Julien – The Julien Collot Foundation

Julien – The Julien Collot Foundation.

I don’t have words tonight. Only tears. Macy, you know why. Mace and I saw this little boy while we were at Sloan. We couldn’t figure out what he had, but we knew it was something serious. I told Macy it had to be cancer, since that is what everyone on our floor had. I was right. I stumbled across this on Facebook tonight. This is Julien. He has the most gorgeous mother. I saw her a dozen times pushing her son around in a wheelchair while we were at Sloan. I was always too scared to talk to her. Julien had Acute Myeloid Leukemia, a cancer that is normally found in adults. I learned tonight, that Julien passed away. I am beyond sad, mad, angry, and scared. Tonight my tears are for him and  his family alone. I am so sorry for them and the loss of their little boy. Please take the time to read his story and think about how lucky you all are, and how something has to be done about childhood cancer. The funding for childhood cancer is embarrassing, as there is nothing there.

As I said before…. no words tonight, just tears. I will pray for this little boys’ family and friends and shout a big FUCK YOU!!!!!! to cancer for them. Whoever said life is just not fair, sure was right. No mother or father should have to endure this kind of pain and sadness. Something has to be done, awareness has to be raised.

Every 3 1/2 minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer. Every 4 hours a child dies from cancer. 40,000 kids worldwide are being treated for cancer right now. Childhood cancer is the #1 disease killer in children. Even so, it gets almost no funding, no research, and no awareness. Most people don’t even know what a gold ribbon represents. The National Cancer Institutes’s budget is 4.6 billon dollars. Breast cancer research receives 12%, prostate cancer receives 7% and all major pediatric cancers combined receive less than 3%. This is a tragedy. Something has to change. For all of the beautiful Julien’s in the world.

G’nite my friends. Please say a prayer for Julien and his family and never forget how lucky you are. I forgot at one time, and will never do so again.

4 responses to “Julien – The Julien Collot Foundation”

  1. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too sad! God bless Julien’s family. And you. I am so grateful. ❤

  2. Tears are streaming down my face at this very moment. God damnit I f-ng hate cancer. I hate that this sweet, beautiful little boy passed away. My heart is shattered and I can only hope that his mommy and family will heal soon. Maya, I know how hard it is not to think the worst of Ronan’s situation when you hear about these devastating circumstances. I can only only say that I know in my heart and in my soul that Ronan is going to be OK. He is going to make it through this horrific time and he is going to prove to the world and to his doctors and to you and the rest of us that statistics are complete shit and not to be taken seriously. He is too strong, too brave, too in love with life and too in love with you, Quinn, Liam and Woody to let cancer take the best of him. Ronan is going to prove otherwise. I have no doubt in my mind. I love you. I love Julien and his family and I hope they can move on and know their sweet, beautiful child is at peace.

  3. Wow. Thank you for sharing about Julien. You’ve seen so much more already in this last year that many people ever see. Continued prayers for sweet Ronan and now for Julien’s family as well.

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