Ronan’s Day of Kindness

I don’t want to remember today, a year ago. I don’t want to be here today. I want to hide in my bed all day long. But I can’t. The fact of the matter is, I’m here and this is my life. An idea came to me in the middle of the night, when I was tossing and turning. I have a lot of anger. Obviously. A lot more than I would like to be feeling in my life. I will forever hate August 12, 2010. But what if we could take this awful date and turn it into something beautiful, for being so ugly. The name, Ronan’s Day of Kindness just came to me in the middle of the night and I envisioned thousands of people doing something nice for strangers, family, or friends today, in honor of Ro. Kind of like a pay it forward day. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Leave some flowers on your neighbors doorstep, buy a person in line behind you a Starbucks, go volunteer somewhere. I know this is last minute, but the only way I am going to get though the day is by the thought of  people doing nice things and making others smile, all in the name of Ronan.

Then next year, we can take it to a whole different level and make it something that happens every year on  this date. I know this would make Ronan smile and happy. I know it will help me get through today. I love you all so much, my faithful followers. If you could help me through today by doing something small like this, I would so appreciate it. I know in my heart that Ronan’s beauty can make this world a better place. The love that I have for my son is going to move mountains.

I love you all too. Thank you for all of your kindness, support and love. Have a lovely day and please hug your babies extra tight.


63 responses to “Ronan’s Day of Kindness”

  1. Maya – you are a good person. Sending so much love to AZ today!!!!

  2. What a fabulous idea! I admire your strength, your courage and your love for your son and family! I’ve got 2 little girls and I love them sooo much! I kiss and hug them so much throughout the day, I wonder if I’m smoothering them… But I don’t care… they are my life!

  3. Great idea! Can’t wait to tell the kiddos your idea, I know they’ll love it too.

  4. You got it! I think that most of us would do anything to help you through another day.

  5. Maya,
    My family and I relocated from TX to London last week and I’m going to pay it forward for Ronan today in LONDON. Ronan’s love is going to be felt around the world. Love from London, Claudia

  6. Looking forward to honoring Ronan by paying it forward today. Think of you often. xoxox

  7. Great idea! I am in.

  8. Wonderful idea Maya! You and Ronan are in my thoughts daily and he’s a constant reminder to make myself better person every day- not just today. When I’m tired and frustrated and want to snap at my kids I think of Ronan. It’s terribly sad that it’s that way- that because he’s not here it reminds me to love my own kids even more. My heart breaks every time I look at his adorable pictures. Such a sweet sweet boy. I hope you find peace today in knowing there are so so so many people thinking of you and doing good deeds with Ronan in their hearts.

  9. Fabulous idea! What a great way to honor Ronan. Something we should all be doing more often. Have a fabulous day knowing you are putting a smile on lots of faces.

  10. Stay strong! It’s a fabulous idea, and I’ll pass it on. I can’t tell you how reading your blog has been such an inspiration to me. I can’t pretend to know how you feel, although I imagine if I lost my son I would feel exactly the same: wanting to rage at the world. But the fact that you’re trying to turn this day into a wonderful remembrance, that’s fabulous. All the best to you, and to Ronan.

  11. Today on Ronan’s Day of Kindness. I went and stood along the side of the road to welcome home a local soldier killed in Afghanistan. As his families car came by in the procession his mom, on one of the worst day of her life, was thanking us for being there. WOW what an impact that has on one’s soul. So for my 2011 Ronan’s Day of Kindness I honored another mama’s lost son. Love and hugs to you today and everyday. Cindy

  12. I’m in. I will defintely do something today just for Ro Baby!!

  13. What a great idea!! Anything for you and that gorgeous little boy! Lots of love and hugs sent your way beautiful mama!

  14. Hi Maya,
    Just back from Bikram yoga in Laguna. I paid for the woman behind me when she realized she’d left her wallet in her car. In Ronan’s honor..I told her why, and she turned out to have a child who is very ill and yoga is the only thing that gives her a break from her difficulties.

    I hope you get tons of little stories today, with love,

  15. I’m on it! Love this.

  16. Your love for Ronan IS going to move mountains! I will definitely do something kind in Ronan’s honor today. Prayers continue to surround you to carry you through…xo

  17. This is a great idea, I am in! I have told your story to so many people and I love the idea of spreading kindness in Ronan’s name! My 2 year old and I pray for you and Ronan everyight, then I hug him extra tight and think of you and how grateful I am that you have taught me to be a better mom. Lets make it a good day!

  18. Done! All day long.

  19. Such a beautiful thought. We’ll all be paying it forward today. Maybe everyone could share this link on Facebook too and get the word out even more. You and your family are always in my thoughts.

  20. LOVE this maya!!!!!! count me in!!!!!!


  21. Maya, there’s so much I would love to say to let you know the inspiration you and your sweet baby Ronan have been to my life, but for now, I will just say, my two little 4 year-old miracles and I will be spending today, “Ronan’s Day of Kindness”, spreading Ronan’s love around our little piece of Montana. Sending love your way and strength to get through this day.

  22. Maya,

    Count it as done!

    Thinking of you and Rockstar Ro, Woody, Liam and Quinn.

    Peace and strength

  23. Thank you for the complimentary Starbucks this morning! I was the car behind you and wanted to say I am honored to be by chance a part of Ronan’s day of Kindness. You accomplished your goal and made me smile : ) Have a blessed day!

  24. I will absolutely so this for Ronan! Thinking about you and Ronan so much today!!

  25. Before I had read your today’s blog…a guy in his mid 20’s had come to my house…he had a flat tire on his motorcycle and really didn’t know what to do. No one was available to call or anything. So, I told him I could help him but what did he need. He said if he could get to his house where his pickup was, he could load his motorcycle onto it and then get the tire fixed. I asked where he lived and he lived about 20 miles away in the next town. I said…ok…I’ll take you home. He was upset with himself because he couldn’t afford to pay me for gas as he was a “broke college guy”. I said to not worry about it and to just “pay it forward” for someone else in need one day.

    On our trip to his house, he told me that he was just back from serving 2 terms in Iraq in the Army. He was going to go to college now and was so thankful to be back in the USA…as there were horrors overseas. I said thank you for serving our country, and that I was proud of him…and all he could do was tear up…it’s still so fresh for him. God Bless USA.

    Now to come to your blog with you asking for kindness…yep….I am working on it! We all need to be kind to each other…because you just never know what the other person is dealing with.

    I wish you well.

  26. Hi Maya – I don’t really know how to ask you this but could you possibly tell me some details about the small tumor on Ronan’s left eye? My 9 month old has “something” pea-sized, in the same place that Dr’s tell me is a cyst. I am just wondering if there were other symptoms/signs that you experienced. My e-mail is

    I understand if you don’t want to respond

    Thanks – Stacey Eastman

  27. Melissa Pietrosanti Avatar
    Melissa Pietrosanti

    Ronan’s Day of Kindness – We are going to a wedding today for a very sweet couple who don’t have much money, she works for a non-profit. We are doubling the amount of money we would normally give as a wedding gift, in honor of Ronan they can have some extra fun on their honeymoon 🙂

  28. Love it. Thank you!

  29. I love this idea…I was in Safeway on day and the lady in front of me hands me a card and tells me to have a beautiful day…I opened it and inside was a $10 bill and a card she made that talked about her mother…Her mother had passed away the year before and was hospitalized for 6 days before she passed…Every single month from the 19th to the 24th she does at least one random act of kindness throughout the day and hands the people her card and asks them to pass it on. Its a pretty amazing thing to turn your sadness into happiness for others..
    Here is her website..

  30. Will do! Great idea!

  31. Maya, I have been reading yr blog for the past 3 months. My grandbaby died at phx children’s hospital more than 2 years ago at the age of 7 n a half weeks . He fought an heroic fight. His mom n dad never left his side and he died in their arms. Each of us were able to say good bye to him and I told him that he would live in my heart forever. He will. My son and his wife were devastated beyond belief. I know you understand. Your blog has helped me understand the horrific journey of despair and grief a parent experiences when such a terrible tragedy strikes. As a grandmother I have felt the double edged sword of watching the pain of my son and the innocent life of my grandson struggling to survive. There were times when I did not think I could bear it. Your idea for a Ronan’s Day of Kindness is a beautiful way to honor your sweet child. When I go out today I will do something kind for someone and I will think of Ronan. I hope someday I can meet you and wrap my arms around you and hug you close. You have made a difference in my life.

  32. wow Kristy…that gave me chills:) xoxo

  33. I can’t wait to go home and figure out with my family what nice thing we are going to do. This is such an honor for me to be apart of. In the beautiful name of Ronan. Thank you Maya.

  34. Maya, this a beautiful idea. I love it! I also wanted to tell you that your idea about putting together materials for parents is a FABULOUS idea as well. I know of a family whose child was fighting neuroblastoma, and later, the mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She said that she was just shocked that upon her diagnosis, she learned more about her cancer and treatment options in the first HOUR of her diagnosis than she had in the many long months that they had been fighting for their son.

    You too are a Rock Star, Maya. You are going to do some amazing things, we have no doubt!

  35. You got it BABE!!!

  36. Love your writing. My thoughts are with you, and I’m heading out to do something kind.

  37. What a wonderful idea! I can’t think of a better way to honor your precious son. Even though we have never met, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers daily. We are heading out to do our random act of kindness now, in Ronan’s memory. Love from Cypress, Texas.

  38. I thought this was a wonderful idea! Today, while at Subway, I paid for the ladie’s sandwich behind me. We ended up sitting and eating together. She was a grandma who had lost her husband. I told her about you and Ronan. She doesn’t have a computer, but was going to tell her son to learn more about Ronan.
    The domino affect is happening! Ronan is changing lives for the better everyday. His light continues to shine.

  39. Awesome! I’m in.

  40. Awesome idea! I pray everyone will do this yearly in honor and memory of precious lil’ Ro baby 🙂 love and hugs and prayers Maya! Hope you’re having a good day today!

  41. Colleen LaBiche Avatar
    Colleen LaBiche

    Love the idea of a special day for August 12th to turn it into something positive.
    When you mentioned it the first thing that came to mind was an acronym. Ronan RAKS (pronounced rocks) Day or Ronan ROKS Day. RAKS could stand for Random Acts of Kindness Simply or ROKS could stand for Random Outrageous Kindness Simply. I couldnt think of an s word you could change if obviously to whatever is better, but just had an idea for Ronan ROKS Day or Ronan RAKS Day. Hope you like it. Love you and your family your are in my prayers often. Colleen Longview

  42. Today I was leaving a restaurant when I noticed that there was a necklace on the ground. A grandmother came out with her 2 grandchildren (piled with extra full hands) and announced that she was sure that belonged to a little girl inside who was frantic about it earlier. I told her I would be happy to take it in to them since she had her hands full. She agreed and thanked me for helping her. I went inside and found the folks she had described to me….you would have thought I had found a 10 karat diamond with their reaction. I will be honest, I couldn’t go into telling them about Ronan…as even though I have never met him or YOU….my heart has still been touched by him….and their reaction left me all teary. Thank you Ronan and Maya for helping to remind me to spread joy and complete small acts of kindness every day!

  43. Maya –

    I went out and watered my neighbors flowers (she’s been away for over a week). I sat here wondering what I could do to honor Ronan on his day and at 6pm at night that’s what I came up with. I’ll try to spread the word.

    Lots of love being sent your way. I bet Ronan’s ears are ringing from everyone talking sweet things of him today.


  44. All I can say is I LOVE this! For the past 3 years my book club has done something every month for charity…last month we were able to give presents to a 4-year old girl who was in the hospital the entire month of July sick with Neuroblastoma. She is out of the hospital now and continues to fight this beyond terrible disease. No child or parent should ever have to endure this!!

    Maya – I read your blog everyday and cry and laugh with you…your heart is made of pure gold. I will be paying it forward today in memory of Ronan, thank you for the beautiful idea. We will all continue to be inspired by your beautiful little boy and his wonderful Mama!!!

  45. done!!! extra love today all around!

  46. That picture of Ronan is so beautiful, he takes my breath away. I think this is a great idea too, I am on the look out for something to do in his honor this afternoon.

  47. So unbelievably beautiful…

  48. Cheryl Rafferty Avatar
    Cheryl Rafferty

    I have heard the words…..”Your child has cancer.” I heard them on May 25th, 2010. My daughter has endured every horrific side effect to chemo for a ‘garden variety’ leukemia having nearly died from treatment. I think and pray for you and your family that you may have peace each and every day. Ronans’ eyes are truly unforgettable and you are doing an amazing job of taking care of everyone. Remember, to take care of YOU. I am part of the unlucky and unfair club of parents who has heard those words. You are not alone.
    p.s. Went to the farmer’s market and bought fresh veggies for my neighbor…..dropped them off and thought of Ronan. A wonderful idea.

  49. As promised i did my good deed for the day. I had a BAD day at work and wanted all day to get out of the office to get a coffee or something so I could pass along Ronans kindness. I never got around to it, my only stop was at Safeway before I picked my son up from daycare. As I got ready to check out a nice elderly woman got behind me in line with a head of lettuce. I started to explain Ronans story to her and the check out lady and them her that I wanted to pay for her lettuce, I didnt get very far before I started crying and couldnt get it all out. Dang!! But I think they got the gist of it!! She gave me a big hug and told me she was going to make the best salad she could make with that lettuce :). I just had to pass it along, bad day at work ended on a high note!! GREAT IDEA Ronan is SO proud of his mom!!

  50. Just read this and can’t wait to do something nice for a stranger in honor of your beautiful boy! Love this idea so very much. Let’s make it a national holiday on every August 12th — Ronan’s Day of Kindness. I can’t think of a better way to honor your precious boy.

  51. Great idea Maya! What a wonderful way to honor your beautiful Ronan. I am one of your many faithful followers who will definitely support you and your family on Ronan’s Day of Kindness. With love…

  52. I read this post this morning and was wondering all day, what am I going to do?? I work from home and didn’t have any plans to go anywhere, so I was thinking of sending flowers or cookies… and then honestly I got busy and forgot about it. Then at 6:00 I decided I needed a glass of wine and ran to Whole Foods. While standing in the checkout line listening to the child crying behind me it hit me… Here’s my chance, almost like Ro tapped me on the brain and said HEY, hear that crying!???!! So I quietly told the cashier that I wanted to pay for groceries for the mom behind me, thankfully, she heard me and just quietly began ringing her items up behind mine. The mom was distracted and by the time the she realized what was happening it was too late and I was running my card. She thanked me profusely and asked WHY? I told her to google Rockstar Ronan and have a great weekend! You are constantly in my thoughts. Sleep tonight and dream of a healthy happy Ronan.

  53. Paid it forward in lots of little ways to honor Ronan today. Even got my little babes on board. My youngest wrote out a card and gave his teacher a flower today thanking her for a great first week of school. She gave us a huge smile and a hug. My oldest did random acts of kindness with his friends. Many thoughts of you and your family today.

  54. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I would have never done what i did tonight if it weren’t for you and Ronan. It was nothing fancy, but i think it helped make someone’s night. So thank you for reminding me how wonderful unexpected kindness feels…it is just one more way your story and Ronan’s life inspire me everyday.

    Sending much love and peace to the Thompson family ❤

  55. Dear Maya,

    I just got home and I wanted to tell you that before I had to leave home I did something for you. When I was on facebook I came across a page called “cool mom picks”. I wasnt thinking anything of it until I saw a link on their page to “Mominate” a do-gooding mama to win $5,000 for her favorite charity” as it said. So I thought of you and mominated you! Here is the link I tried for over an hour to find a picture to post but every picture I was able to take from your pages didnt load so I couldnt post a picture. This was one of my acts of kindness and I hope you win so we can contribute an extra 5,000$ to The Ronan Thompson Foundation.

    To Everyone else who reads this: when you go on that page you can tweet about it and comment and I hope we all work together to get Maya’s and Ronan’s Foundation recognized!!

    Rose Koussa

    1. Can I email you a picture?? Thank you for this!!

  56. Stephanie Obolewicz Avatar
    Stephanie Obolewicz

    You are amazing and a true inspiration to me .

  57. On Ronan’s Day of Kindness I played on the 9th floor with a group of inpatient children at Sloan. I brought stickers, nerf guns, balloons, music, and of course some Paul frank pajamas in all different sizes. We played for a few hours in Ronan style. I told each child about Ronan and the love he had for his family and for life. Some understood and told how much they loved their brothers/sisters and mommy and daddy. It was amazing hearing the children who are fighting their own battles want to reach out and share with one another and include siblings and other children on the floor. I hope to make this an annual event to play with the children at Sloan and celebrate life like Ronan did!! Thanks for the amazing day filled with love and kindness!!!

  58. Mrs. MayaThompson thats the best idea I have ever heard I LOVE U CAPE-WOMAN!!!

  59. I don’t know you, but I have checked in on you off and on.. I have said many prayers for you, My act of kindness today was to fill up the tank of a woman who was stranded in CR at the Shell Station. She had a sweet little boy about three and a baby girl just as bald as could be. She said that she was traveling from Arizona to Seattle and ran out of money and gas. This one’s for you today. Blessings…

  60. Maya,

    Your posts move me. Today I donated school supplies to foster children here in San Diego in Ronan’s honor. Thank you for sharing your story.

  61. Hi, Maya. I love the Ronan’s Day of Kindness idea and it immediately called to mind a foundation here in Vegas created by the parents of Josh Stevens in his memory (he passed away at age 12 from a tragic accident). He was a kind soul, so as a living tribute they have created a campaign to encourage school children everywhere to … very simply … BE KIND. Here’s the site: For the 2011-2012 school year, they’ll be speaking about Josh’s example and the value of being kind to 95 schools throughout Las Vegas (and it looks like they’re taking the foundation’s work to other cities, too). They give out “kindness cards” and bracelets to be distributed to kids caught in the act of being kind. Josh’s parents, Drew and Barbara Stevens, are people who have successfully done something amazing out of their terrible pain. You are destined to do that, too. I think of you your family often. Please take care of yourself.

  62. I will make sure to do random acts of kindness on this day for the rest of my life.

    I have to tell you…since I have been following your blog this past August 2012… I constantly think of you, Ronan and your bond. I went out to dinner with my husband and my two little boys…and “bam!”..there was an huge advertisement of a beautiful bald child…and to donate to St. Jude’s Charity. My husband took one look at me and he knew… I have been seeing the signs…of hope and your Ronan…working his wonders in our lives.

    I also just attended the Annual Pumpkin Festival at Half Moon Bay, CA…and I saw a women…wearing “Fuck Cancer” shirt… it was amaze-balls (love that word…got it from you Maya). It was shoulder to shoulder crowded…and “bam”- she appears with the shirt. It was like parting of the red sea and I was in the middle of it.

    *on a side note…I have been trying to take steps to helping families with childhood cancers. My husband suggested that I donate to St. Jude like he did…but I was thinking of something more hands on.. As a professional chef~ could I prepare meals for the families…that are nutritional and tasty. This way the families can spend their time with their child. I don’t know where to start.

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