This was playing while my mom got her tattoo. Fitting.

8 responses to “This was playing while my mom got her tattoo. Fitting.”

  1. Annie Johnson Avatar
    Annie Johnson

    Ok so today I have so much to say, I just know I’m gonna forget some so I’ll ramble in an effort to get it all out there and it probably won’t make sense. I am a nursing student, I know and understand the heart very well, but I still don’t get how his little heart just stopped either. How a beautiful little boy could be playing like nothing’s wrong just a few days before. I don’t understand and I HATE IT!!!!! Second to get the word out, what about car details? It’s not yoplait that’s for sure but it could be another great fundraiser. I’d rock a car decal and I have four cars just think how many other people would too. I’ve been seein some truckers are sporting something on their trucks (absolutely brilliant). All the children’s magazines are a good place to go too. Let’s make Ronan the face of neuroblastoma, cuz it’s the most perfect face I’ve ever seen. Besides if anyone can turn him down they are heartless and fuck em! Also, that picture!!!! WOW definately your baby boy. How good does that feel, u have the proof right there that he is with you always. No more “where is Ronan” we know where he is, with his mommy!!! I know you’re not ready to go into the “hot lava” yet, rightfully so, but maybe just maybe when you are able to, you could try sleeping in his bed… I’m thinkin happy dreams would occur but it’s definately going to take some time. Sorry I’m blabbing but this is the happiest I’ve been since I’ve started reading your blogs. I KNOW from the picture that YOU STILL HAVE YOUR RONAN BABY and that gives me such peace. I can’t wait to help u in your fight!!! Whatever you need, you got it baby!!!

  2. *mopping up the tears*

    We are here and ready to mobilize with the rest of “Maya’s Mafia”.

    I started with the family in my community that I mentioned in one of my other posts on here. Walked the oldest boy to school so his Momma could get his little brother to the hospital on time for tests. Tonight, while making meatloaf, I doubled the recipe so I could share with their family. It’s not much, but I needed to do something.

  3. LETS DO THIS! You gave me chills on your last post Maya. Im SO ready to join “Mayas Mafia” This SUCK ASS disease has got to be stopped and Ronan is going to give us ALL the kick in the ass that we need to get this mission accomplished!

    Ronan does not want anymore friends in heaven, he has enough!! He wants ALL OF US to find a cure for this shit! I never see yellow anywhere, all I ever see is St.Judes once a year telethon on TV! I see more commercials about the SPCA and starving animals (which we need too)the point is I SEE and HEAR more on that issue- but come on 800 babies are dying every year! WTH?? I never even knew about this disease until Ronan. ONLY 3% of the budget from the cancer foundation goes to pediatric cancer, and in the past 20 years, only TWO new cancer drug has been approved for pediatric use- REALLY!!!! In 20 Years????? Im ready and willing and I have the time to help! So… if our first mission is Yoplait, bring it on baby! Bottom line, we need more f*ing money for research and that means more awareness!

    Ronan- Thank you for making me a better person and not sweat the small stuff, you really are a rockstar! Keep rockin up there and put us in high gear!!!! xoxo

  4. Maya……TREASURED MEMORIES ARE HUGS FROM HEAVEN. Hope that this helps.

    Thank you for sharing ROCKSTAR RONANS story with us. I am a better person from reading this. I will live each day to the fullest, love my children even more (if that is possible), and appreciate every second that we have on this earth.

    I start and end each day praying for you, Ronan, and your entire family every since Kristy Deal shared your story with me. GOD BLESS you, Maya, as your broken heart heals.



  5. I dont know you. I dont know your family. Yet, I have been touched by the words you say about your son. I found your blog a week ago, reposted/shared on facebook. After reading about Ronan’s death I went home. I held my 6 year old harder than I ever have. I don’t know what your intentions were in continuing to write…but know that you made me want to be a better mother. You made me want to be the soft place for my son to fall, no matter how bad he is acting… I wish Ronan was still with you. Thank you for letting me read your story.

  6. Dear Maya,
    Like many people following your blog, I have never met you or Ronan. I do believe I have seen Liam & Quinn at the Water Connection a time or too. That is how I first heard about Ronan. I had always sent good thoughts to you & your family, but ever since Ronan passed I have thought about him, you & your family every day. Ronan’s stories through your blog inspire me everyday. I am only 19 years old & I can tell you one of my biggest inspirations is a little 4 year old boy who still lives on in everything around us. He lives on in your blog & in the hummingbirds & the candle light flickering. HIs strength, as well as yours, is incredible. If I grow up to be half the amazing, strong person Ronan was I would feel blessed. I have told many people about his story & I hope to help spread the word. Words cannot descirbe how much you & Ronan have touched my life… and I don’t even know you. That is truely a miracle.
    I was in California on Sunday was unable to release a balloon in his memory, but my boyfriend & I found bubbles. We blew giant bubbles towards the moon in his memory & watched as they floated up & glistened in beautiful iridescent colors of purple & blue. I hope Ronan knows how much he is loved & thought of. He has touched many lives & I know with the help of you, his family, friends & fans he will save some, too.

  7. Dearest Maya… Though I don’t know you, this blog has made me feel as though I’ve been part of something bigger and has brought me some much needed perspective, and I wanted to thank you. I’ve never posted but I keep hearing this song and each time I do I think of you, your family, and especially little Ronan…

    ~Coldplay “See you Soon”

    I feel like so many others that have posted, I cannot find my own words to tell you how sorry I am for you or how proud I am to have had the opportunity to be “part” of your life through this blog… These quotes are from my favorite artist. They have brought me comfort from time to time when I needed it as I hope they will for you…

    “I held him close for only a short time, but after he was gone, I’d see his smile on the face of a perfect stranger & I knew he would be there with me all the rest of my days”. ~Brian Andreas -StoryPeople

    “Anyone can slay a dragon, he told me, but try waking up every morning & loving the world all over again. That’s what takes a real hero”. ~Brian Andreas -StoryPeople

    “The loss is not yours alone, she said & you will see it in their eyes when they do not think you are watching. How long does it take? I said & she put her hand on my chest & we did not speak”. ~Brian Andreas -StoryPeople

  8. every bit of it is beautiful. foo fighters, stars, balloons, purple, hummingbirds, seals, tattoos, love, smiles, tears, chalk, art, coldplay, sunrise, sunset. ronan is everywhere you are. may peace be with you and yours. you are always in my thoughts.

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