Look how good he looks! Look at the fire in his eyes!

19 responses to “Look how good he looks! Look at the fire in his eyes!”

  1. Where’s the “I love it” button?!

  2. He looks great! Looks like he’s ready to tear the town up! Glad that you’re all doing so well…and kicking some cancer booty!

  3. He’s so beautiful!! And the strength that he has shines out of him… Amazing!!

  4. Ronan looks great! In the photo he looks like he is “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!” You go Ro!!!!! Love and a huge hug to all!

  5. Amazing! He looks fantastic. Such good news that he is doing so well.

  6. Are you sure he just had major surgery???? He is truly amazing!!!

  7. Ronan has “no time NOR patience” for cancer! Good for him! Fight! Fight!
    God Bless! Keep hanging on!

  8. Candyce Lindsay Avatar
    Candyce Lindsay

    Amazing. God blessed him. Don’t mess with Ro is all I can say. I ain’t having any cancer mess is what I read from his look.

  9. He looks AMAZING! I haven’t posted much, but I’ve definitely been reading your updates and pryaing! Stay strong!

  10. He looks wonderful!! Praying for continued strength!!! Good job RO!!!

  11. It looks like he is thinking “Just a sip, I want to get back to kickin’ butt”.

  12. Nothing more beautiful! He’s so amazing.
    My friend’s little boy, who is also 3, and born in May 2007 like Ronan was attacked by some dogs in October. He was in pretty bad shape to say the least. When he went to the ER he wasn’t even crying, but when they tried to put a diaper on him…he FLIPPED out, too!! Lol. Then a helicopter ride and a surgery later, he woke up and was pissed again wanting to know why he had to wear a diaper. Kids amaze me. They are so strong! So happy to read all the good post about how well Ronan is doing 🙂 Still keeping you in my prayers! Sending love and believing…
    COLE Prayer Team

  13. I am so Thankful for that beautiful child and how terrific he looks after a surgery!
    Once again I have to thank you guys for sharing this story and for reminding us all to be grateful for what we have today because tomorrow it could all change, You are both an inspiration to all parents. Ronan looks Great I can’t wait to share the news with all those that are praying for him and his wonderful family. SO HAPPY for you!!

  14. Aww I love him! So beautiful 🙂 🙂 🙂

  15. Dude, don’t even think about messin with me.

  16. That boy simply isn’t having it. 🙂 What a good lad!

  17. Absolutely beautiful!!!! ♥

  18. He’s such a freaking ROCKSTAR!!!

  19. Good for him he looks great. Good luck God bless keep the faith

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