The face of an angel

I’m not sure how much I’ll be able to write tonight. My husband says he does not have a wife anymore… he has a blogger. He needs me to spend some time with him. I will just say that today we had a great day. My mom is here and I know that I made the right decision on making her wait to come out and see us. She is stronger now and Ronan is stronger as well. Having her here is the perfect timing. She gets to see her sweet baby grandchild while he is feeling great. That is exactly what I wanted. I took Ronan out for his first time in 7 weeks. We went to Yogurtland and sat outside with Liam, Quinn, my mom, Gay, Chet, and Cal (Liam and Quinn’s buddies) Ronan was practically glowing. He was so happy to be out and with his brothers and friends. We sat outside on this beautiful AZ night and the boys played and giggled. I’m going to talk to the doctors tomorrow about Ronan being around other kids. Taking his childhood away from him is just not fair. He needs to be around other kids. Of course I had out the hand sanitizer every 5 minutes, but that’s o.k. At least he was out:) It was exactly what he needed.

My friend, Charisma, got back from Toronto today. She sent me a really beautiful email about her experience and I wanted to share. Instead of blogging a bunch tonight, I thought I would share a couple of things. Here is a little bit of what Charisma experienced.

I thought this trip to fundraise would be so heart breaking and sad- which was ok, I was ready for it. But you’re never ready to see kids fight so hard for their right to live. However, they inspired me so much!

A Dr. spoke at the gala dinner last night. He’s a Doctor from “Sickkids Hospital” in Toronto.
He said fund-raising equals life. (- whoa! ) He also said, “There is a cure.” There are new drugs out there to develop that can trick cancer cells from multiplying by getting the cancer cell to kill itself. 5 of his former patients are either; in residency, the lab or med school. By the time these kids finish school, there will be a cure. “This time” he said, ” it’s personal”
The beauty of the story is, kids weren’t surviving before. In the 80’s (?)there was a 5 percent survival rate for pediatric cancer patients. Now its 80 percent due to funding and awareness. There is HOPE! A little girl shared her story her survival of cancer. She said when my grandpa was in med school and if I had been diagnosed then, I would have died. But now, I live to see another day. ( Her grandpa discovered her illness) uh! So brave! So clear , so inspiring. And she’s not even 13 yet.

I know Ronan will make it! I just am sure of it. He will win and he will have changed lives by just being him. A fighter! A spunky little man with just the right amount of angel to stare cancer down!
I talk about Ronan to everyone I can. I talk about his bright eyes. I was on the plane home with Robin Antin from the Pussy Cat Dolls I told her to tweet about you and send her peeps to your blog. Hopefully she’ll do it. Other pediatric cancer patients are lucky a child with such a face has cancer. Unfortunately or fortunately, he will motivate more people to do more and give more because of his good looks. -And that’s ok. Its more meaningful to be the poster child for pediatric Cancer than the Gap. Yes? ( Not that you asked for that, Maya. No one wants their kid to be ill. – I hope you can see the silver lining in what I’m trying to articulate, a bit poorly.)
None the less, I read your blog every day, every post. I want to buy a Tee! A few! Do you have any left?
That’s all. Love to you!

Charisma is inspired, and moved, and is getting her wake up call in life. She now knows helping with childhood cancer awareness is something that she is going to be part of, for the rest of her life. She knows this because she looks at her beautiful little boy, Donovan, and knows it can happen to anyone. There needs to be more funding, more hope, and a cure. Charisma loves Ronan and loves us and is part of our army of angels. I know she hugs Donovan a little more tightly at night and I am so glad I can give her that gift. Even through all of my pain, it is worth it to me.

My last little thought is a comment on my blog that brought me to tears tonight. It’s from somebody that I don’t even know, but it really moved me. I would like to share that as well. Here it is below:

I have always been a believer that everything happens for a reason-no matter how small and seemingly insignificant-and that eventually the meanings for your actions become clear. That being said, the other day while in line at the grocery store, I picked up a copy of Us Weekly. While skimming I read that Tori Spelling had set up a Twitter account for her son and ended up adding him, Tori and then Denise Richards on Twitter.(I promise this is all relevant.) I do not read “Trashmags” and I log on to Twitter every once in a blue moon, so I really do believe this is special. Moments after I added Demise she tweeted something about 20k reason why and a link. I was intrigued and opened to find a fan page to get Oprah to do a show on Childhood Cancer. I began reading posts and looking at pictures of children who had lot their fight and whose parents simply wanted them to be “seen.” I fell asleep crying and in the rush of the past two days, completely forgot about it…

Today I went looking for my mothers blog, and happened onto the wrong one. It was one about mothers being better mothers before they were mothers. I skimmed and scrolled down to the comments where I saw a comment that said, “If you want to learn a thing or two about being a mother, read this blog.” I clicked through to find a beautiful little boy staring back at me-your army boy Ronan. I sat for about 2 hours and read this blog from start to today. I cried happy tears and sad tears and I laughed and sighed and felt your pain. In 2 hours I felt like I knew you, Ronan, Woody, Quinn, Liam, Mimi Kay, Lindsey, Winston, everyone. I was transferred into your heartbreaking and miraculous world. I would just like you to know that I am here. Both with you and for you and don’t hesitate to email if you just need to vent. I live on the East Coast, in CT. But I hope someday I will be able to meet you and your beautiful little fighter.

Love, hugs and prayers,

So, Cassidy… I just wanted to say thank you for this. Your email really touched me. It gives me strength to see that good things are coming from this heartbreaking journey we are on. It brings me joy to know that Ronan’s story is making a difference in people’s lives. He is the most special little boy and is going to win this fight for all of the other kids out there. He is strong enough to take this on and give others hope in their darkest hours. I, as his mother am his biggest advocate, and he inspires me everyday. He inspires me to work harder, be kinder, love stronger, and never give up. It is through his eyes that I see our battle being won. He is worth every ounce of blood, sweat and tears that comes from this. I will never give up hope and I will never stop fighting for all the children that also have to endure this kind of pain. If anything, I just want the people reading our journey to be the best parents they can possibly be to their kids. A child is the most precious thing on earth and if you are lucky enough to have kids who are healthy… please don’t ever take that for granted. You have no idea how lucky you are.

That is all tonight. My husband is giving me the death stare 😉 Goodnight and sweet dreams to you all!!!

5 responses to “The face of an angel”

  1. I read your postings every morning, my new inspiring morning ritual. This morning I read your posting first thing and thought it was great that your friend passed along the info to Robin, the more awareness the better. Then I checked my FB newsfeed, where the very first posting I see on there is from the Oprah group to do a show on childhood cancer – I was absolutely moved to see that they were linking everyone to Robin’s tweet about supporting the group and childhood cancer. So amazing how quickly Ronan can touch a life! I’m truly moved this morning by the outpouring of love 🙂 Love you guys!

  2. Yeah for the connection with getting the word out for Childhood Cancer. Maybe you will get on Oprah and Ronan can be the poster child. He sure is beautiful enough inside and out.

    Our family feels blessed to be able to spend 2 nights in a row with the Thompsons. Seeing Ronan was the high light of my week actually my month. He truly is amazing and he was so cute and happy. Hope the Bay Blades are not driving you all crazy. My boys just love it and it is a nice diversion from Star Wars. Don’t get me wrong we still a huge pull for Star Wars, but a nice change. Chetty and Cal came home and told their brother Nick about Ronan’s cool Ironman tubes. He was so strong to show the boys his barovic. They said, “he is so tough.” Anytime you need an outing please call us. We all LOVED meeting you out and a bonus to have your mom too. Enjoy your time with her and stay strong and healthy.


    Gay, Chetty and Cal (Nick and Barry in spirit)

    P.S. LET IT RIP!!!!!!!! (for those of you who do not know that is what you say when you fire off your bay blade to battle your opponent.)

  3. That’s a great email ..from both Charisma and Cassidy..thanks for sharing…and so glad Ronan got out and about and your mom is here …xoxoxo DD

  4. Imagine my surprise to see this!

    After reading this, I realize I never actually got to my point…I apologize-I was quite tired! Anyway, where I meant to go with this is here:

    I do not believe coming across this blog, coming across this story, this life being lead, was an accident. And paired with coming across the Oprah page, I have decided that I am going to make raising awareness about children and cancer a hobby. My own personal cause. (In addition to Youth Homelessness and Hunger, Autism, and Domestic Violence) If I can help raise awareness, I can help save a life. Or many!
    Maybe not Ronan’s-He’s so strong and has got so much love around him that I KNOW he will make it through! But someone, somewhere needs a little help fighting, so I’m joining the fight and saying “screw you cancer” right here with ya!

    In regard to what Charisma said, I agree-Ronan is so beautiful and would make the PERFECT poster child for childhood cancer and neuroblastoma. Let’s hope maybe that will help us raise some awareness and get Oprah to do a freakin’ show already!

    Yay Ronan for going out and being happy! 🙂

    More love, more hugs and more prayers,

  5. Maya,
    I realize I am responding on a very old post. I’m on my iPhone and can’t see where I could personally email you. Why I am even responding on this particular post is because this is the exact spot I am at in your journey. I did see a link on Facebook to read about your sweet sweet boy and his absolute beautiful face was what inspired me to click on your story. I have 3 children of my own and two of which are boys. There is a different connection between a son and mother that you just can’t deny. I have saved everyday where I have left off since I started to read your story a couple of nights ago and I can’t put it down like its a best seller book! You are raw, motavating and so inspiring. Since Ive started to read, your little boy has been in my thoughts so much! I have shared this story so much people have asked if I’m related with how passionate I am about your story. The other night I happened to be up so late drawn in to the beginning of this blog and cried so hard I actully had to hide from my 2 kids that came downstairs in the midst of my reading to get a drink. I hate that I know the outcome to this story I keep thinking he is so strong he’s is totally going to make it!! This world needs his absolute beautiful face. The comforting factor is is that through you and your blog, your family and friends and Taylor you are making Ronan’s life and his memory to live on forever mortally as well as spiritually. I just read your post about being that mom that gets all upset that your kids aren’t behaving in the store and getting in or out of the cart or standing up in the cart and what not. I experienced this today with my two boys being boys in the grocery store and i told the cashier about your blog and said how to appreciate all that comes with your kids.the hard..the good..the not so good..the challenging. You never know if theres something that happens and what you would give to have the chance to just have your baby in the store with you. Today I was so calm and just took it all in. You are teaching me to be a better mom and one who is trying to not take things so for granted. For that lesson I am truly grateful. Not sure why I was so inspired to write you tonight but If there’s something that you walk away with from reading this I just want you to know I think about your beautiful boy and his fight since I read this and the story speaks volumes to me. I honestly think I’ve never seen such a beautiful boy he truly looks like an angel and I’ve never even met him. Thank you for sharing something so personal. Can’t wait to hear what the future brings for you, woody,Liam,Quinn and poppy;)

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