14 responses to “Dr. Giselle Sholler”

  1. I am sitting at my computer crying and cheering for this doctor and for your post. Always cheering for you and your family too. Just watching as a 2 year old with neuroblastoma recurrence fights for her life. I will share this with the doctors here in Connecticut where my daughter is treated for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Thank YOU for this information.

    1. Cheryl, I am so sorry that your little girl, you and your family, are going through this. I hope so much that everything will be alright for you. We will be thinking of you and your little one.

  2. She’s on it!!! Excellent info. Weird, we were just talking about this. Not a coincidence though, the stars are aligning in every aspect of Childhood Cancer right now….YOUR “bright star” is lighting the path and guiding all of us. He’s got our attention.

  3. That sounds incredibly promising!

  4. This is good.
    I think it was the UNI of Montreal that found out through trials that you can find out the exact dose of chemo and every med that each patient needs by their DNA.
    Some children have died from being given too much chemo. Going by their DNA they were given 3x the amount that their body needed whereas that same amount of Chemo for other children was too low of a dose.
    I am pretty sure that it was the UNI of Montreal that discovered how to find out through DNA. Doctors do not use this on patients though because each test costs a few hundred dollars. Instead, they just give the generic ‘recommended’ dose to every patient.

  5. Sounds so promising. Breaks my heart that it this hope was not available to Ronan. Will share this with a family at a school I work with who’s 5 year old has just relapsed after NED for about 8 months (she was Stage iV NB dx at age 3).

  6. YES!!!!! Finally- thank you to Dr. Sholler and Dell!!! I really feel like that will go somewhere… yes, she IS onto something. That technology will help sooo much. I hope they get that going fast. Thanks for posting the article 🙂 I really like her! I fee like she really cares and wants to make a difference. Love to you and the fam, and always RO!

  7. She sounds like one smart cookie and I do pray she is really onto figuring this thing out so that other babies can be cured! Much love to you today Maya, always thinking of you and Ronan! xoxo

  8. Dearest Maya,

    I have heard a lot of great things about Dr. Sholler. It’s very obvious that not all NB can be treated in the same way. My hopes are, that with our support, Dr. Sholler will be able to solve the mystery of NB.

    My son Kasper was diagnosed with stage IV NB in March 2010 at 2 years and 4 months. When I first read your blog, a few months ago, I was struck by the similarities in Ronan’s and Kasper’s diagnoses. The black eye we thought Kasper had gotten playing rough with his older brother, was due to a tumor behind his left eye. There were no other symptoms, that his little body was full of cancer.

    Kaper went through the standard protocol and is NED. My joy for being able to sleep with Kasper in my arms every night, is mixed with the incredible sadness I feel for you not being able to do the same with your Ronan, for the pain Nate is going through during his treatment and for Teddy relapsing just a couple of months after us celebrating Teddy, Leila and Kasper being done with treatment.

    Thank you Maya for using your gift with spicy words and your love for Ronan to spread awareness and raise fund for pediatric cancer.

    I’m sending you all my LOVE, LIGHT, STRENGTH and KICKING ASS SPIRIT,


    I have found yoga and meditation very helpful, but you would need to find a great teacher. Reading about your body shaking I think you would release a lot of tension through TRE – tension and trauma exercises. Check it out at: traumaprevention.com
    The founder, David Berceli, is from Phoenix, so I’ll take that as a sign. : )

  9. Amazing! You had a vibe about her from the get-go and you were right. Shout out to Dell too for supporting this mission! When I am ready for a laptop, I will buy from them!!

  10. I hope that Dr. Sholler continues her research – she sounds amazing. Very impressive that Dell has donated so much. Take care & fuck you cancer!

  11. Amazing!!!! Love to all of you !!!

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