I want to fade into you, Ro

8 responses to “I want to fade into you, Ro”

  1. My favorite song! Hope Sandoval is exquisite!

  2. A perfect song…..one of my favorites from highschool…..thinking of you ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Maya, you & your writing inspire me every day…and make me a better mama. Thank you.

  4. Beautiful song! Praying for you Maya!

  5. Dearest Maya,

    Praying for you daily, everytime my little one does something that starts to upset me I think of you, and how much you would give to have your little one back. Thank you for inspiring others with your openness I am so sorry for your loss. I have written a couple times when I felt especially moved by your words and actually could put my thoughts into words. The 24th was exactly a year since my best friends lil girl passed away, my friend aches for what could have been so although I personally can not relate, the pain I see in my friends eyes, I am sure is what you feel everyday. I know you will keep going and I hate the cliche remarks I believe you are handling this the best way you can, someone told my friend she had to start living her new life, what an ass, its not a new life its a different one, one you didnt want or choose but u will make the best of it and I know this from what you choose to share with us. When you get a chance I would love to purchase some bracelets to support the Ronan Thompson Foundation. Again thank you for opening my eyes, and my heart, thank you for your story and thank you for not allowing others close minded comments to stop you. F U cancer you will be beaten!!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours always Maya. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. You are a ROCKSTAR. I love your raw, honest, heart wrenching story. Don’t let the future scare you, just focus on the day your in. I pray for you all the time.

  7. this is an amazing performance and the song i think is perfect for you and Ronan. Rockstar Ronan will give the world moments like 2:49!!! Please stay strong Maya, and know that you have over 1 million people on your team! i know your pain is great at the moment , and is something that i cant even imagine, but try to take strngth from that fact. Praying for all the strength you need to get through this and God bless you and your family.

  8. Shlomit Robbins Gruber Avatar
    Shlomit Robbins Gruber

    LOVE this song…one of my favorites ๐Ÿ™‚ One day you will, Maya..

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