Time, compassion, remembrance and empathy does not come in the form of a pill.

She is changing the world. She is getting shit done. She is moving mountains. She is on of the biggest reasons that I am alive. She is responsible for saving my life. I am thankful every single hell on earth day for her. I love you, Dr. JoRo.


9 responses to “Time, compassion, remembrance and empathy does not come in the form of a pill.”

  1. Wow, she is amazing.

  2. Wow. What an amazing/inspiring woman! So glad you found her! If more people thought about others the way she does the world would be a better place. Between Rockstar Ronan and Dr. JoRo, WATCH OUT WORLD!

  3. Everyone reacts differently to the death of a loved one. And sometimes the shock of the death, even if it is anticipated, may not wear off for quite a long time. Dr. JoRo is right about the way society and the general medical community regulating the DSM are handling grief. It is preposterous and outrageous. I’m so glad there are people like Dr. JoRo out there to help the bereaved in a manner that is exactly what is needed. Someone to sit with them, hold their hand and just plain listen as opposed to trying to “fix the problem”. A “problem” that cannot be “fixed”.

    Please feel free to share this with Dr. JoRo and let her know we love and support her the way we love and support you, Maya.

  4. Wow. Wow. Wow. Dr. Jo is a………….ma……………..zing!

  5. Absolutely RoMazing!! She leaves me speechless and I am so thankful Ro led you to her. She is beautiful in every way.

  6. Wow. That couldn’t have been any more well said and definitely not any more well written. What a gift she has, and what an incredible person she is to give so much to so many. I’m so glad she’s such a big part of your l

  7. Oops…such a big part of your life. Oh and btw, love, love, loved the sign language song. That was AWESOME!! xo michelle

  8. Maya, I just heard this interview on NPR’s StoryCorps and wanted to share it with you. A 12-year-old boy who is now clear of Neuroblastoma interviews his mom. I was struck by his gratitude for life…he sounds like such an old soul, and his insight reminded me of what you have shared with us about your rockstar boys. How at such a young age these kids have the depth to appreciate life is inspiring and amazing. It will make you cry (please know that I don’t want to add to your sadness) but I’m pretty sure that you will be grateful for this story of hope, light and love.

    Peace and love to you, beautiful soul.


  9. Thanks for sharing, Maya. I got so tearful reading the stories of all the parents who have lost their children. I think as a society we need to learn how to be there for people who are grieving. Everyone is so uncomfortable dealing with death and never know what to say to those who are grieving. We would all benefit if we could understand the process better.

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