We aren’t stopping with signatures. We are starting a movement. Are you in?!?!


Thank you, Cathy. Please go and enjoy Disneyland and your kids now. We are all moved by your story, heart, and braveness. You are an inspiration to us ALL.



We are consistently amazed by how much support we get from adults who have fought cancer, and say, “kids should never have to go through this.”  We want to show the White House that raising awareness for kids’ cancer isn’t just important to the parents’ of our littlest cancer fighters – it is important to ALL OF US.


How you can help:


1.  Adult Survivors / All Cancer fighters take a picture of yourself holding a sign (template and examples below).


2.  You can hand-write the sign on poster board or have it printed. Make sure it’s large enough to read.


3.  Follow the template and keep it simple! We want the message to be loud, strong & clear.


4.  We will post the pictures on social media, and make a slide show from the pictures. By sending us your picture, you are consenting to the dissemination of your photo.


5.  Send the photos to Rebecca@RonanThompson.org by MONDAY, January 28, midnight EST. (We wish we had more time, but the petition window ends on February 6.)




The Ronan Thompson Foundation




I’m [NAME]. I am a [type] cancer survivorBut I’m asking you to shine a light on pediatric cancer, the #1 disease killer of our kids. Mr. President, light the White House GOLD this September.


Please sign the petition:


9 responses to “We aren’t stopping with signatures. We are starting a movement. Are you in?!?!”

  1. Awesome! I sure you are on it….but can you put something similar on FB so I can share it to my page?

    Thanks for all your hard work!


    Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 00:38:02 +0000 To: rdiarizona@msn.com

  2. I have been requesting to have my name removed from this list and I am still getting your emails. Please take me off your list.

    1. Debbie, I cannot remove your email. You have to unsubscribe. This is via wordpress:No we cannot block, unsubscribe or delete subscribers from public blogs. However, please read this about public blogs that become private blogs > Blog Privacy and Subscribers > http://wpcommaven.wordpress.com/2011/09/05/blog-privacy-and-subscribers/

  3. I commend you for getting the signatures for the white house being turned gold in September!! Have you ever thought about contacting the NFL and getting them to make September gold for them too? They do it for breast cancer and I know millions of people watch football and it could bring so much more light to childhood cancer and help raise that much more money!

    1. I am going to see if I can request it. Awesome idea – we have to do as much as possible to share awareness for something so important!

  4. Totally in, Maya. I really never read comments but for some reason I did on this one. In fact I really think it is absurd that I comment. You and the dream team are far too busy kicking cancers ass to be bothered with comments coming in…yet still I do as even if they are never read…in the event that you need to see the people behind you are present–loving you and remembering Ronan each day…well evidence exists, even from relative strangers. Well I hope and am sure Debbie simply prefers to check the blog on her own and just.
    doesn’t like email notifications. Burying your. head in the sand…checking out? I
    just cannot fathom.

  5. Absolutely amazing Maya! I continue to keep up with all you are doing…you and your family are such a blessing to so many ❤

  6. Jacob's Nanny Avatar
    Jacob’s Nanny

    Fantastic work Maya! Knew you could do it no worries… You really are Ro-mazing!

  7. Hi Maya, you guys should do this with kids too! Maybe a picture before diagnosis and after? I know its hell for everyone but if this is about the kids, then show them what happens! Those St. Jude commercials get me everytime and I’m sure parents would flood you with their babies pics. Whether still in the battle or no longer fighting 😦 (I couldn’t think how to put that for the life of me, sorry.) I know that picture of Ronan holding the flower is the most beautiful thing and still holds a piece of my soul. All these beautiful babies who have fought or are fighting, they have to see!! Put a face to the names. Just an idea! Keep up the amazing work ladies, you are all seriously kicking ass, just like you said you would!

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