Who’s reading this and NOT signing it?? We can do better than this, peeps. 5K signature should be a walk in the park.



I expect a lot from you all. I put a lot out there as far as my writing. I know thousands of you, read this. If you are going to continue to read my blog, please sign this. If you are reading this, and not taking the two minutes to sign it….. Ummmmm…. what’s wrong with you? You are missing the point of EVERYTHING. Sign this damn petition, please.  I am just going to be really sad and let down if we don’t get 5 thousand signatures.

Please do this for me, for Ronan. Just sign take the 2 minutes so sign this thing. My friend, Olivia, worked hard to put this out there because she is going to work her ass off with me to make a difference. Because she gets it because she has a HEART. And two beautiful, healthy kids. She is not a dumb-ass who is just going to go on with her life. She is a fighter because she gets that nobody’s child is immune to this.

To all of you who have signed this. Thank you. So very much. I know Ronan is watching over all of you. He knows the goodness that is coming out of you hearts. He knows you are going to help make a change. He believes in you and the power of creating an ARMY of support.


45 responses to “Who’s reading this and NOT signing it?? We can do better than this, peeps. 5K signature should be a walk in the park.”

  1. This is such a great thing your friend is doing to bring awareness to this ugly thing called childhood cancer! It is about time the government heard how important it is to step up for the future of our country!! Thank you so much to Olivia! And, I’ve definitely signed and encouraged all of my Facebook friends to do the same.

  2. done 🙂

  3. I agree! I don’t understand! All I can do is keep reposting. I had to get a little nasty on my post on FB bc I feel nobody cares!!!!!! But they want me to vote for stupid shit!!!! Wake the fuck up people!!!!!!!

    1. same here, but I swear I will fill up their walls until they give in out of self defense and sign, it’s pathetic some people are like that and are lucky to live in a bubble where this is not important in their lives. Well IT IS important and we are not going to let them bury their heads in the sand. I am with you 🙂 Lets make em sign!

  4. Did it yesterday as soon as I seen it posted! I also am sharing the link through twitter and FB everyday, for those that don’t follow your story I will get them to sign if I have to fill up every wall with the links to this, this is too important not to get the signatures.

  5. There are 3,680 likes on this page for FB where the Hell are the signatures at? Come on guys lets blow this petition up with signatures

  6. Done and done, home girl. The word has also been passed to my friends.

  7. So I posted to my FB page after signing it, and I must admit…I am STUNNED that not a single person has responded with a comment in an hour….even after typing the following information and asking politely for people to sign….
    Will you please sign this today?
    46 children will be diagnosed with cancer today. 2300 will die this year after receiving treatments that are for adults and 20+years old. Those that survive, will often live with serious side effects for the rest of their lives. 12 major groups of Pediatric cancer receive less than 3% of the National Cancer Institutes federally funded $4.6 billion budget.

    Guess I am gonna have to get a little Inca on for the next post. Seriously. Ridiculousness.

  8. I signed, even posted it to my facebook wall. Hopefully, a few fbook “friends” will take the time to help out. People get to wrapped up in themselves to take a moment to do something so simple as this!

  9. I signed this!!! I will post it on my wall and ask my 300 “friends” on facebook to sign as well as pass on. I also requested that the Blanket Fairy post this on her wall. She had received a huge amount of traffic on her facebook account since delivering her childhood cancer awareness package to the Ellen Show. We will not fail you…and we will certainly not fail Ronan in this cause!

  10. Signed. From my 7-day stint in a Hospital bed, so please people, sign!!!

  11. Signed!! 🙂

  12. Im mass posting this link to my FB and a pregnancy website I am a member of. Hopefully the moms of the site will see how important this petition is!! ~signature 188~ and I’ll second what the woman above says…wake the fuckkk up PEOPLE!!!

  13. I signed it yesterday but for some reason my name wasn’t showing up as a signature and so I went ahead and did it again and now I’m there. Done 🙂

  14. signed yesterday

  15. Can you sign if you’re under 18?

  16. Trying…the pop up to create an account won’t let me finish it. Going to try again on another computer. Forwarded link to others. Btw can’t stand the Kardashians…their focus on everything but anything important makes me ill.

  17. I´ve tried to sign but it doesn´t work.
    I´m too far away here in Germany. I have no Voice for this petition.
    I am so unbelevable sorry.

    But I took Ronan, You and your Family here to Germany. I have not a Facebook Account but in an other social network. And there I carry you all with me and try to wake up everyone i can about childhood cancer.

    best wishes and huge hugs from Germany

  18. I want to sign it but I’m not from America, can I still create the account to sign for it?

  19. Done! 😉

  20. I am trying to sign it and it is saying “Page 404 can NOT be found”! Anyone else having this problem?

  21. Signed it. Shared it.

    Maya, I just recently started reading your blog. You inspire me. Ronan inspires me. My daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia 2 months ago. Not the “good” kind of Leukemia either. She is 22 months old and will be having a bone marrow transplant in the coming months. I don’t need to tell you how much this sucks. I just wanted you to know that as a mother of a child who is in the fight, I appreciate you – your honesty and your determination to make a difference. Thank you. And thank you to your friend for organizing this. She is amazing.

    P.S. Do you have any F U Cancer bracelets for sale still? I’d like to buy a few.

  22. not drinking the kool aid Avatar
    not drinking the kool aid

    You’ve been complaining about everyone around you and their superficiality, yet have you gone back to count how many times your LV purse, fat diamond ring, mentions of your notable neighbors and exclusive neighborhood have made your blog?

  23. I don’t think I can sign it because I’m from Australia, but I posted it on my Facebook for all my American friends. I also directed them to this page in case they were looking for a reason as to why they should take a few minutes out of their lives to sign it.

  24. It wont let me sign it but I think its because I am from Canada:( I hope you reach your goal.

  25. Just signed – #734. I will pass it along till there are 5000. Take care.

  26. Signed. For you, Ronan, and all children.

  27. I immediately signed up when you first posted the link–it only takes a minute to create an account, and it’s the least I can do. My boys held a lemonade stand for Ronan’s foundation and I was so proud of all their hard work. My husband said later that it wasn’t appropriate for me to tell them about Ronan, that it’s so sad. That’s fucking bullshit–I want my kids to be outraged that this is happening to other kids like them so they grow up to be people that want to change the world! Of course it’s easier to turn away because it’s uncomfortable to think about a child being taken away from his family because of a fucked up, unfair disease. And it’s happening everywhere. So why turn away when you can work to make a difference? I’m doing what I can, Maya, and I thank you for doing what you can as well.

  28. not drinking the kool aid Avatar
    not drinking the kool aid

    please take down my earlier comment. I was dealing with my own issue and should not have posted a judmental comment here

    1. I never posted it. It was too mean and i did not want to start a blood bath.

    2. Did you get my email? The one that said that I would not post what you wrote because it was too mean? I don’t understand the judgements. Why are you still reading my blog? Why are people so offended that my husband works really hard, so we can have a comfortable life. Are you offended that he got a full ride, to ASU, for academics alone? That he is a very smart man and we saved, saved, and saved to be able to raise or kids in a safe, humble, and not fancy by any means, neighborhood. If I had as much money as Kim K., I would never in my life buy a pair of 70k earrings. If I ever won the lottery or something like that, I would donate it all to childhood cancer. Why am I responding to you? Because it bothers me that there are people out there, like you, that turn my words around and judge me. For the ring I wear on my finger that has been in my husbands family for generations? For the Louis purse that I sometimes carry because it means more to me because of the fact that it is 20 years old and was my husbands grandmothers?

      You know what you think you see. You know nothing but what you want to know. That is unfair. That makes you, a not very nice person. That makes Ronan mad. Change your life if you are unhappy. Don’t take it out on me and this blog. Go elsewhere if that is who you really think I am. You know nothing about anything. Stop being jealous over petty bullshit. It’s just wrong. And mean.

  29. Signed and posted to facebook the day you sent the message!

  30. Posted again!!!!! I will post everyday until the goal is reached!!!!!!!

  31. I posted it on my FB!
    I’m #491 of 853…
    where are Maya’s Mafia’s at????!!!!

  32. Signed it…#900

  33. I can’t believe it…I have posted this 3 TIMES on my facebook (with a link to this site) and also on the online community I am a member of with the horrific statistics of childhood cancer…and only 2 people have responded. This must be the frustration that you feel all the time, Maya. It only took me one day of reading your blog to stand up and listen and desperately want to help and spread the word. I wish everyone would just listen. And now I am seeing signs up for Breast Cancer awareness month…I know it’s also an important cause but don’t we have room for Childhood Cancer awareness as well? Where is the sea of yellow?! Because of you and Ronan, Maya, I will fight for all the kids out there without a voice until people start listening and doing something.

    1. Ali–
      I am so with you. I have posted with facts, sad pathetic facts. NOONE is responding and the petition is only at 1459? I don’t understand. This blog has over a million hits, and while I don’t know how they are counted…there are certainly well over 5000 people checking in. How did we not get 5000 signatures on Day 1? How can fund raising occur, change occur and a cure be found when people won’t sign a fucking petition? Stunned in St. Louis…..

  34. I sit here stunned that as of today there are still only about 1600 signatures on this petition! i have posted the link on my facebook twice this week and i have texted this to everyone i know. i got three responses. three. i will keep pushing this issue. people are blind. maybe they dont want to have to think about reality. that babies are dying EVERY day. well, i say fuck that. fuck cancer. think about it and want to make a difference. want to make things change. push our government to do what is right. if you dont do it for Ronan, do it for someone else you know; someone that you might know down the road. do it because it is the RIGHT fucking thing to do. I am disgustined. i need to make new friends. apparently i havent surrended myself with people who give a fuck about anything important.

    1. I totally agree with you! Like, seriously! WTF?????

  35. Still posting!!!!! Where the Fuck is everybody????? Some of my friends have been great and supportive but WTF????? Someone please explain!!!!!

  36. Done! My 3.5 y/o nephew has Stage IV Neuroblastoma. Having posted many things on the matter myself on various social sites, I’m always astounded by such a lack of response from my “friends.” Really makes you step back and reevaluate your relationships.

  37. Well tell Olivia I adopted this petition when I saw it – cancer parents across the US BONDED and UNITED we happily can say “MISSION COMPLETE” please thank Olivia for starting this the baton was passed on and a torch was ignited! It takes an army, we created just that! With God leading the way we have now surpassed 5000.

    Grateful !
    God Bless!
    Angelia m/o Baby Nicholas

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