Happy Ronan’s halfway through chemo dance!!!

Home. Finally. I’m telling you the second Ronan was free to go home he ran so fast out of that hospital that he was tripping over his own two feet. He was so excited and happy. Mimi, Papa Charlie, Quinny and Liam came to rescue us. It was the best reunion ever. Ronan was so happy. We had to do one thing before we left which was change his broviac dressing. He gets himself so worked up about it and was crying and shaking before it even took place. He was insisting that Quinn come into the room and watch them do it. I hesitated at first, not wanting Quinn to see what he has to go through, but Ronan was not going to have it any other way. And I knew Quinn could handle it. Liam, not so much. He would not have done well with Ronan crying and screaming and all I could picture was him covering his ears and closing his eyes. He does not do well when Ronan gets hurt or cries. It makes him nervous. Quinn was very curious, watched with big eyes, and I kept my eyes locked on him the entire time. We all have to wear masks in the room and I kept asking Quinn if he was o.k. or if he wanted to leave. He didn’t. He didn’t seem scared at all… just very brave and interested. I was so proud of him and I know it meant a lot to Ronan. After that, we were free to go. We headed home and on the car ride home I noticed Liam coughing a lot. Ugh. We can’t take any chances with anyone being sick around Ronan so I sent him home with Mimi and Papa. I felt so bad, but better safe than sorry. Hoping it will go away, but if not we will go off to the doctor on Monday morning. Liam was fine about leaving. He loves one on one time with his Mimi and Papa. He could easily be an only child… he loves his alone time and space. I miss him though. Tonight I cuddled up with Quinn and Ronan. We watched a movie and played around the house. They are both asleep in my bed right now. I cannot tell you how nice it is to be home and in our own bed. So quiet and peaceful. Hoping I will get some sleep tonight. We’ll see if my mind will calm down and relax a little.

Woody’s New York trip was a success. He of course, is coming back with questions for our doctors here and we have a very good plan now. Our treatment will consist of PCH and Sloan Kettering in New York City. I am feeling much more settled about all of this. It’s going to be a rough next 6 months… I think the toughest times are yet to come but I feel like I am ready for them. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… I am a girl who loves a plan.

I can’t believe Ro is halfway done with his chemo! I feel like I should be doing a little halfway done with chemo dance. Hang on. OK, back, did it!!! What a thing to celebrate:) My little guy; I am so proud of him.

It was a hard week. I have a lot of people I would like to say thank you to tonight.

A huge thank you to my in-laws for taking my twins away for their Fall Break and for taking such great care of them. They had the best time with you. I don’t know what I would do without you two.

I would have NEVER made it though my hospital week if it weren’t for my own personal angel, Karen Kotalik. You saved me and my sanity. Also, my bestie TT ❤ and my Ronan whisper, Sarah. Love you Tinney sisters so much. And Marisa… stop feeling guilty that you weren’t at the hospital with me this week. You are about to have that beautiful baby boy of yours and you sat with me last week while I was waiting for our scans to come back. I know you would have been there in a heartbeat if you could have been.

Gay and Cal~ Thank you for making us laugh and keeping us company. I know when you two are involved, we are guaranteed to have the best time no matter where we are! Gay, thank you also for decorating our house for Halloween. Your talent and creativity kill me, woman! YOU are a real life Wonderwoman!

Stacy Frakes~ You are too sweet. The dinner, magazines, B-12, Big arse Figi water …. but most of all the love I see beaming out of your eyes for us.

My new friends Joy and Pam. I barely know you, but already love you both so much. We now have a very special and rare bond. I am so glad I have your shoulders to lean on to help me get through this time. You’ve both been there and you’ve made it out the other side. ❤ I tell myself everyday how thankful I am that your children are beautiful survivors. You give me so much hope.

Christy Coury~ For bringing me coffee and that cute little boy of yours. He lights up my life every time I see him. I can’t wait for him and Ronan to play on the same soccer team<3

Allison @ Mom Index~ Thank you for putting on the fundraiser at Yogurtology tonight and thank you to everyone who came out and supported us. I wish I could have been there but I am starting to learn that I’m not Wonderwoman and some things can’t be done. I was there in spirit though.

Jennifer Wood (ard) You are amazing. I could blab about you all day long. Thank you for making sure everything ran so smoothly tonight and pimping Ronan’s tee shirts and bracelets. I love you. And LIV ❤ You too. I am so lucky to have you on our team. I would have never guessed that after all the time that passed between our friendship, that you would be the one at the top of the mountain screaming the loudest for us. From one badass to another… thank you, thank you, thank you.

My amazing hubby (who will never read this but what the heck) Thank you for flying to NYC to make sure we are doing the best thing for our child. For knowing all the right questions to ask and finding out the answers we need. And to E.J. Kotalik. I will FOREVER be grateful for your role in supporting Woody in this situation. You two men could rule the world.

Dr. Wood and Dr. Maze. Best doctors at PCH. Thanks for taking such good care of us during our stay and making us feel like family<3

Our nurses at PCH<3 The most darling, happy, smiley people on the planet. You have such a hard job, but do it so well.

Tarbells ❤ The sweetest people on the planet. Thank you for your NYC hospitality. BEST NEIGHBORS EVER;)

And to everyone on the sidelines, who talks about Ronan, supports and loves us… thank you all. Awareness is the first step in making bigger things happen.

Sweet dreams, friends.

5 responses to “Happy Ronan’s halfway through chemo dance!!!”

  1. So happy you are home. Love reading about your cuddles with the boys. So proud of the big boys too. I hope I get to see you tomorrow or Monday. xoSister Mary

  2. ❤ you and your Ronan!

  3. God Bless. Friend of Gay and Melissa D. Lots of family in NY, that is where I grew up. If I can help guide you there with some local contacts please feel free to call on me.

    Trish Moran

  4. Hey Maya,
    Your blog has touched my heart like you wouldn’t believe. Ronan is a lucky little boy to have such a wonderful family and support group all over the country.

    Go to the Layla Grace Foundation page on FB. They are looking for parents of children with cancer to guest blog on their new site. I thought you may be interested.

    Take care and many blessings to you and your family.

  5. Just a couple hours ago, our doorbell rang, and outside our door was a man who will remain unnamed. He held out a small plastic bag, which he gave to me to give to your Mom to help Ronan. Inside the bag was $100.00 cash, donated by people who need lots of help themselves, but so much want to support Ronan & your whole family. I will take it to your Mom’s cafe tomorrow. He did humbly ask me again if there were any simple flyers to help spread the word. This man works very hard, makes little money, but is in touch with many people from other counties who, if they knew Ronan’s story, might want to help too. Is there such a thing? These people probably don’t have computers in their homes. So happy the chemo is half done, and wishing you well forever more, Sue

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