My Dr. JoRo needs help saving the bereaved world.




This woman saved my life.  Truth be told, not many people out there are trained correctly when it comes to dealing with the bereaved.  Dr. Jo is trying to change this. Please pass along to anyone who you think might be interested. 


With so few providers who understand the depth and breadth of the loss of a baby/child: 

This is a rare opportunity to become a Certified Provider in Compassionate Bereavement Care (R), a MINDFULNESS based NON-MEDICALIZED approach, with trainings held in stunning Sedona, Arizona. Brought to you through a partnership between the MISS Foundation and the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Family trust, this four-day INTENSIVE training program will prepare mental and medical health providers to work with families experiencing traumatic grief.

Please share this opportunity with others in your community who may benefit.

TOGETHER, let’s change the way our bereaved families are treated after a child’s death around the world! 

Upcoming trainings in June 2014 and January 2015. Read more about the CBC program here:

4 responses to “My Dr. JoRo needs help saving the bereaved world.”

  1. Thought you might like watching this:

  2. Hello! I know you are very busy with all that you do but I wanted to share with you this webpage of a mom who is currently going through what you went through with Ronan. The mom of this little girl is a friend of one my friends, Stephanie Perry. Stephanie’s daughter (Brielle) was also fighting cancer (leukemia). Both Arden and Brielle would play with each other while they were in the hospital and that is how they met. Things are not looking good for little Arden right now. I was hoping that maybe at some point you may be able to reach out to Arden’s mom and lend her a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to who has gone through this first hand. 🙂 I’m sure it would mean the world to her to talk to someone who has been there before. I understand you are very busy and may get MANY requests like this. I can understand if you can’t get to all of them. I just thought I would try. Doesn’t hurt to try 🙂 With much admiration and thanks!

  3. Maya, I just wanted to let you know how much I’ve thought about you all for the past few days. Because of you, because of Ronan, I’ve had a passion to fight childhood cancer since 2010. All of these years, and my passion has been strong. Yet, in the last few months, I’ve been so robbed of it. It has suddenly become completely gone. However, last night, a 5 year old boy that I was so close to died from cancer. I knew him personally and, because the pediatric cancer support foundation I volunteer for (Riley’s Army) he was a part of. After weeks of being preoccupied, I got this call from his mother about 30 minutes after it happened. I dropped my computer and lost it, right then and there. I lost it because
    1) he was one of the most beautiful boys I’d ever known
    2) kids dying is fucking bullshit
    3) because I’d abandoned everything I’d secretly promised you and Ronan and all of the other fighting kids.
    I used to think of Ronan nearly everyday, as I handed out bracelets I’d bought to people, etc. But the past few months, I’ve been caught up in something else that really brought me down, and I’ve really missed growing in my love for these kids. I’ve sat here and read so many of your posts, and thought of Kayne (the boy who just died) and you all so very much, and why I’ve dedicated my life to this. Now I remember why I go against all of my friends (since I’m 16) and volunteer. I remember why I love people so much more now. I remember why I consider children/life golden. And I remember that Ronan is everywhere. So, thank you, Maya, for getting me through this day. I’m so overwhelmed by how much childhood cancer fucking sucks and how it took Kayne from me, Ronan, and thousands of other kids. But you always seem to bring me back down to selflessness and either increase my ugly crying or turn my tears into anger against this bullshit. I love you, doll. Thank you for taking time out of your life to post. It is so meaningful to me.

  4. Oh yeah, and I also remember why I wear my Spicy Monkey Spirithood in public even though people laugh at me. In regards to my comment posted earlier 😉

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