10 responses to “Breathe. But how? Without you?”

  1. Beautiful song from beautiful Taylor ❤

  2. (sigh) tears come down my eyes….no words…beautiful Ro :”(

  3. Dear Maya,

    Just wish I could wrap you all up in my arms, make the pain go away and Ronan would be here. Please know this above all else: you are a Loving, Devoted & Magnificent Mamma.


  4. I hope Ronan showered you, Woody, Liam, and Quinn with signs of his presence yesterday, making it easier to breathe and be present for an incredibly difficult day.

  5. Maya
    I was thinking about you guys last night as all the trick or treaters came to our house. I am so sorry Ro was not there with you for this favorite holiday of you and your family. I got my first tattoo in July and while looking through books I saw some tattoos of lips. I thought of you and how you always talk about Ro’s precious lips. I think you should take this picture, or one like it with his precious lips, and get them tattood on you so they are always with you.

    I think about you guys and tell everyone I know about you and your journey. You are A……wait for it…..FUCKING……MAZING!!

  6. How can you buy the fuck cancer bracelets/t-shirts? I’d love to buy as many as I can!!!

  7. I can’t help the tears from falling as I know you can’t either but this was a beautiful song for you and Ro….I wouldn’t want to breathe either! xoxo ❤

  8. Listening to that song and looking at Ronan’s face in the picture you posted under the video made tears stream down my face and, for that moment, I felt 1/1,000,000,000,000 of your pain. I can only imagine your pain and, like so many others, I wish I could take it away.

  9. ❤ I can't beilive that while reading this I know Tay has a song for Ro :') ❤ One of the most greatest songs she'd ever wrote!

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