Teddy Berger-Greer March 31, 2009 – December 13, 2012



No words. Only tears. I’m heartbroken. Love you, Teddy boy. Love you, Ro. I’m sorry.



23 responses to “Teddy Berger-Greer March 31, 2009 – December 13, 2012”

  1. so very sorry and sad

  2. Just sad. And pissed. Fucking cancer!!!!!

  3. I’m so sorry to hear this 😦
    I have been following your blog for a few months now and I only just caught up on your posts in the last few days. So whenever I was reading about past events, and stories about these poor babes, I always thought I was too late to be involved or too late to say sorry.
    But reading this post on the day it actually happened has hit me hard in a way that I didn’t expect.
    There are no words for this heartbreaking tragedy. May Teddy and Ronan be wild and free together.
    Thinking of you and Ronan every single day and will now keep Teddy in my thoughts too x

  4. I am so so sad. Lots of tears tonight. Cancer….you are such a freaking…you know what, there aren’t enough words to describe how incredibly stupid you are. There really aren’t. Just fuck off.
    Teddy and Ronan…I am so sorry that this stupid thing had to take you. You both are forever in my hearts.

  5. p.s F U Cancer!

  6. Cancer, why don’t you pick on people your own size! take the assholes that have deliberately hurt or killed others, take the mother fucker in the local news that killed an innocent 2 year old! Fucking leave our kids alone! Fucking leave my brother alone so that my niece will grow old enough to remember her own memories of him! Fuck off!!!

    Ronan – you are in my heart more than you know and now Teddy is too! Heart broken! Maya I love you too- thank you for all that your foundation does! I pray to Ro we can find a cure!

  7. So very sad 😦

  8. fucking cancer. I’ve heard about teddy, from this website. What hurts me even more is that teddy’s birthday is on the same day as mine. Now everytime i celebrate this birthday of mine, I’m celebrating it for Teddy. One day before April Fools’. Rest in peace, little one. Love both you and Ro baby.

  9. May you rest in peace sweet Teddy. Words can not express how cruel and maddening it is that you had to be ripped away from your family because of this wretched disease. I pray every night for a cure in hopes that one day no other child will have to suffer because of cancer. All my love and prayers Teddy and his family on this sad day.

  10. 😦 My thoughts, heart and prayers go out to Teddy and his family at this moment in time … There truly are no words that could even bridge the pain. And Ronan … how sad this world doesn’t get to experience you completely, but your mum is making sure you’re a voice speaking out against cancer … some of us are fortunate to have survived our battles and have guilt when others don’t survive. And you’re right, “I’m sorry” is prolly the only thing one can say … because there are no words to express to a parent who has lost a child. 😦

  11. And he flies to the angels, and he leaves behind all his pain and all his fear…we believe that Heaven awaits Teddy, and Ronan is there smiling and welcoming him home. My heart hurts for each of you, a loss and pain I can not fathom nor imagine. I force myself to picture them running and giggling and living in a kingdom of love and hope. I will never forget these two beautiful angels for they have touched and moved thousands of souls here on earth. I truly believe their spirits will remain and do good in this world, God’s blessings to both your families

  12. My youngest child is the exact same age. What a fucking horrible disease. I just have no words. Just tears.

  13. Kisses to heaven for Teddy and hugs for the family.

  14. He was precious. I’m so sorry for his family and for yours. It’s sad and awful. Keeping them and you in my prayers! xoxo

  15. Rest in peace. And FUCK CANCER!

    So sad and so unfair … I can’t believe it !
    Tears and tears … RIP little boy
    Love you Teddy and love you Ro …

  17. I’m so very sorry about Teddy, Maya. He is in the arms of the Lord now. His time was too short though…it always is. I just wanted to let you know my boyfriend, who is doing his senior project to fundraise for your foundation, had an awesome benefit dinner last night. He had a great turn out and got a lot of tips and donations! He still has some other fundraisers in store later on and hes trying to raise as much money as possible. I’ll be praying for you, Ronan, and Teddy. Keep your head up, Maya.

  18. Lit a candle for Teddy and Ronan tonight, bless you two beautiful souls.. so unfair

  19. He passed? Such a sad thing


  20. My heart breaks at this news, and I send love and strength.

  21. Michaela and Ruth Avatar
    Michaela and Ruth

    Sorry, our thoughts and prayers. We will miss his great big smile.

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