatment and after. I will never throw them away although my purple pumped up kicks have seen better days. I am not running in anything else. I know you will be there with me, pushing me when my body is ready to give up and quit. I am going to need you, little one.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who donated and made this possible. This could not have happened, without you. Thank you for not giving up on me no matter how many times I have “offended,” you. Thank you for being able to see past that and finding it in your hearts to see beyond the things that may appear on the surface. Thank you for not forgetting that this is about a sick little boy, who never hurt a fly and did not deserve any of this. Who could be angry at a child and turn away from that due to words that I may write? Take my words away and if you can still picture Ronan’s face and are filled with anger or disappointment due to the things that I have said, then I freaking feel sorry for you. I don’t want your support anyway. Go give it to some other charity like “Save the Unicorns of the World.” Because that right there, will cure childhood cancer. This is about something so much bigger than my words. This is about a life of a child that deserved better. This is about the life of all of the other babies, kids, and teenagers who are diagnosed and will fight cancer while everybody else, tries to looks the other way. This is about awareness. I must be doing something right if I have almost 2.7 million hits on this blog. I have to think that most of you, are still here because you believe in good over evil. Because as I have often said before, there will be beauty that comes of this. No matter how ugly it may get. If you are still with me, I thank you so much for not looking the other way. I thank you for being brave enough to laugh with me, cry with me, scream with me, get mad at me; but you still find it in your hearts to never give up on this story and to never give up on Ronan. I love you all. See you on Sunday, 26.2!

P.S. That quote above was sent to me today, by one of my former lovies of the month, Kassie. I think I will print it out, and read it every freaking day. Thanks, Kass. Once again, I would not know this kind soul, without this blog. I will never regret any backlash because all of the beauty that has come from this, so outweighs it all.


15 responses to “Hellllooo June! Nice to see you!”

  1. All i have to say is: FUCK YOU CANCER!!! and Maya, you are going to OWN that 26.2 miles, because you have Ro. ❤

  2. Love you maya!! I miss Ronan. And I know you will kick some serious ass tomorrow!! I’m so proud of you, humbled by you, an truly amazed by your determination and strength. I know Ronan will be waiting for you at the finish line!


  3. Ronan will be with you for every step, breath, and tear for the entire 26.2 My hope and prayer (sorry for throwing BOTH of them together!) is that you feel him, really feel him with every step, breath, and tear. I am so so so happy that Dr. Mosse’s clinical trial has enough money to be funded and proud to be a part of helping, even though my donation was a small one, thank you for making me feel that it was important. No amount is too small, but I will be honest, I think it makes people feel badly to only donate $5 or $25 or $50–as we are talking about the lives of beautiful, innocent, amazing children–and it could be one of our very own one day relying on this research to save his or her life, and there is no amount we would not pay or distance we would not walk to ensure they grow up happy and healthy. You made $5 giving cool–Thank you MMT–and go get em! I know you will do amazing and make so so many proud, especially Ro!

  4. You are going to kick cancers ass. You are going to own this marathon. Rockstar Ro will be with you every step of the way.

    Thinking of you RoMama !! Rock this marathon!!! You can and will do it!!!
    Always Ro!!! ❤

  5. Run Maya Run!!!!!! Never stop running!!! Never stop fighting the fight.

  6. We are with you for every single mile you run on Sunday (and for every ache in your body on Monday – I’m sure there will be many!!!) We are proud of you, Ronan is proud of you. And we love you.

  7. I am with you and with Ronana! FU Cancer and Go, Maya, Go!

  8. Thinking of you and your entire beautiful family. Good luck on your big run we are all pulling for you.

  9. Penny Grissman Avatar
    Penny Grissman

    Good luck tomorrow! Know that you have millions of people giving you a push from behind to help you cross that finish line. Thank you from all the parents whose children are not sick but realize everyday that they are fortunate but not beyond the potential grasp of this horrific disease. You are saving lives. You are a hero. You truly are ROmarkable.
    Penny Grissman
    (p.s. I’d still love to proudly wear Ro’s bracelet. I hope you will sell them online soon!)

  10. Rebecca Bohannon Avatar
    Rebecca Bohannon

    GO MAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who cares about your time . . .

    It is a privilege to read this blog. I read your posts everyday, some times two and three times a day. I will continue to read it as long as you post. It gives me hope for a better future for my grandson and granddaughter who deserve a long happy and healthy life in the hopes that they will not have to face this terrible disease that has taken way too many previous lives. Thank you Maya. Thank you Ronan.

    Becki Bohannon

  11. So happy to read that Dr. Mosse’s trial was funded – you and Ronan work wonders. Good luck tomorrow – I know you have Ronan so you don’t need luck. Will be thinking about you, Ronan, Ava, Charlotte and all the others. xo to you & Fuck You Cancer!!

  12. Tametha Medina-Bache Avatar
    Tametha Medina-Bache

    Maya, I stumbled upon your blog a year ago and wanted to write you but couldn’t come up with the words. I fight for my son everyday but in a different way. His name is Joey and he is seven years old and he has autism. He was born on May 9th. I feel like something brought me to your blog to give me the strength to keep kicking ass so my some gets what he deserves at school and so that people treat him like a person. through Ro I know I have to fight harder for him. He knows all about Ro and says ro is his friend. I feel even more blessed to have Joey in my life and he has taught me so much. Thankyou for helping me appreciate him even more. Thankyou for fighting out LOUD!!!!!

  13. Rock on sista! I will be thinking of you and Ro all day. xo

  14. Trying to follow your marathon, but can’t figure it out 🙂 Can’t wait to hear how it goes. Pisses me off that people are making comments about your feelings, seriously?? Screw them. I wonder if it was a man writing it if people would say the opposite…oh he is just getting his feelings out…bleh. Whatever. You are rocking this and Ronan, Liam, and Quinn have to be so proud of you. Glad that May is over and that you had a good June 2nd. The other night, when my blue eyed baby girl was up and wouldn’t sleep without me and I was exhausted, I thought of you and Ronan and smiled and hugged her and thanked her for being there to keep me awake. You have done more good for people than you will ever know. Not just the kicking cancer’s ass, but reminding us how lucky we are. Even though I have never met you, I love you 🙂

  15. […] Okay you all know if you read my blogs about Rockstar Ronan’s mama…. well that ”crazy girl” ran a marathon yesterday in San Diego without training (at All) and her foundation raised enough money to fund a research trial for Neuroblastoma by a Dr. Mosse.  Here is a link to her blog if you care to know how important bedside manner and empathy is for a physician.   https://rockstarronan.com/2012/06/01/hellllooo-june-nice-to-see-you/ […]

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