Bret Michaels is a Rockstar of his word. Loved seeing this the other day!

Thank You, Bret for continuing to support The Ronan Thompson Foundation. You all can see Bret wearing his Rockstar Ronan bracelet in your Pet Smarts, everywhere. Awareness will change the face of childhood cancer. We are so thankful for the support.


One response to “Bret Michaels is a Rockstar of his word. Loved seeing this the other day!”

  1. Hi Maya, Its Darcy again. I just wanted to leave you a comment on my one year post without my dear husband Joshua. As you know, or might not, depending if you hadn’t read it yet, (I know you are a busy mom/wife/cancer supergirl fighting the hard fight) Being a year from when he died doesn’t make it any easier. As I’m sure you are well aware.Time just puts you further from the devastating event but it really doesn’t make it any less devastating.

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