Ronan would give you all one of his famous “winks” and tell you thank you!

Ronan. Hi baby. Last year, at this time we were waiting for you to go in for your surgery tomorrow to remove the mass that we found above your eye. I remember how mad you were. For 3 years, you lived a totally healthy life, and then suddenly, we are prepping you to get your head cut open. You didn’t understand any of it, nor should you have. We hardly understood it ourselves. I would give anything to go back to this night with you, last year. We would have been snuggled up in the hospital bed together. Now I am snuggled up in our bed at home with Quinn. It is so strange to not have you here in between us. I hate it. The more time passes by, the more I miss you. Nobody tells you that either. Time does not make everything easier; it makes it harder because you are getting further and further away from the last time you were with your loved one. The pain of missing you grows stronger and stronger, everyday Ronan. I wonder if you miss me just as much. You have to. I sometimes imagine you above me, trying to reach down to me with your little hands, but you can never quite get to me. The thought of this makes me sad. So very sad. And mad. Which is why I had to take today and turn it in to something beautiful. I am going to make it a yearly event on August 12. Ronan’s Random Acts of Kindness. I had so many people send me emails and comments about things they did. So sweet. Somebody at Whole Foods bought the persons groceries behind her. My friend, Janet, bought a pitcher of margaritas for the table behind them, Quinn helped a little boy clip up on his board today because he couldn’t reach it. There are thousands of stories out there like this today. I cannot thank you enough. It was because of all of you, and your acts of kindness in Ronan’s name, that I was able to get through today and even smile.

I left a gift card at the Starbucks Drive thru and had the barista use it on everyone who came through. I tried to leave the F U Cancer bracelets too, but they guy wouldn’t budge. Can’t blame a girl for trying:)I also had Woody stop by the store to buy some flowers for a random person in our neighborhood. We just picked a house on a whim and I went up and rang the doorbell. A man answered and I asked if his wife was home. I had the flowers in my hand and told him they were for her, in honor of my son who passed away from cancer. I could barely spit the words out because I was about to burst in tears. His wife came to the door and said she couldn’t believe it. She and her husband knew all about us and my blog. She said she had been wanting to write a card, but didn’t know what to say. They both told us that they too had lost a child; a daughter. How random that I decided on this house, and they too have lost a child. We chatted for awhile and I hugged her and told her I hope I made her smile on this day. I know it made me smile to do this for her. Our now new friends:)

Alright little man. I am tired tonight. Ready for this day to be over. Thank you for giving me this idea in the middle of the night. I know it was you. It was a total success and we are doing it every year for you.

I love you to the moon and back. I hope you are safe.


Thank you for all of you lovelies who helped make this possible. Maya’s Mafia has the BEST friends ever!!!! Thank you for helping me get through today. I am so glad I didn’t stay in bed!!


12 responses to “Ronan would give you all one of his famous “winks” and tell you thank you!”

  1. Maya, Ronan is so amazing, I wish I could see his wink and hear his precious thank you. I missed out on doing something special today but I promise I will do a make up tomorrow! Brainstorming right now!

  2. I know your sick of hearing that you are amazing, so I’ll say Ronan is AMAZING! No doubt he brought you this idea! What a true Rockstar he continues to be!

  3. What a beautiful thing to be apart of. Thank you!

  4. What a special way to celebrate Ronan’s life and a day in his honor. Really every day is in his honor and will carry it on.

  5. Oh Maya, I love what you did for August 12th. My act was something small, but was all I could muster based on the bad cancer-related news I got yesterday. But still, I knew hell, I am lucky because I am at least here. I reached out to someone who was hurting even more than I was. I think that Ronan’s Day of Kindness is the *best* idea. I love it. And the paragraph you posted about the 86,400 seconds in the “bank” account – was exactly what I needed to see this morning. No more pity party for me – I am getting up, moving on, and continuing the fight. Gotta use up those 86,400 seconds wisely and with love and appreciation for them. xoxoxoxo Jen

  6. Love that quote at the bottom! It’s so true-life is short. And how awesome about Ronan’s day of kindness πŸ™‚ More great things to come πŸ™‚ I’ll bet it was no coinsidence about your neighbor either! That’s amazing! God bless you today! Praying for you! xoxo

  7. The world needs more people like yourself in it. Imagine the mountains that could be moved? Im sorry for your loss and pain, but, beautiful things are happening in the midst of your living sacrafice. Thank you! An amazing way (and tribute) to remind people that the small stuff in life really does matter.

  8. Love this post! I’m ready to dive in here in Houston to help in any way I can for Ronan and the Foundation! This is going to get huge!!!!! Can’t wait!!! I need to get some bracelets. πŸ™‚ Have a great weekend Thompson Family!!!



  9. Maya,

    I did my deed of kindness yesterday to honor the beautiful blue eyed Rockstar Ro!!!
    Ronan captured my heart when I stumbled across your blog last year and I’ve been reading every day. I wear his bracelet proudly!!! Purple = his fav color = my mom’s fav color πŸ™‚

    I love the last paragraph “make the most of today”.
    I hope and pray that you, Woody, Liam and Quinn have an OK day today

    I’m ready to help you with the pamphlets you talked about in one of your other posts.
    When you’re ready let us all know “maya’s mafia” and we’ll be there for you!

    Peace & strength

  10. What a fabulous idea, and I loved the bottom saying. Hope you are having a good weekend.

  11. Maya, I need need need an F U Cancer bracelet. I am continually sharing your family’s story, and I’d love one! How do I get one? Much love.

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