Magic Medicine… Day 3, Round 3

Today I am happy and my spirit is renewed. I feel really good about things. Just looking at Ronan’s determination and strength gives me such a sense of relief. I always knew he was different and special; he’s always had that twinkle in his eye like he knew he was up for a fight. The strength and support of everyone around us is also so comforting to me. Ronan has such an army of people who are pulling and praying for him. The end result of this will be something good, something big, and something amazing. I can’t feel it in every fiber of my body. He did really well with the chemo last night. No vomiting or anything but he did wet the bed. They are pumping him full of fluids 24 hours a day. He wakes up about every half an hour to pee and refuses to wear a diaper. He usually does very well with this but had a little accident last night. No big deal, we called the nurse and changed his sheets, clothes, and wiped him down. He went right back to sleep after that.

Auntie Karen came by today so I could run home and do my usual routine. I can’t tell you how much that helps me get though these hospital stays. I had a visit from an amazing mommy and new friend, Pamela White. Her little girl, Victoria, is a cancer survivor. Their story is so hopeful and inspiring. Pamela is funny, strong, and someone who has walked in my shoes and has come out the other side with the most beautiful life possible. I know we will now be friends for life. She was very encouraging and we had a couple of laughs about some things like, how wonderful Christmas in New York would be;) Being sarcastic of course. I can tell she and her husband are a lot like Woody and I. Strong, grounded, smart, and would fight as long and has hard as possible to save the life of their child. They are a prime example of bad things happening to good people. But they got through it and are living proof that life can turn out more beautifully than you could have ever expected.

Tomorrow Woody and E.J. fly to New York. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers for safe travels. I am so excited for the two of them to go out there and meet Dr. Kushner and Dr. La Qualia. I know they will be in very good hands and come back with the answers we need to know that we are on the right path. Between Woody and E.J., no questions will be left unanswered. They will also be checking out the Ronald McDonald House while they are there. That is where we will more than likely be staying after Ronan’s surgery. It is close to the hospital and from what I hear it is a very good support system and very inexpensive which is always a plus.

Wow. How drastically things can change. My beautiful day has turned into a very hard night. I stupidly made the mistake of taking Ronan outside tonight, down to the playground. Duh, Maya. A playground? Poor guy is all hooked up to his machine and all he wanted to do was go down the freaking slide. Well guess what? He couldn’t go down the slide so I had to sit and watch my baby cry, hit, and scream for 20 minutes before I was even able to talk him into going back up to his room. Traumatic to say the least. Once we got up back to his room, he was still mad and obsessing over the playground. It has gone on almost the entire night, up until a few minutes ago when he finally passed out. My friend Stacy came to bring me dinner. She sweetly brought Ro a new Star Wars book that he does not have and that took his mind off of it for a bit, but not for long. Dr. Maze stopped by and Ronan was very grumpy to say the least. Dr. Maze tried to work his magic and asked one of the nurses if he could be unhooked for awhile tomorrow, to at least play on the playground and get some fresh air. She said she didn’t think so but he said he was going to talk to Dr. Wood for us. If that could happen, it would be oh so lovely. Just to see my little guy play and be a 3-year-old would be a dream come true. This week has been hard on him, even though he is acting like such a little trooper. Gay and Cal stopped by after Dr. Maze and Stacy left. Just seeing Cal made Ronan so happy. It reminds him of being with his brothers who he misses so very much. Cal and Ronan played and giggled the whole hour they were here. After he left the meltdown begin and lasted for about 2 hours. He was screaming, kicking, talking about the playground and wanting to go home and see his brothers. I stayed calm, tried to explain everything to him, and tried to distract him. He finally fell asleep after I rubbed his back and sang to him. Needless to say, my anxiety is through the roof right now. I need to go run about 6 miles and scream my lungs out. I know I won’t be able to sleep tonight<3<3<3 Gotta find something productive to do. Starting to write 5 billion thank you notes is sounding really good right about now.

Sweet dreams<3<3 What I would give for that.

4 responses to “Magic Medicine… Day 3, Round 3”

  1. You always talk about how Ronan is one of a kind and no doubt- HE IS. But you never say that about yourself and you are one of a kind too!!! You are inspirational to those of us who walk around and don’t appreciate the blessings we have. I cry every time I read your posts and pray for your family, because you deserve it!

  2. Well here I am up reading after not leaving a few hours ago. Cal really enjoys coming to see Ro. No wonder you flinched when I asked how your day was going. Ekkkk. He sure rallyed to the occasion because we had no idea he had been a stinker. He was loving,smiling, giggly and down right energetic. Personally I thought they had slipped jolt into the iv. Lol. Sleep is over rated anyway:))

    You are strong and can do this and don’t ever forget you are a fighter too. Truly you were calm and handled everything with grace. In hind sight we should have had cal lay down with him and watch a movie. Sorry trying to wear him out by playing. Most importantly we are there for you all with all of our heart and love. Stay strong and tell Ro he wants to stay on the rainbow list because Christmas is around the corner:))) Love you and only 1 more night and you will get home. Xoxo

    Gay, Cal and crew

  3. Hi Maya~ Praying that today is a better day…that Ronan gets a little bit of ‘3 year old time;’ that Woody and E.J. have safe travels on the start of a very successful/informative visit, and that you can have the kind of break today that will allow you to recharge…Take care on this last day in the hospital! xo michelle

  4. Hello Maya, Ronan and The Entire Thompson Family…Just a note to let you all know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers everyday!!!

    Much Love and Many Blessings Always!!!!!!!
    Michelle Bunger

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